Swiss Fabricating Provided Staging For New Drydocks At Newport News Ship

Swiss-Lok has designed and fabricated a special design staging for the new drydocks at Newport News Shipbuilding. This staging will save time in erection and needs no wood planking. The staging is designed to support Swiss Fabricating's Swiss-Lok design removable roof in sections of 48 feet by 40 feet. The roof sections can be stored on top of the roof sections beside it.

The staging is in 48-foot-long units by 54 feet high that can be lifted and moved back to the wall of the drydock. This p e r m i ts clearance for the moving of the ship, in or out. While the staging is in place at the ship, the individual working platforms can be rolled in or out, toward the ship.

Swiss Fabricating, Inc. of Pittsburgh has been selling its standard Swiss-Lok scaffolding and also designing special large staging equipment for Newport News Shipbuilding for the past 10 years.

For further i n f o r m a t i o n on staging, Write 64 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from May 1981 issue


Maritime Reporter

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