Ted Stevens

  • National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO) has joined with Totem Ocean Trailer Express, Inc. (TOTE) to christen M.V. Midnight Sun, the first commercial dry cargo vessel to be built in the U.S. in 10 years. Midnight Sun is the first of two new Orca-class trailerships being built by NASSCO for TOTE's service from Tacoma, Wash., to Anchorage, Alaska.

    Lynn Garvey, wife of Mike Garvey, Chairman of the Board of TOTE's parent company, Saltchuk Resources, Inc., and Lily Stevens, the daughter of Senator Ted Stevens (R- Alaska), were the ship's sponsors, christening M.V. Midnight Sun with ceremonial bottles of champagne.

    Senator Stevens, who is serving in his seventh term in the U.S. Senate, was the keynote speaker at the event.

    M.V. Midnight Sun, and its sister ship, M.V North Star, are 840 x 118-ft. (256 x 35.9-m) RoRo cargo ships offering the option to carry trailers as large as 53 ft.

    The ships' cargo can be loaded and discharged in nine hours, with the speed and efficiency of this process being an important competitive advantage for TOTE.

    M. V. Midnight Sun and M. V. North Star have already received several prestigious awards for their environmentally sensitive design. These include the States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force Legacy Award for 2000, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner's 2000 Pollution Prevention Award, and the Biennial William M. Benkert Foundation 2002 Environmental Excellence Bronze Award. With Midnight Sun scheduled for delivery in early 2003, North Star will be christened on March 15, 2003, for a summer 2003 delivery.

    Circle 16 on Reader Service Card www.maritimereporterinfo.com

  • Although funding for Senator Ted Stevens's "Build and Charter" program has been appropriated by the Congress, this particular effort to revive commercial shipbuilding in the United States cannot become a reality until the authorization plan makes its way through Congress and the White House. No one

  • important maritime legislation. Movement to allow foreign-built passenger vessels into our domestic trades remains strong. Last December, Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) introduced S. 1935, which would allow up to five foreign-built vessels into the domestic trades providing they meet certain requirements

  • Navy programs. Clearly what is needed is a revitalization of the commercial segment of the maritime industry." Also in March, I met with Senator Ted Stevens, chairman of the Senate Merchant Marine Subcommittee, to urge that he undertake a leadership role in the development of some form of maritime

  • Actually, I think today we have strong support from Congress. When we lost longtime maritime champions years ago such as Sen. Daniel Inouye, Sen. Ted Stevens, Congressmen Ike Skelton and Jim Oberstar, there was a void that needed to be filled. Many Members have stepped up, including members like Sen.

  • been proposed to allow re-flagging of foreignbuilt, foreign-flag passenger vessels. Introduced by Senate Merchant Marine Subcommittee chairman Ted Stevens (R-AK), S. 1935 would allow up to five passenger ships to be re-flagged as U.S. vessels and operate in the coastwise trade. The bill places

  • create in the maritime industry. (Once these vessels are reflagged, the crews must be U.S. citizens.) Companion legislation introduced by Sen. Ted Stevens was narrowly defeated in the Senate Commerce Committee by one vote. Because House parliamentary rules made it virtually impossible to bring

  • MT Jul-24#44 LANDER LAB #11
it by hand from a tall pier. He caught some)
    July 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 44

    LANDER LAB #11 it by hand from a tall pier. He caught some great images of the San Diego Section, and Steven Granados, Math and Science pier pilings, pile perch, and other near shore ? sh. teacher at Saint Augustine High School, San Diego, CA, to A variation of Conor’s idea is tying a known length of

  • MT Jan-24#25  it with a 
So Boeing started developing what it called)
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 25

    said “this of time, and that has big payload capacity,” said Stevens. platform is particularly open in that you can deliver it with a So Boeing started developing what it called Echo Voyager, the payload or not. If we just take payload capability alone, there’s ? rst XLUUV class of vehicle, back

  • MT Jan-24#24  
The XLUUV, designated by the Navy as 
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 24

    as a test asset for the Navy, so it doesn’t have a payload section, said Ann Stevens, VP, Boeing Maritime and Intelligence Systems. The XLUUV, designated by the Navy as “Orca,” is a new class of autonomous sub- marine designed for long duration critical missions to achieve undersea maritime dominance

  • MT Jan-24#13  
link” said Ted Ackerstierna, UMS Skel-
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 13

    saw a great many uses for including YOUR BUDDY supporting covert surveillance missions and acting as a critical communications IS WAITING: link” said Ted Ackerstierna, UMS Skel- dar’s vice president for the USA market. “Attached to our Skeldar V-200, which BOOK YOUR has an endurance of over six hours

  • MT Jan-24#4  12 years ago I was invited 
to the home of then Chief)
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 4

    Editorial bout 12 years ago I was invited to the home of then Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Gary A Roughead, for “a discussion on unmanned underwater systems.” When I ? rst received the invite, my ? rst thought was © Jason Adelaars MBARI 2023 www.marinetechnologynews.com “how did I get on this

  • MT Jan-24#2 January/February 2024 On the Cover
Volume 67 • Number)
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 2

    January/February 2024 On the Cover Volume 67 • Number 1 The Orca XLUUV delivered by Boeing to U.S. Navy Image courtesy Boeing 8 AUVs 22 The Rise to Combat Silent, mobile and deadly, the subsea drone wars arrive. By David Strachan 14 Research Paving the Way NOC charts a path in science research

  • MN Nov-23#41  She said the government bene?  ted 
from the ability to leverage)
    November 2023 - Marine News page: 41

    , a historic new commitment to mari- time education, shipbuilding best practices, and the U.S. maritime industry.” She said the government bene? ted from the ability to leverage commercial entities’ acquisi- tion processes to maximize competition and experience.

  • MT Sep-23#57  often silicone, and may be affected by 
Further Reading
    September 2023 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 57

    be used. Avoid ters, though, spend the money on better out www.ledsupply.com. silicone oil has the cast dome on an LED is often silicone, and may be affected by Further Reading immersion in a ? uid of a similar nature. DeepSea Power & Light (San Diego, CA) has published numerous articles on un- dersea lighting

  • MT Sep-23#35  a scien- ?  nd – he is well-suited for success in 
tist, an)
    September 2023 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 35

    ; and the “eureka joining the organization. In his heart, moments” … making that rare, ? rst Sullivan is an engineer and a scien- ? nd – he is well-suited for success in tist, an internationally renowned re- his leadership role, and understands searcher and oceanographer, with a that in the Executive

  • MR Sep-23#51 .” The threat actors highlighted in the report: “State )
    September 2023 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 51

    the form of threat actors, vulnerabilities and potential Centre, said, “One of these threats is espionage and sabotage impacts.” The threat actors highlighted in the report: “State actions by the enemy to our vital infrastructure on the sea bot- actors, cybercriminals and others could potentially conduct

  • MR Sep-23#30  later,”  induction motors connected to a shaft, which then)
    September 2023 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 30

    ship propulsion motors are tandem units that sit in series, and AC and then the second ship maybe comes three, four years later,” induction motors connected to a shaft, which then connects to said Steven Mankevich, Naval Business Development Direc- the propeller,” said Mankevich. “The beauty of the AC induc- tor

  • MN Aug-23#30  Class Frigates can be out?  tted 
York & New Jersey at Bayonne)
    August 2023 - Marine News page: 30

    like the Multi-Mission Surface Combatant industry can now be serviced right here in the Port of New (MMSC) and Constellation Class Frigates can be out? tted York & New Jersey at Bayonne Dry Dock,” Rooney said. to near completion and tested inside climate-controlled fa- “Everything from emergency support

  • MN Aug-23#29  explained. “We are very excited to become a 
of an even)
    August 2023 - Marine News page: 29

    nology in cranes preventing excessive list during unload- Grant worth more than $1.1 million toward the purchase ing,” Stevens explained. “We are very excited to become a of an even larger 820-ton variable width Marine Travelift regional destination for that kind of service.” hoist amid an anticipated sharp

  • MN Aug-23#13 . At EBDG, we are commit-
ted to bringing justice, diversity)
    August 2023 - Marine News page: 13

    fu- expectations enter into contracts with goals. New propulsion technologies els. They’re also ways of making the our clients. At EBDG, we are commit- ted to bringing justice, diversity, equity and inclusion to our work while deliv- ering on our commitments in a truth- ful and meaningful way that meets

  • MR Apr-23#22  out offshore wind to the targeted 30GW of 
offshore wind)
    April 2023 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 22

    and compliance on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Sligh and his team eye the challenges and opportunities in building out offshore wind to the targeted 30GW of offshore wind power by 2030 and another 15GW from ? oating wind by 2035. By *reg 7raXtKwein How do you see the 8S offshore energy production

  • MN Feb-23#33  
cruise vessels, has bene?  ted greatly as 
travelers are)
    February 2023 - Marine News page: 33

    Rockland and another island, Vinalhaven. Beyond ferries and similar craft, the overnight sector, with river and coastal cruise vessels, has bene? ted greatly as travelers are stay on North American shores. American Cruise Lines con- tinues to expand; its latest newbuild American Symphony began

  • MN Nov-22#20  in the maritime workforce. ited debates on the National)
    November 2022 - Marine News page: 20

    improve educational or career training programs for construction. In addition, while the Senate held lim- for American workers in the maritime workforce. ited debates on the National Defense Authorization Act Sen. Wicker is likely to be replaced by Sen. Ted Cruz (R- (which includes both the USCG and MARAD

  • MT Sep-22#56  and can also be ?  t-
ted to operate autonomously)
    September 2022 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 56

    environments. Today, Sea? oor Systems offer the HyDrone, Trident, EchoBoat and HydroCat lines of USVs. All are remote controlled and can also be ? t- ted to operate autonomously with our AutoNav option. The AutoNav is integrated with standard navigation and data col- lection software packages, including

  • MN Oct-22#74  Verado outboard—a groundbreak-
ted to the Guinness World of)
    October 2022 - Marine News page: 74

    two-speed transmission with automatic and thus the direction of the ferry. The feat will be submit- shifting for the 600 hp Verado outboard—a groundbreak- ted to the Guinness World of Records. 74 | MN October 202

  • MR Aug-22#32 , Jack H. Lucas (DDG 125), Ted Stevens (DDG 128), Jer- • USNS)
    August 2022 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 32

    construction struction at Ingalls, including Lenah Sutcliffe Higbee (DDG • USNS Lucy Stone (T-AO 209) – under contract 123), Jack H. Lucas (DDG 125), Ted Stevens (DDG 128), Jer- • USNS Sojourner Truth (T-AO 210) – under contract emiah Denton (DDG 129) and George M. Neal (DDG 131).” • John L. Canley (ESB

  • MN Jun-22#42  it has 
USCG Commandant
appointed Kevin Kirby as president)
    June 2022 - Marine News page: 42

    People & Companies Waterjet propulsion systems suppli- Fagan Con? rmed as er Marine Jet Power announced it has USCG Commandant appointed Kevin Kirby as president of Adm. Linda L. Fagan has been con- ? rmed as the 27th Commandant of MJP, Inc. and regional sales director of Fagan Schultz the U.S.

  • MT May-22#60  speci?  cally the need for updated training ships.
2022 (FY22))
    May 2022 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 60

    for Cal Maritime’s Training Ship By Eric Haun U.S. President Joe Biden signed the $1.5 billion Fiscal Year cation, and speci? cally the need for updated training ships. 2022 (FY22) omnibus appropriations package that includes “The bipartisan support of the new vessel underscores the a funding provision

  • MT May-22#21  is the use of a material selected for its speci?  c 
    May 2022 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 21

    By Kevin Hardy, Global Ocean Design LLC, MTR columnist here is a palatable excitement when an ocean lander is buoyancy budget is the use of a material selected for its speci? c released to explore the deep sea. The checklists and end- gravity, strength and bulk modulus. All things being equal, se- less

  • MR Apr-22#58 , MTI and Elomatic 
completed the development 
of a concept)
    April 2022 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 58

    In the Shipyard Latest Deliveries, Contracts and Designs Image courtesy NYK, MTI, Elomatic Oy ARLFV NYK, MTI and Elomatic completed the development of a concept design for an ammonia-fuel ready LNG- fueled vessel (ARLFV). In this project, which started in September 2021, NYK Group Photo courtesy