Mid-Coast Marine To Build $1-Million Pusher Towboat For Mexican Owner

Mid-Coast Marine of Eastside, Ore., recently received a $l-million contract for construction of a 72-foot pusher type towboat for Rocafosforica Mexicana S.A.

de C.V. The vessel will be delivered in September to the owner's o p e r a t i o n in Baja California, Mexico.

Propulsion will be provided by two GM Detroit Diesel Allison 12V-149 engines, each rated 675 bhp at 1,800 rpm, driving twin ducted propeller systems engineered by Mid-Coast Marine. Full follow-up steering will be provided from three stations. Two 30-kw generators powered by Detroit Diesel 3-71 engines will be installed.

An unusual feature for the vessel is the elevated pilothouse that will put the operator's eye level 32 feet above the waterline. The towboat will be constructed to American Bureau of Shipping Rules for inland waterway vessels.

This type vessel will become another stock product offered by Mid-Coast in its line of towboats.

Other stories from May 1981 issue


Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.