Bath Iron Works Gets Navy Contracts Worth About $15.4 Million

C o n t r a c t s t o t a l i n g approximately $15.4 million have been awarded to Bath Iron Works by the Naval Sea Systems Command for additional work on four guided- missile frigates constructed by the Maine shipbuilding firm, president John F. Sullivan Jr. announced.

Mr. Sullivan said the contracts had been received for work on the Clark ( F F G - l l ) , the Samuel Eliot Morison (FFG-13), the Estocin (FFG-15), and the Clifton S p r a g u e ( F F G - 1 6 ) . The four ships, which are among 18 of the new guided-missile frigates BIW has contracted to build for the Navy, have been or are in the process of being delivered to the Navy. The new contracts call for the ships to return to the shipyard after their shakedown cruises for additional work and modifications requested by the Navy.

The contracts brought to $45 million the amount of additional work announced by the shipyard in recent days. Earlier, Mr. Sullivan had announced that a contract of approximately $30 million had been finalized with Sun Shipbuilding of Chester, Pa., for construction of a 350-foot, seagoing dredge. The d r e d g e is scheduled to be delivered in April of 1982.

Under the new Navy contracts, the four frigates are slated to s t a r t r e t u r n i n g to Bath Iron Works in January of 1981 for the modifications, with the work scheduled to be completed in January of 1982.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


Maritime Reporter

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