Concurrent Systems Releases New NAPOL Hydrostatics Package

Concurrent Systems has released Version 2.0 of its easy to use hydrostatics package NAPOL (Naval Architectural Problem Oriented Language).

NAPOL is available in a personal version capable of performing calculations of Hydrostatic curves of form and a professional version capable of performing the following calculations: hydrostatic curves of form; trim lines; longitudinal strength; floodable length; limiting drafts; damaged stability; damaged stati- cal stability; intact stability; cross curves; intact stability in waves; and subdivision index.

The package has been optimized for the IBM PC, AT, 386 and i486 workstations. Graphics can be produced on a PC in high or low resolution, EGA, VGA or Hercules modes.

Plotting performance has been substantially improved over Version 1.3, and the customizable plotter interface can be used to drive a wide range of plotters including those using HPGL and Postscript. Graphics files can be generated in DXF, encapsulated Postscript, and HPGL format for inclusion in documents and reports.

To provide compatibility with the U.S. Navy program SHCP there is an input translator, and wherever possible the output is formatted in the same way. NAPOL will perform any SHCP calculation and more.

One calculation option deserves special mention since to the author's knowledge it is not yet available in any commercial package. This calculation estimates the IMO subdivision index as laid out in the Department of Transportation document 46 CFR Ch.l "Dry Cargo Ship Subdivision and Damage Stability; Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking." This option calculates the subdivision index for compartment groups of up to four subdivisions and provides an accumulative subdivision contribution for a given draft.

For additional information, Circle 73 on Reader Service Card

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