New Systems Monitor Fuel Efficiency- Literature Available

Throughout the world, shipping companies are converting to less powerful but more efficient propulsion, switching to diesels, or striving to get a better handle on fuel consumption in both diesel engines and steam turbines. A New O r l e a n s - b a s e d technology company, U l t r a P r o d u c t s Systems, Inc., has climaxed five years of research and development by bringing out a unique system for fuel control in both marine and stationary engines.

The company's Powerometer, or its more advanced Ship E f f i - ciency Analyzer ( S E A ) , have been ordered for more than 60 ships throughout the world. Exxon International has ordered systems f o r f o u r s h i p s being built at China Shipbuilding in Taiwan.

American President Lines, Chevron, El Paso Marine, Esso Petroleum Ltd., Exxon U.S.A., and Farrell Lines are other major companies that have ordered the Ultra Products systems.

Designed for use aboard both diesel and steam vessels, the Powerometer is a micro-processorbased system that provides accurate and continuous readouts on horsepower output, shaft torque, revolutions per minute, and shaft horsepower hours. The system does not require telemetry or contact with the shaft, thus eliminating problems of drift, maintenance, and installation, according to Ultra Products president Harold Crane.

The information, tested out at better than one-half of one percent accuracy, appears on digital display panels, making possible immediate corrections to maintain the propulsion plant at maximum fuel efficiency. These corrections could include alternative uses of engines or engine components, more careful tuning of elements in the power train, or other aspects of sea operations. The ship's engineer can observe immediately if the engine is not turning up rated horsepower.

The torque readings help to reveal engine efficiency, and can alert to "over-torqueing" beyond stated limits, which can cause breakdowns or excessive wear on shaft, gears, or other propulsion elements.

The Ship Efficiency Analyzer is a second-generation advancement in the horsepower/torsion system.

It provides c o n t i n u o u s d i g i t al readouts on the bridge on fuel use as measured in barrels of fuel consumed per mile, and in the engine room as measured in fuel rate and percentage of power plant efficiency. The display panel on the bridge provides the captain or mate with fuel use related to operation of the vessel and to external conditions that affect fuel consumption.

In addition, the SEA system simultaneously makes a permanent recording of fuel consumption and other information, providing fleet management with a specialized report containing a summary of voyage events essential to the vessel's fuel efficiency.

With a minimum of computation, management is greatly aided in making many cost-effective decisions on vessel o p e r a t i o n and maintenance.

A key element in the Ultra Products system is its simplicity, said Mr. Crane. "It does not require a multitude of sensors. They do not come in contact with the shaft. It is a solid-state system with no moving parts. Installation is simple. Maintenance is kept to a minimum. And the data produced do not require elaborate calculations to determine fuel efficiency," he explained.

For further information or free literature on these systems, write to Harold Crane, Dept. M.R., Ultra Products Systems, Inc., 5015 River Road, Harahan, LA 80123.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


Maritime Reporter

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