$7-Million Contract For Offshore Fire Pumps Awarded To Worthington
The Worthington Pump Division of McGraw-Edison Company, Mountainside, N.J., has announced receipt of a $7-million order for o f f s h o r e d r i l l i n g platform fire UNSURPASSED ACCURACY FROM NEW DECCA DESIGN T. D. (Time Difference) readouts are the bedrock foundation of the entire Loran C System. So for true accuracy, you must have a receiver which does one thing superbly — receives and displays the T.D.s accurately—despite distortion, interference and other problems which can cause errors up to several miles in an ordinary receiver.
If you don't get the T.Ds right, all the other data available as extra-cost options won't be right either, because they all start their calculations from the T.D.s. Therefore, Decca concentrated their design to perfect these key T.D. readouts, even in difficult reception areas.
Every possible error-producing influence was studied and neutralized with special circuitry. This accuracy overkill has made the Decca 1024 the most fool proof Loran in the world.
Ask your Decca dealer to demonstrate the 1024 in an area infamous for Loran problems and you'll see what we mean—even better if you can put it alongside of any Brand X (regardless of cost) and see which is accurate!
OTHER FEATURES THAT IMPROVE ACCURACY • Dead simple - prompts the operator.
• Self Test - (assures you it is fl-OK!).
• User-operated notch filters, (saves dealer visits); displays rejected frepumps by Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.
(Petrobras), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Petrobras has ordered nine diesel-driven, vertical turbine fire pumps of sophisticated metallurgy for installation on three new offshore production platforms to be located in the Atlantic Ocean off the southern coast of Brazil. The order awarded to Worthington quency! (No trial and error.) • Blocks out the infamous E.C.D. "10 microsecond error jump." • Filters out on-bc>ard interference.
• Ignores erroneous commands.
• Dual, simultaneous T.D. readouts.
• Easy to read—\e rge display with dimmable lighting.
• Adaptable —10-'t0V DC or 115V AC option . . . universal mounting (bulkheads, overhead console or shelf. . .
accepts a wide range of antennas).
• Low battery drain—15 watts, less than a running light.
• Reliable—ruggedly built; the waterproof, sealed front panel keeps out moisture and diit (frequent causes of breakdown).
• Worldwide Decca warranty—no dollar limit, as on so-called "lowest cost" units.
• Microprocessor and five station autotracking.
• Meets or exceeds all U.S.C.G. and international sp 3cs.
• Extendable—has serial output, readily interfaced with other equipment (coming trend); drives Decca's outstanding track plotter, type 10350.
• Built in the U.S.A. by Decca, with service worldwide.
• Total cost of ownership is unbeatable, including that of bargain basement, weaker warranty Lorans.
also includes column piping for each pump and ancillary equipment.
The pumps will be suspended f r om the newly erected platforms, and will operate in depths of over 60 feet. They are scheduled for delivery in late 1981.
The Worthington Pump Division is a leading manufacturer of pumps for the petroleum, chemical, petrochemical, marine, agricultural, electric utility, public works, pulp and paper, mining, pipeline, and general industries.
The company operates 24 facilities in 14 countries as well as a worldwide network of sales operations.
McGraw-Edison is a manufacturer and supplier of electrical and mechanical products and related services designed for a wide range of industrial, utility, commercial, and automotive applications throughout the world.
The company is headquartered in Rolling Meadows, 111.
Other stories from November 1980 issue
- "Marine Encyclopaedic Dictionary" By Eric Sullivan Just Published page: 4
- MarAd Bid Opening On Prepositioning Vessels Postponed To January 19 page: 4
- Brown Marine Requests Title XI For Two Barges To Cost $3.6 Million Total page: 4
- Reading & Bates Orders Two Jackup Drilling Rigs At Cost Of $80 Million page: 6
- Hunt Company Names Elmo Bergeron Sales Manager For Louisiana page: 6
- Pump Test Facility Described At Hampton Roads SNAME Meeting page: 6
- Ambroseno Elected New President Of Wild Goose Association page: 6
- Hunt And Watson Join Nashville Bridge Co. As Plant Engineers page: 8
- International Paint Seminar Stressed Importance Of Smooth Hull page: 10
- Graham Named New York Operations Manager for MacGregor Land & Sea page: 10
- Halter Introduces New Line Of Fire Utility Vessels page: 10
- Bethlehem-Beaumont Yard Commissions Jackup— Gets Order For Two More page: 10
- ASNE Northern New England Section Hears Gas Turbine Report page: 12
- Dravo SteelShip Delivers Pilot Boats For Panama Canal page: 12
- Senator Inouye Is Recipient Of 1980 AOTOS Award page: 13
- ASEA Offering Systems For Conserving Fuel- Literature Available page: 13
- A Look Ahead at the 88th ANNUAL MEETING of SNAME page: 14
- New Tank Gauging System Has Modular Components- Literature Available page: 14
- Wasacz Named Executive Vice President For Matson Navigation page: 14
- Si-Tex Enters VHF/FM Marine Field- Literature Available page: 16
- Red Fox Industries Names Flo-Systems As Agent In California page: 16
- Alaskan-Built Drilling Rig Unveiled By VANguard Industries page: 17
- Manual Gauging System Approved By USCG & ABS —Literature Available page: 19
- $4.7-Million Spanish Navy Contract Awarded To Stewart & Stevenson page: 19
- Traylor Named General Manager Of Halter's Chicasaw Division page: 20
- Lykes Expands Freight Stations To Improve Intermodal Service page: 20
- Campbell Industries Launches Superseiner For Mexican Owner page: 22
- Cummins-Powered Pusher Tug Is First Of Three For Archway page: 22
- Suez Canal And Egyptian Ports Specialist Opens New York Office page: 24
- Woven Glass Insulation Introduced By HITCO— Literature Available page: 24
- Dunford And Wilkins Get New Management Posts At CDI Marine Company page: 24
- Second License Agreement To Build B&W Diesels Approved By China page: 26
- Hyde/Henschel Steering Failure Alarm Meets USCG And IMCO Rules page: 26
- Robert W. Maceluch Named Controller At Ryan-Walsh Stevedoring page: 26
- Self-Unloader For ACR Launched At Collingwood Yard page: 28
- Blume Worldwide Named Sales Representative For Selco Group Of Singapore page: 28
- New Valves Announced By Watts Regulator- Literature Available page: 28
- World-Wide Executive Helmut Sohmen Elected Chairman Of IMIF page: 28
- Trctnsway Orders Second $22-Million Trailership From Jos. L. Meyer Yard page: 29
- Combustion Gas Testers Check Boiler Efficiency —Literature Available page: 29
- Two Dredges For Private Industry Christened In New Orleans page: 30
- Lykes President Amoss To Get American Legion Merchant Marine Award page: 31
- Hensley Named President, Fernandez Vice Chairman Of Service Machine page: 32
- Partek Offers Versatile Water Jetting System- Literature Available page: 32
- Partek Offers Versatile Water Jetting System- Literature Available page: 32
- Dravo SteelShip To Build Two Cat-Powered Towboats For A&G Transportation page: 32
- Mexican Shipyard Orders ESAB Mechanized Panel Line page: 32
- Far East-Levingston To Build Semisubmersible For Consafe Offshore page: 33
- MESCO Awarded Three Contracts To Build Offshore Equipment page: 33
- APM Offers Literature On Contamination Control In Shipboard Fluid Systems page: 34
- 500th Dodwell Fuel Oil Blender Installed In Ogden Products Carrier page: 34
- B&W Will Construct Four Bulk Carriers For China Ocean Shipping page: 36
- Hallett Named Vice President-Finance And Treasurer At NASSCO page: 37
- SMS To Represent Two Scandinavian Co.'s In U.S. —Brochure Available page: 37
- Polish-Built RO/RO Features Navire Cargo Access Gear page: 38
- SNAME Lakes/Rivers Section Fall Meeting Held In Minnesota page: 38
- Delaware Marine's Latest Delivery Is Stern Trawler "American Eagle7 page: 38
- ABS Publishes 1980 Rules On Building And Classing Offshore Drilling Rigs page: 39
- Jotun Hosts Technical Seminar For New York-Based Shipowners page: 40
- Belcher Spill Conference Featured Prevention, Control, And Cleanup page: 40
- $280-Million Expansion At CNR Palermo Yard Nears Completion page: 41
- Cartner, Gaffney Named Director And Associate At ADI Transportation page: 41
- Long Beach-L.A. ASNE Meeting Hears Talk On Diego Garcia page: 42
- Lofton And Kennerson Named Division Managers At The Offshore Company page: 43
- Berman Of NRL Recipient Of 'Distinguished Executive' Award page: 44
- $7-Million Contract For Offshore Fire Pumps Awarded To Worthington page: 44
- Philadelphia Section Of SNAME Hears Update On Coatings page: 44
- Newport News Shipbuilding Delivers U.S. Navy Nuclear-Powered Cruiser page: 44
- Linane Renamed General Chairman-Marine Section Of NSC page: 44
- Bird-Johnson Building New $5-Million Facility To Machine Blades page: 45
- EUROPORT '80 page: 46
- China Shipbuilding Delivers Self-Unloading Cement Carrier page: 47
- Don Welch Succeeds Clifford O'Hara As President Of AAPA page: 47
- Huge Jacket Launching Barge For McDermott Delivered By Hitachi page: 48
- Navy's Fleet Oiler Design Described At Chesapeake SNAME page: 48
- China Licensed To Build And Install MacGregor Cargo Access Equipment page: 49
- Coastal Towing Seeks Title XI On Eight Vessels To Cost $11.7 Million Total page: 50
- Holland America Orders $135-Million Luxury Liner From French Shipyard page: 50
- HUDSHIP Reenters Towboat Market With Delivery Of 'Belgian' page: 51
- MarAd Approves Title XI For Vessels Costing $12.4 Million page: 51
- Nagi Named Hawaii Area Sales Manager For General Cable page: 54
- Charles Truzinski Elected President Of Amhoist's Crosby Group page: 54
- Bath Iron Works Gets Navy Contracts Worth About $15.4 Million page: 56
- Trevor Smith Appointed Vice President Of CTI page: 56
- McAllister Addresses SNAME Conference On Energy Conservation page: 59
- Phillips Named Principal Surveyor-Western Europe For American Bureau page: 60
- Goff Power Blast Cleans Horizontal Surfaces- Literature Available page: 60
- $3.2-Million Contract Awarded By Avondale To Collins Division page: 61
- Trond Ulven Will Head Simrad's New West Coast Office In Seattle page: 64
- New Container Terminal Has Most Modern Paceco Gantry Crane In Alaska page: 65
- Northern California SNAME Hears Paper On Energy Conservation page: 66
- Matson Cuts Fuel Consumption page: 66
- St. Louis Ship Lays Keel For First Peavey Towboat page: 71
- Friedmann Will Head New Eclectech Office In Virginia Beach page: 72
- R.L. Lanier Elected Vice President At Martin Logicon Energy page: 72
- Masonite Introduces Lighter Joiner Panel- Literature Available page: 73
- Two Belgian Yards Merge —Jackson And Marepcon Are U.S. Representatives page: 74
- R.L. Stone To Head Maritime Affairs At Port Of San Francisco page: 74
- D.R. Enroth Named Vice President For Alaska Maritime Agencies page: 76
- Tracor To Develop Japanese Tactical Support Center page: 76
- D.J. Duffy Appointed Midwest Region Manager For Port Of Oakland page: 77
- Ballast Monitor Meets IMCO And USCG Rules- Literature Available page: 77
- Si-Tex Introduces New Line Of Marine Radars —Literature Available page: 78
- Jaeger Named Gulf Coast Marine Marketing Rep For Mobil Oil Corp. page: 78
- LOOP Awards Training Contract To Marine- Safety International page: 79
- Past Section Chairmen Honored At New York SNAME Meeting page: 80
- Olof J. Wadehn Enterprises Appointed Karl Senner, Inc. Sales Agent For East Coast —Literature Available page: 81
- Cast Acquires Seatrain Facilities In Europe And North America page: 81
- Frick Company Offers Brochure On MCM Refrigeration Compressor page: 82
- J.N. Wood Replaces F.A. Lawrence As President Of Deepsea Ventures page: 82
- J.R. Stadelman Will Head Morgan Unit Of AMCA International page: 83
- Rockwell International Gets $4-Million Contract For Navy ASW Program page: 83
- New York Port Engineers Discuss Shipbuilding Standards page: 86
- Webb Alumni Banquet November 13th Will Honor Edward Renshaw page: 86
- Ron Zeller Appointed President Of Miami-Based Norwegian Caribbean Lines page: 87
- Pressure Sensor Indicates Engine Cylinder Load- Literature Available page: 88
- Hudson Named President, Heaton And Green Senior VPs Of Arthur-Smith page: 88
- California Maritime Academy Receives Delaval Training Engine page: 90
- Ultrasonic Thickness Gage Available With LCD Readout —Literature Available page: 91
- New Systems Monitor Fuel Efficiency- Literature Available page: 95
- Allegro Ltd. Named Butterworth Systems Sales Rep In Taiwan page: 96
- New Brochure Describes PMH Maintenance System —Free Copies Available page: 96
- Antworth Named Master Of American Hawaii's Oceanic Independence page: 96
- Farmer And Breyer Named Program General Managers At GE-Daytona Beach page: 97
- Floating Drydock Topic At Fall Meeting Of SNAME Gulf Section page: 97
- Dynamics Of Moored Vessel:; Topic At Los Angeles SNAMIE page: 98
- China Shipbuilding Gets Order To Build Jackup Rig For Santa Fe page: 99
- Wink Named Sales Manager-Control Products At Denison Division page: 99
- Two Orders For Six LNG Ships At GD-Quincy Yard Will Exceed $1 Billion page: 100
- Management Changes At Devoe Marine Coatings For G. Moran And M. Sloan page: 100
- Morrow Adds Two New Chart Depth Recorders- Literature Available page: 101
- Rosenblatt Expands West Coast Operations—Gets $7.2-Million Navy Contract page: 101
- Wartsila Turku Yard Will Build Cruise Ship For Iraq page: 102
- Kings Point Fund Gets $20,000 From Dreyfus Foundation page: 102
- Todd Pacific Announces Two Management Changes At Seattle Shipyard page: 103
- lotron Gets $4-Million Shell Order For Some 70 Digiplot Radar Plotters page: 104
- Heim Named Development Engineering Manager At Rockwell International page: 104
- Burns Named Manager Of Waterman Steamship's New Office In Baltimore page: 104
- Impact Of Climatology On Ship Design Discussed At Chesapeake SNAME page: 105
- Crescent Towing And T. Smith & Son Sold To New Owners page: 106
- Newport News Shipbuilding Launches Nuclear Submarine page: 106
- Miller And Coss Join Tampa Shipyards As Vice Presidents page: 107
- Miklos And DesRochers Promoted At Systems Engineering Associates page: 107
- Halter Completes Five-Boat Contract For Pelham Marine page: 110