Berman Of NRL Recipient Of 'Distinguished Executive' Award

Dr. Alan Berman, director of research at the Naval Research Laboratory f o r the past 13 years, was one of the 49 career Federal managers to be presented the "Distinguished Executive" award by President Carter at White House ceremonies recently.

Dr. Ber.ijian's award was based on a citation that views him "as the greatest" single force in shaping the management of the Naval Research Laboratory and bringing about its reputation for prowess and broad excellence." The recommendation read, in part, that "under his direction, research programs in such areas as plasma physics, naval electronic warfare, and optical sciences have been highly productive.

The research he fostered and directed has resulted in important contributions to the determination of national policy and has enhanced the nation's defense posture.

"In his administration of the highly complex NRL program he has, within the last several years, been able to reduce NRL's continually rising costs by $6 million.

His highly individualistic style of management has developed an environment f o r creative science and technology which is most positive and persuasive," the recommendation concluded.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


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