R.L. Stone To Head Maritime Affairs At Port Of San Francisco

Ronald L. Stone has been named to head maritime activities at the Bort of San Francisco, it was announced by port director Edward L. David. "This appointment completes the reorganization of the Port's management," Mr. David said.

As deputy director of maritime affairs, Mr. Stone will manage one of the three key divisions, joining Anthony J. Taormina, deputy director of planning and research, and Thomas K. Yerkes, deputy director of finance and administration.

Prior to this appointment, Mr.

Stone was with the U.S. Maritime Administration in Washington, D.C. as Deputy Assistant Administrator for Maritime Aids, a senior executive service position. His experience includes 17 years in the Federal and private sector of the maritime industry, and since 1973 he has served on the U.S.

delegation f o r the negotiation and implementation of the U.S.-USSR Maritime Agreement.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


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