Combustion Gas Testers Check Boiler Efficiency —Literature Available

It appears that however big you are, and however much oil you have, you still have to worry about how much oil you are burning in your boilers. Some major oil companies, although they deal in larger quantities of this precious resource than most companies, also are making the most stringent effort to conserve energy.

Telegan Limited of Croydon, England, reports that recently they sold over 25 mV02 combustion gas and millivolt testers to major oil company tanker operators.

They will use these units to check on the efficiency of boiler plants in their oceangoing fleets.

The mVOo, introduced recently by Telegan, is one in a range of hand-portable monitoring instruments developed as a direct consequence of the company's wide experience in the electronic control and monitoring of combustion levels.

The instrument is said to offer an extremely rapid and simple way of detecting the stack temperature and the level of oxygen in the flue gases from boilers, and therefore provides an accurate and reliable measurement of combustion efficiency. At the same time it can be used to calibrate associated instrumentation and signal generators; for example, diesel engines exhaust thermocouples, and pressure and temperature transmitters.

The complete test kit is simple and convenient to use, weighing only 1.7 Kg, while the instrument itself, which weighs only 0.7 Kg, can be comfortably held in one hand.

The mVOo is one of three Telegan systems that use the same sensing cell. The other two, designed to meet current IMCO regulations, are the MO- Portable Unit for testing the quality of inert gas or human safety levels in hazardous areas, and the TLAP fixed system for indicating and recording the 02 level of inert gas. This means an owner can use one family of equipment with all the economy of spare gear that that implies to meet safety and energy conservation requirements.

For further information and free brochure, write to Environmental Safety Associates, Inc., 5 Farmstead Road, North Caldwell, N.J. 07006.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


Maritime Reporter

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