MarAd Report Forecasts Bunker Fuel Prices

The Maritime Administration has released a technical report, "Marine Bunker Fuels-Analysis and Forecast of Price and Availability," which forecasts the possible prices and availability of two major bunker fuels — No. 2 marine diesel and high sulfur residual fuels.

The forecasts were based on such factors as foreign and domestic crude oil processing, and desulfurication costs. The report also considered the influence of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, Amendments to the Clean Air Act, and the Crude Oil Equalization Tax.

The study, which was prepared under an agency-sponsored contract by Mortada International, Dallas, Texas, contains estimates of the supply and demand for marine bunker fuels and expected prices for these fuels in different time periods from 1977 through 1993.

The 148-page report is available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22161.

The order number is PB-286683; the cost is $6.

Other stories from December 1978 issue


Maritime Reporter

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