Germanischer Lloyd Reorganizes Operations

Germanischer Lloyd (GL) has restructured its business operations, dividing its two main operating areas into maritime services and indus- trial services. In a press meeting in Hamburg on March 4, executive board members Dr. Hans Payer and Consul Rainer Schondube said. The new structure advances our policy of continually adding value to services, and enables us to better control and adapt our operations." Of a total group turnover of $160.4 million in 2000, about 80 percent was provided by maritime services and 20 percent by industrial services. Maritime Services, whose main operation is ship classification, is comprised of tightly focused central services coupled to the decentralized field service. The organizational structure runs along the valueadding chain with only three divisions: classification and flagstate affairs, ship technology and advanced engineering and strategic research.

The technical functions have been concentrated in a unit based in Hamburg to generate the best possible synergies.

The introduction of ship type managers within the ship technology division will be responsible for individual ship segments on a project basis. Ship type managers have been established for the segments of container ships, multi-purpose ships, bulk carriers, panamax and post-panamax ships, RoRo ships, high speed craft, tankers and naval vessels.

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