Maritime Industry Metric Conversion Study Is Available

The Maritime Administration has released a technical report, "Metric Conversion Study for the Maritime Administration," prepared by J.J. Henry Co., Inc., Arlington, Va. The study contains the master plan which J.J. Henry developed for the use of the Maritime Administration in assuming the lead role in metrication among the Federal agencies concerned with the maritime industry. That role was suggested by the Maritime Transportation Research Board's Panel on Metrication in the U.S. Maritime Industry.

The report indicates that it will take 28,300 man-hours and 10 years for the Maritime Administration to facilitate metrication in the industry. It suggests a gradual, industry-directed phasing- in of the metric system, coordinated and facilitated by Mar- Ad. This can be accomplished, the report states, through greater MarAd participation in the American National Metric Council, particularly its Marine Sector; an increased role and participation in the government Interagency Metrication Group; a metrication liaison with the Coast Guard and the U.S. Navy; and the publication and circulation of a Maritime Metric Practice Guide to assist in obtaining a uniform metric practice in the industry.

The report may be ordered from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22161, for $4.50 per copy. Its order number is PB-271096/AS.

Other stories from October 1977 issue


Maritime Reporter

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