Hempel Relocates USA Headquarters To Houston, Texas

Hempel Coatings (USA), Inc., recently announced that it has completed its restructuring program, inclusive of a relocation of its U.S.

headquarters to Houston, Texas.

This will result in easier and better communication, improved service, along with a strategy more geared to the Gulf Coast market area.

The offices are located at 6901 Cavalcade, adjacent to the factory.

Per G. Bentsen, president, Muhammad Jamil, vice president/ technical and operations, Valerie Menezes, logistics/customer service manager, and David Stearnes, controller, are now at this location. Also, Circle 210 on Reader Service Card sales and technical service functions will continue operating from these facilities.

Joel Benetti, vice president of sales and marketing, will continue to be located at Hempel's other factory in Wallington, N.J.

For free literature on Hempel Coatings, Circle 173 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from November 1991 issue


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