MHI To Construct Biggest Cruise Ship Ever Built In Japan
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has received an order to build a 960-passenger cruise ship from Japanese shipowner Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line). At 49,000 gross tons, she would be the biggest cruise ship ever built in Japan.
To be built at MHI's Nagasaki yard, the cruise ship will have a length of about 787 feet, breadth of 97 feet and draft of 24.6 feet. Her propulsion machinery will be diesel electric, with four sets of MAN B&W medium-speed diesel engines each developing 11,750 bhp at 400 rpm. These engines will generate electricity through four 8,200-kw generators and one auxiliary, distributing power through 6.6 kv main switchboard to two cyclo-converters.
The electric power will be used in part to drive two propulsion motors of 11,500 kw each, as well as two controllable pitch propellers. The ship will also be equipped with two bowthruster units.
Due for completion in the first half of 1990, she will be the first Japanese cruise ship specifically aimed at the lucrative U.S. market.
She has a proposed cruising itinerary which includes the Far East in the spring, Alaska/Vancouver in the summer, the west coast of Mexico/ Panama Canal/Caribbean for autumn and the South Pacific/Oceania/ Southeast Asia for winter.
On her 12 decks, this luxury liner will have two restaurants, several lounges, a night club, cafe, cinema, casino, card room, disco, gym, sauna, spa, jacuzzi, boutique and a beauty salon. She will feature luxurious passenger accommodations.
For free literature full detailing the shipbuilding facilities of MHI, Circle 32 on Reader Service Card
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- Peterson Builders Launches Their Fourth M C M For U.S. N a vy page: 14
- Deutz M W M Offers Diesel Engines For Propulsion, Power G e n e r a t i on A b o a r d N a v a l Vessels page: 15
- Indal Technologies Wins $10-Million Patrol Frigate Contract page: 18
- Under Seas Defense '88 To Be Held In San Diego On October 3-6 page: 19
- Level Switches For Use In 55-Gallon Drums Available In 3 Versions From GEMS page: 19
- Wallenius Transferring Large Car Carrier To U.S. Flag page: 20
- Trinity Marine Group To Build 110-Foot Harbor Tug For Chevron page: 21
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