MSC Europe Experiencing Steady Growth Stream

MSC (Europe) Ltd., the European subsidiary of Maritime Services Corporation, Hood River, Ore. is currently handling various projects throughout the U.K. and Europe, mainly a $2 million conversion of a fast ferry into a casino vessel for Israeli-based Athissa Shipping.

MSC provided ship units, project management and fitters for installation of duty free and other shops onboard Fred Olsen's MV Black Watch. The company also installed galley modifications and waste handling equipment onboard Arcalia Shipping's Princess Danae at A&P Falmouth.

The company has further extended its expansion capabilities with new offices in Cape Canaveral and Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. to meet the growing demands in these markets. According to Dan Bell.

MSC's local manager, the Port Canaveral location will specialize in turn day work, riding crews and larger projects.

The Ft. Lauderdale location will provide manufacturing, warehousing, engineering, estimating and administrative func- tions to be performed in one facility — supporting operations throughout the Florida and Caribbean area.

Expansion has also been underway at MSC's headquarters in Hood River. Ore.

Ongoing projects include a new warehouse (with another planned for spring) for inventory of "quick ship" joiner materials and expanded space for the addition of six CAD positions. An upgraded and expanded marine interior design department is also included.

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Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 27,  Feb 2000

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