A Look Ahead at the 88th ANNUAL MEETING of SNAME
The 88th Annual Meeting of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers will convene at The New York Hilton Hotel on November 13-15, 1980 according to an announcement made by Lester Rosenblatt, president of the Society.
"Again this year," Mr. Rosenblatt said, "we will have 14 excellent technical papers on Thursday and Friday . . . . I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the President's Luncheon on Thursday, the Banquet on Friday, and of course, the Saturday night Dinner-Dance." The papers have been especially selected by the Society's Papers Committee for the highest interest to the largest number of people attending, and the final printed papers, discussions and authors' closures will constitute most of the Society's Transactions, to be published in 1981.
Mr. Rosenblatt will give his final message as president at the President's Luncheon in the West Ballroom. Several important awards will be made, among the Cochrane Award and the Joseph H. Linnard Prize, at the Luncheon.
The Annual Business Session will be held at 4:00 p.m. in the Trianon Ballroom, where the members will elect a new president of the Society for a two-year term beginning January 1, 1981.
On Friday at 7:30 p.m., the Annual Banquet will take place in the Grand Ballroom with Mr.
Rosenblatt presiding. After the dinner, the David W. Taylor Medal will be awarded to Peter M.
Palermo, director, Structural Integrity Division, Naval Sea Systems Command. The Vice Admiral "Jerry" Land Medal will be given to P. Takis Veliotis, executive vice president-marine, General Dynamics Corp. and general manager, Electric Boat Division. The biennially awarded Davidson Medal will be presented to Manley St.
Denis, professor emeritus, University of Hawaii. The Elmer A.
Sperry Award will be made to Leslie J. Clark for pioneering work in LNG transport.
The Banquet speaker will be David S. Lewis, chairman and chief executive officer, General Dynamics Corporation.
Many members will return to the Grand Ballroom on Saturday n i g h t to dine and dance the evening away to the strains of the Steven Scott Orchestra, at SNAME's Annual Dinner-Dance.
Technical Sessions The technical papers will be presented at the time listed in the accompanying chart and in the rooms shown.
The technical papers are: Paper No. 1—"Development of Protective Covering Systems for Steel and Bronze Ship Propellers" by Francis J. Dashnaw, Ambrose A. Hochrein Jr., Robert S. Weinreich.
Paul K. Conn and Ivan C.
SYNOPSIS — This paper reports on the development of elastomeric covering systems suitable for the protection of the surfaces of steel and bronze ship propellers. The development of covering systems f o r steel propellers will reduce the capital costs of propellers and the cost of cathodic protection by providing the necessary protection against cavitation erosion, erosion and galvanic corrosion while providing a smooth surface.
For existing bronze propellers, the covering systems will reduce cavitation erosion damage and cathodic p r o t e c t i o n requirements, and improve propulsion efficiency.
Paper No. 2 — " E f f e c t s of Hull F o u l a n t s and Cleaning/Coating Practices on Ship Performance and Economics" by John Austin Malone, David E. Little and Michael Allman.
SYNOPSIS — Relationships between the parameters of ship design, operation and economics affected by hull surface condition are discussed and integrated in a Hull Performance A s s e s s m e nt Model. Exercises of this model demonstrate that significant benefits are attainable through the optimization of hull recoating and in-situ cleaning schedules. The model is shown to be a practical tool to assess alternative hull surface management practices for widely varying ship types, operating profiles and economic scenarios.
Paper No. 3—"Liquid Dynamic Loads in LNG Cargo Tanks" by Robert L. Bass III, E.B. Bowles and P.A. Cox.
SYNOPSIS — This paper evaluates dynamic sloshing loads in LNG cargo tanks, and reviews worldwide scale model sloshing data for the purposes of defining design load coefficients. Analytical methods are presented which provide techniques for determining wall structural response to dynamic slosh loads. A methodology is given for designing various tank structures affected by dynamic slosh loads.
Paper No. 4—"Service Experience with 125,000-m3 LNG Vessels of Spherical Tank Design" by Joseph J. Cuneo, George A. Gilmore and Edmund G. Tornay.
SYNOPSIS—This paper describes the development and start-up of the Indonesia-Japan LNG trade, and provides the characteristics of the eight U.S.-flag 125,000-m3 LNG vessels used in the trade.
Also discussed are gas trials and voyage characteristics, improvements based on service experience, including modifications to cargo and ballast system components, the main reduction gear, and internal components of the boilers. Design of the cargo control system and reliability in electronic control systems are the most critical factors in determining the operation effectiveness of LNG vessels.
Paper No. 5—"Technology Survey of Major U.S. Shipyards" by Robert Lowry, William L. Stevens and John D.F. Craggs.
SYNOPSIS—This is a report on a technology survey of 13 major U.S. shipyards and 16 comparable foreign shipyards. Over 2,000 technology level determinations are placed in perspective with the results presented in terms of comparison among U.S. shipyards and between US. and foreign shipyards.
The results identify areas where U.S. shipyards could improve their efficiency.
Paper No. 6—" A Rational Methodology for the P r e d i c t i o n of Structural Response Due to Collisions of Ships" by Pin Yu Chang, Frederick Seibold and Chirasak Thasanatorn.
SYNOPSIS — A rational methodology based on a synthesis of the modern finite element techniques, the collapse theorems, and the experimental data from collision tests is proposed for the prediction of the collision impact force and structural damages. The difficulties of the existing approaches also are discussed.
Paper No. 7—"Practical Design Approaches for the Analysis of Barge Performance in Offshore Transportation and L a u n c h i ng Operations" by Rubin Szajnberg, William Greiner, Henry T. Chen and Philip Rawstron.
SYNOPSIS — The problems and solution techniques encountered in quantifying the safety factors involved in the transportation of large offshore structures on deck cargo barges form the basis of this paper. The primary factors considered are e n v i r o n m e n t al force prediction, stability, motion and strength, and their interaction which forms criteria for selecting an acceptable barge/jacket c o n f i g u r a t i o n for towing and launching operations. The methodologies are presented and compared in light of the state-of-theart in naval a r c h i t e c t u r e and structural analysis.
Paper No. 8—"Motions and Hydrodynamic Loads of a Ship Advancing in Oblique Waves" by C.H. Kim, Frank S. Chou and David Tien.
SYNOPSIS — Application of a strip method are made evaluating the following: wave- and motioninduced forces and moments, response motions, wave loads on cross-section and relative motions of vessels of diverse configurations ; also ocean bottom effects on ship motions and speed effects on roll damping. Less favorable results are shown for shorter waves and higher ship speed.
Paper No. 9—"Ship Maneuvering and Control in Wind" by Leonard L. Martin.
SYNOPSIS—This paper examines the effects of wind on the control and turning of ships in general (rather than specific ships as in previous studies), identifies the major parameters d e t e r m i n i ng the several possible modes of behavior, describes possible ways of measuring course-keeping behavior by ship trials, and ends with some recommendations for design for satisfactory handling in wind.
Paper No. 10 — "Measurement of Hydrodynamic Characteristics from Ship Maneuvering Trials by System Identification" by Martin A. Abkowitz.
SYNOPSIS — System identification techniques were developed for the purpose of determining the hydrodynamic coefficients in maneuvering of the ship f r om the measurement of the motion responses resulting from rudder action during ship trials. These techniques were used to specify the trial maneuvers of the Esso Osaka (VLCC), and to "measure" the ship's hydrodynamic characteristics from the data obtained during these trials.
Paper No. 11—"Guidelines for Prevention of Excessive Ship Vibration" by Helge Johannessen and Knut T. Skaar.
SYNOPSIS—The authors describe when and how to do what by the use of simple formulas. They suggest the minimum number of investigations necessary for making the designer qualified to take the first decisions in the evaluation process without assistance from vibration experts. Costly and time-consuming calculations are recommended only when serious vibration problems may occur.
Paper No. 12—"Hydroelasticity and Vibrations of Internal Steelwork of Tanks" by Guy C. Volcy, Michele M. Baudin, Michel D.
Bereau and Francois G. Besnier.
SYNOPSIS — Theoretical studies aimed at solving the problem of vibrations revealed the lack of a rational method for taking into account an important parameter, the apparent supplementary mass (called virtual added mass of fluid). It was necessary to estabblish a program including fluid finite elements and coupling ele- ments with solid elements used by F.E.M. calculations, enabling the designer to proceed with such calculations and correctly treat the concerned vibratory problems.
The paper presents the results of these theoretical studies concerning F.E.M. modelization of the steelwork and calculations of free vibrations in air and in fluid of the assembly of a transverse ring of a tanker, calling for lumped masses and fluid finite-element methods. The correlation with measurements also is presented.
Paper No. 13 — "Notes on Thrusters for Ship Maneuvering and Dynamic Positioning" by Ralph A. Norrby and Donald E.
SYNOPSIS—This paper presents the historical d e v e l o p m e n t of thrusters as maneuvering aids, as well as current thruster types and their applications. Various aspects of mechanical design are discussed including gears, bearings and seals. Hydrodynamic considerations based on model testing are explored, and a merit coefficient based on the work of Bendemann is proposed for use. In addition, thruster controls and sources of vibration and noise are addressed.
Paper No. 14—"Early Design- Stage Approach to Reducing Hull Surface Forces Due to Propeller Cavitation" by Kjell Olav Holden, Odd Fagerjord and Ragnar Frostad.
SYNOPSIS — The authors have based their paper on regression analysis of data from model wake field measurements and full-scale investigations. Recommendations on selection of afterbody lines to reduce the wake peak are given for both slender V-shaped and full-form ships. Presented are criteria for acceptable pressure fluctuations on the hull which should give satisfactory local vibration level in the afterbody structure as well as global vibration levels in the accommodation area. As a basis for further investigations, more specific guidelines are presented on selecting main propeller parameters and clearances, and a proposal on using the developed methods in a complete procedure is made.
Discussions of the papers, both written and oral, will be given after each paper to the extent that time permits.
Special Events Business Session—The Annual Business Session will immediately follow the presentation and discussion of Paper No. 5 in the Trianon Ballroom at 4:00 p.m.
on Thursday, November 13. The agenda for this meeting will include the election of the president of the Society, consideration of proposed amendments to the Bylaws, a report of the elections which occurred at the Council Meeting on Wednesday, and such other business as may be introduced by the Chair.
Ladies' Hospitality and Information —- A special area will be set aside in the East Promenade, third floor, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday for SNAME ladies and their guests to pick up information on places to visit and things to do and see in New York. Maps, brochures and other helpful suggestions will be available. Coffee will be served.
Authors' Breakfast — Authors, presiding officers and assistant presiding officers will meet at breakfasts on the days of thensessions at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday in Suite 524, and on Friday in Suite 520.
Sections Committee Breakfast —Breakfast will be served on Thursday in Suite 526 at 7:30 a.m.
Membership Committee Breakfast— Yearly meeting will be held at breakfast on Friday in Suite 517 at 7:30 a.m.
President's Luncheon — A general reception will be held in the West Ballroom Foyer at 12:00 noon on Thursday prior to the President's Luncheon. The President's Luncheon will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the West Ballroom on the third floor. Featured on the program will be the presentation of several important awards and an address by the president of the Society.
Annual Banquet — The 88th Annual Banquet will take place on Friday evening, November 14, starting at 7:30 p.m.
Dinner-Dance — The Dinner- Dance will be held in the Grand Ballroom on Saturday, November 15. A reception will be held in the Grand Ballroom Foyer starting at 7:00 p.m. The Dinner- Dance will start at 8:30 p.m.
Read A Look Ahead at the 88th ANNUAL MEETING of SNAME in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of November 1980 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from November 1980 issue
- "Marine Encyclopaedic Dictionary" By Eric Sullivan Just Published page: 4
- MarAd Bid Opening On Prepositioning Vessels Postponed To January 19 page: 4
- Brown Marine Requests Title XI For Two Barges To Cost $3.6 Million Total page: 4
- Reading & Bates Orders Two Jackup Drilling Rigs At Cost Of $80 Million page: 6
- Hunt Company Names Elmo Bergeron Sales Manager For Louisiana page: 6
- Pump Test Facility Described At Hampton Roads SNAME Meeting page: 6
- Ambroseno Elected New President Of Wild Goose Association page: 6
- Hunt And Watson Join Nashville Bridge Co. As Plant Engineers page: 8
- International Paint Seminar Stressed Importance Of Smooth Hull page: 10
- Graham Named New York Operations Manager for MacGregor Land & Sea page: 10
- Halter Introduces New Line Of Fire Utility Vessels page: 10
- Bethlehem-Beaumont Yard Commissions Jackup— Gets Order For Two More page: 10
- ASNE Northern New England Section Hears Gas Turbine Report page: 12
- Dravo SteelShip Delivers Pilot Boats For Panama Canal page: 12
- Senator Inouye Is Recipient Of 1980 AOTOS Award page: 13
- ASEA Offering Systems For Conserving Fuel- Literature Available page: 13
- A Look Ahead at the 88th ANNUAL MEETING of SNAME page: 14
- New Tank Gauging System Has Modular Components- Literature Available page: 14
- Wasacz Named Executive Vice President For Matson Navigation page: 14
- Si-Tex Enters VHF/FM Marine Field- Literature Available page: 16
- Red Fox Industries Names Flo-Systems As Agent In California page: 16
- Alaskan-Built Drilling Rig Unveiled By VANguard Industries page: 17
- Manual Gauging System Approved By USCG & ABS —Literature Available page: 19
- $4.7-Million Spanish Navy Contract Awarded To Stewart & Stevenson page: 19
- Traylor Named General Manager Of Halter's Chicasaw Division page: 20
- Lykes Expands Freight Stations To Improve Intermodal Service page: 20
- Campbell Industries Launches Superseiner For Mexican Owner page: 22
- Cummins-Powered Pusher Tug Is First Of Three For Archway page: 22
- Suez Canal And Egyptian Ports Specialist Opens New York Office page: 24
- Woven Glass Insulation Introduced By HITCO— Literature Available page: 24
- Dunford And Wilkins Get New Management Posts At CDI Marine Company page: 24
- Second License Agreement To Build B&W Diesels Approved By China page: 26
- Hyde/Henschel Steering Failure Alarm Meets USCG And IMCO Rules page: 26
- Robert W. Maceluch Named Controller At Ryan-Walsh Stevedoring page: 26
- Self-Unloader For ACR Launched At Collingwood Yard page: 28
- Blume Worldwide Named Sales Representative For Selco Group Of Singapore page: 28
- New Valves Announced By Watts Regulator- Literature Available page: 28
- World-Wide Executive Helmut Sohmen Elected Chairman Of IMIF page: 28
- Trctnsway Orders Second $22-Million Trailership From Jos. L. Meyer Yard page: 29
- Combustion Gas Testers Check Boiler Efficiency —Literature Available page: 29
- Two Dredges For Private Industry Christened In New Orleans page: 30
- Lykes President Amoss To Get American Legion Merchant Marine Award page: 31
- Hensley Named President, Fernandez Vice Chairman Of Service Machine page: 32
- Partek Offers Versatile Water Jetting System- Literature Available page: 32
- Partek Offers Versatile Water Jetting System- Literature Available page: 32
- Dravo SteelShip To Build Two Cat-Powered Towboats For A&G Transportation page: 32
- Mexican Shipyard Orders ESAB Mechanized Panel Line page: 32
- Far East-Levingston To Build Semisubmersible For Consafe Offshore page: 33
- MESCO Awarded Three Contracts To Build Offshore Equipment page: 33
- APM Offers Literature On Contamination Control In Shipboard Fluid Systems page: 34
- 500th Dodwell Fuel Oil Blender Installed In Ogden Products Carrier page: 34
- B&W Will Construct Four Bulk Carriers For China Ocean Shipping page: 36
- Hallett Named Vice President-Finance And Treasurer At NASSCO page: 37
- SMS To Represent Two Scandinavian Co.'s In U.S. —Brochure Available page: 37
- Polish-Built RO/RO Features Navire Cargo Access Gear page: 38
- SNAME Lakes/Rivers Section Fall Meeting Held In Minnesota page: 38
- Delaware Marine's Latest Delivery Is Stern Trawler "American Eagle7 page: 38
- ABS Publishes 1980 Rules On Building And Classing Offshore Drilling Rigs page: 39
- Jotun Hosts Technical Seminar For New York-Based Shipowners page: 40
- Belcher Spill Conference Featured Prevention, Control, And Cleanup page: 40
- $280-Million Expansion At CNR Palermo Yard Nears Completion page: 41
- Cartner, Gaffney Named Director And Associate At ADI Transportation page: 41
- Long Beach-L.A. ASNE Meeting Hears Talk On Diego Garcia page: 42
- Lofton And Kennerson Named Division Managers At The Offshore Company page: 43
- Berman Of NRL Recipient Of 'Distinguished Executive' Award page: 44
- $7-Million Contract For Offshore Fire Pumps Awarded To Worthington page: 44
- Philadelphia Section Of SNAME Hears Update On Coatings page: 44
- Newport News Shipbuilding Delivers U.S. Navy Nuclear-Powered Cruiser page: 44
- Linane Renamed General Chairman-Marine Section Of NSC page: 44
- Bird-Johnson Building New $5-Million Facility To Machine Blades page: 45
- EUROPORT '80 page: 46
- China Shipbuilding Delivers Self-Unloading Cement Carrier page: 47
- Don Welch Succeeds Clifford O'Hara As President Of AAPA page: 47
- Huge Jacket Launching Barge For McDermott Delivered By Hitachi page: 48
- Navy's Fleet Oiler Design Described At Chesapeake SNAME page: 48
- China Licensed To Build And Install MacGregor Cargo Access Equipment page: 49
- Coastal Towing Seeks Title XI On Eight Vessels To Cost $11.7 Million Total page: 50
- Holland America Orders $135-Million Luxury Liner From French Shipyard page: 50
- HUDSHIP Reenters Towboat Market With Delivery Of 'Belgian' page: 51
- MarAd Approves Title XI For Vessels Costing $12.4 Million page: 51
- Nagi Named Hawaii Area Sales Manager For General Cable page: 54
- Charles Truzinski Elected President Of Amhoist's Crosby Group page: 54
- Bath Iron Works Gets Navy Contracts Worth About $15.4 Million page: 56
- Trevor Smith Appointed Vice President Of CTI page: 56
- McAllister Addresses SNAME Conference On Energy Conservation page: 59
- Phillips Named Principal Surveyor-Western Europe For American Bureau page: 60
- Goff Power Blast Cleans Horizontal Surfaces- Literature Available page: 60
- $3.2-Million Contract Awarded By Avondale To Collins Division page: 61
- Trond Ulven Will Head Simrad's New West Coast Office In Seattle page: 64
- New Container Terminal Has Most Modern Paceco Gantry Crane In Alaska page: 65
- Northern California SNAME Hears Paper On Energy Conservation page: 66
- Matson Cuts Fuel Consumption page: 66
- St. Louis Ship Lays Keel For First Peavey Towboat page: 71
- Friedmann Will Head New Eclectech Office In Virginia Beach page: 72
- R.L. Lanier Elected Vice President At Martin Logicon Energy page: 72
- Masonite Introduces Lighter Joiner Panel- Literature Available page: 73
- Two Belgian Yards Merge —Jackson And Marepcon Are U.S. Representatives page: 74
- R.L. Stone To Head Maritime Affairs At Port Of San Francisco page: 74
- D.R. Enroth Named Vice President For Alaska Maritime Agencies page: 76
- Tracor To Develop Japanese Tactical Support Center page: 76
- D.J. Duffy Appointed Midwest Region Manager For Port Of Oakland page: 77
- Ballast Monitor Meets IMCO And USCG Rules- Literature Available page: 77
- Si-Tex Introduces New Line Of Marine Radars —Literature Available page: 78
- Jaeger Named Gulf Coast Marine Marketing Rep For Mobil Oil Corp. page: 78
- LOOP Awards Training Contract To Marine- Safety International page: 79
- Past Section Chairmen Honored At New York SNAME Meeting page: 80
- Olof J. Wadehn Enterprises Appointed Karl Senner, Inc. Sales Agent For East Coast —Literature Available page: 81
- Cast Acquires Seatrain Facilities In Europe And North America page: 81
- Frick Company Offers Brochure On MCM Refrigeration Compressor page: 82
- J.N. Wood Replaces F.A. Lawrence As President Of Deepsea Ventures page: 82
- J.R. Stadelman Will Head Morgan Unit Of AMCA International page: 83
- Rockwell International Gets $4-Million Contract For Navy ASW Program page: 83
- New York Port Engineers Discuss Shipbuilding Standards page: 86
- Webb Alumni Banquet November 13th Will Honor Edward Renshaw page: 86
- Ron Zeller Appointed President Of Miami-Based Norwegian Caribbean Lines page: 87
- Pressure Sensor Indicates Engine Cylinder Load- Literature Available page: 88
- Hudson Named President, Heaton And Green Senior VPs Of Arthur-Smith page: 88
- California Maritime Academy Receives Delaval Training Engine page: 90
- Ultrasonic Thickness Gage Available With LCD Readout —Literature Available page: 91
- New Systems Monitor Fuel Efficiency- Literature Available page: 95
- Allegro Ltd. Named Butterworth Systems Sales Rep In Taiwan page: 96
- New Brochure Describes PMH Maintenance System —Free Copies Available page: 96
- Antworth Named Master Of American Hawaii's Oceanic Independence page: 96
- Farmer And Breyer Named Program General Managers At GE-Daytona Beach page: 97
- Floating Drydock Topic At Fall Meeting Of SNAME Gulf Section page: 97
- Dynamics Of Moored Vessel:; Topic At Los Angeles SNAMIE page: 98
- China Shipbuilding Gets Order To Build Jackup Rig For Santa Fe page: 99
- Wink Named Sales Manager-Control Products At Denison Division page: 99
- Two Orders For Six LNG Ships At GD-Quincy Yard Will Exceed $1 Billion page: 100
- Management Changes At Devoe Marine Coatings For G. Moran And M. Sloan page: 100
- Morrow Adds Two New Chart Depth Recorders- Literature Available page: 101
- Rosenblatt Expands West Coast Operations—Gets $7.2-Million Navy Contract page: 101
- Wartsila Turku Yard Will Build Cruise Ship For Iraq page: 102
- Kings Point Fund Gets $20,000 From Dreyfus Foundation page: 102
- Todd Pacific Announces Two Management Changes At Seattle Shipyard page: 103
- lotron Gets $4-Million Shell Order For Some 70 Digiplot Radar Plotters page: 104
- Heim Named Development Engineering Manager At Rockwell International page: 104
- Burns Named Manager Of Waterman Steamship's New Office In Baltimore page: 104
- Impact Of Climatology On Ship Design Discussed At Chesapeake SNAME page: 105
- Crescent Towing And T. Smith & Son Sold To New Owners page: 106
- Newport News Shipbuilding Launches Nuclear Submarine page: 106
- Miller And Coss Join Tampa Shipyards As Vice Presidents page: 107
- Miklos And DesRochers Promoted At Systems Engineering Associates page: 107
- Halter Completes Five-Boat Contract For Pelham Marine page: 110