R.L. Lanier Elected Vice President At Martin Logicon Energy

The board of directors of Martin Logicon Energy Company of Pine Bluff and North Little Rock, Ark., recently announced the election of Roger L. Lanier as vice president of Martin Logicon Energy Company, Martin Terminals Company, and Logicon, Inc.

Mr. Lanier is a former U.S.

Coast Guard officer and retired f r om the service with the rank of chief warrant officer. He has extensive experience in all phases of the maritime industry. He attended Armstrong Jr. College at Savannah, Ga., and has completed courses in the United States Justice School, the United States Army Management School, General S e r v i c e s A d m i n i s t r a t i on Source Data Automation School, and the U n i t e d S t a t e s Coast Guard Merchant Marine Safety School.

Prior to joining Martin Logicon Energy Company in January of 1980, he was marine superintendent of Louisiana Mud Co., Inc. of Houma, La. The Martin Logicon Energy Co. owns and operates two terminals currently used for storage of diesel fuels, fuel oils and caustic soda. They also own towboats and barges for handling fuels and liquid chemicals owned by their clients.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


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