New Simple, Easy-To-Use Hydrostatics Program From Concurrent Systems

Concurrent Systems, Arlington, Va., is releasing a new hydrostatics program for personal computers.

The Naval Architectural Problem Oriented Language (NAPOL) will perform the following calculations: hydrostatic curves of form; trim lines; longitudinal strength; floodable length; limiting drafts; damaged stability; damaged statical stability; intact stability; cross curves; intact stability in waves; and subdivision index.

According to Concurrent Systems, the program is simple to use.

An input file is made up of readable commands which can be understood by a naval architect who is not familiar with NAPOL. The hull is defined by station offsets and apendages.

The apendages themselves may be built from offsets, providing multiple hull capability. Compartments are bounded by the hull, bulkheads, decks or compartment offsets. Input and output can be in the units selected (American, Metric, or Imperial).

In addition to the textual output for each calculation, the following graphical outputs can be generated: body plan; isometric view; hydrostatic curves of form; longitudinal strength; and floodable length.

One unique calculation option available in this commercial package estimates the IMO subdivision index as laid out in the Department of Transportation document 46 CFR Ch.l "Dry Cargo Ship Subdivision and Damage Stability; Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking." This option calculates the subdivision index for compartment groups of up to four subdivisions and provides an accumulative subdivision contribution for a given draft.

To provide compatibility with the U.S. Navy program SHCP, there is an input translator and where possible the output is also formatted to look like SHCP.

The program runs on a PC, XT, AT, 386 or compatible and when available can take advantage of a math co-processor. Graphics can be produced in CGA high or low resolution or in EGA or Hercules modes.

For hardcopy graphics a range of plotters can be driven including those using HPGL.

NAPOL is available in two versions, with and without co-processor support. Priced at $225, this provides a personal computer program that outperforms many more expensive mainframe programs.

For additional information on NAPOL from Concurrent Systems, Circle 98 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 53,  Oct 1989

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