Cadkey 99 Offers Powerful Features

Cadkey has released Cadkey 99, a major version of its flagship mechanical PC-CAD product available for Windows 95/98/NT 4.

Cadkey 99 delivers product features designed for interoperability excellence, such as the introduction of powerful solid body healing and tolerant edge functionality. With an abundance of enhancements and solid modeling capabilities, including wireframe, solid and sheet metal bending, the Cadkey data translation lineup now offers a new high-speed, one-pass IGES translator and a new Parasolid® file for XT files. The product will also include a free bonus CD worth more than $225 for customers with current AUCs (Annual Update Contracts). Cadkey 99's interoperability tools - body healing and tolerant edge features - both of which advance Cadkey's interoperability are equally impressive. The body healer functions as a repairer of the most common problems with imported 3D models, such as missing and duplicate surfaces, while the tolerant edge functionality selectively loosens tolerances at small "leaks" in an imported 3D model.

The function also assigns special new properties to these areas. Using a new visual feedback tool that highlights areas where modeling operations fail, Cadkey 99 also includes advances in blending, sweeps and extrudes, and shelling.

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Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 48,  Feb 2000

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