$3.2-Million Contract Awarded By Avondale To Collins Division

Rockwell International Corporation's Collins Communications Systems Division has been awarded a $3.2-million c o n t r a c t by Avondale Shipyards of New Orleans to design and build an automated M F / H F / V H F shipboard communications system. The contract is for three shipsets of equipment for the three containerships being built for the American President Lines.

Design for the automated ship's radio station represents a significant advancement in maritime technology and capability. The system provides radiotelephone, teletype, and telegraph service under processor control. This allows the radio officer to operate the equipment in an unattended mode. The system meets Safety of Life at Sea-74 and FCC requirements for ship radio stations.

System c a p a b i l i t i e s include: message entry, composition, and e d i t i n g on video display unit (VDU) ; message entry from automatic send-receiver t e l e t y p e; message receipt on VDU to teletype ; display of transmitter and receiver status on VDU; preset HF frequencies (up to 16), mode (upper sideband, lower sideband), and power; receiver scanning of preset frequencies; and radioteletype mode under processor control, i.e., standby, automatic repeat request (ARQ), forward error correction (FEC), and selective calling/FEC.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


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