Long Maritime Reporter 1978 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The Southern New England Section of the American Society of Naval Engineers, Groton, Conn., held its fall meeting at the Coast Guard Academy. The technical session of the meeting was a distinguished panel convened to discuss the topic "Southeastern Connecticut's Stake in the Development of
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The Pioneer Service, latest of six sophisticated tug/supply vessels built for operation by Zapata Marine Service, Inc. on America's ocean frontiers, was commissioned on November 18 at Davisville, R.I. in special ceremonies. This 5,750- horsepower vessel is one of five sister ships now based
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The 21st annual joint meeting of the California Sections of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers was held in Santa Barbara this year. Los Angeles acted as the host to members from both San Francisco and San Diego. The meeting was organized by Robert A. Rourke of the J.J. Henry
- El Paso Savannah Christened At Avondale Shipyards In New Orleans Joins A Fleet Of Nine LNG Tankers page: 30
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The El Paso Savannah, the last ship in the current series Avondale Shipyards is building for The El Paso Company's new fleet of LNG tankers, was christened on November 11, in New Orleans. Miss Rhonda Rousakis, daughter of the Honorable John P. Rousakis, Mayor of Savannah, Ga., and Mrs. Rous
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The October meeting of the Long Beach-Greater Los Angeles Section of The American Society of Naval Engineers was held in the Princess Room of the S/S Princess Louise Restaurant in San Pedro, Calif. The members and guests enjoyed the fellowship of meeting and greeting old friends and new ac
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers was held at the Alderbrook Inn, Union, Wash., during the weekend of October 13- 15, 1978. The meeting was attended by more than 100 members and guests. Friday evening's informal buffe
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978General Dynamics' Electric Boat Division, Groton, Conn., unveiled an innovative method of launching submarines on November 18 with the christening of the high-speed attack submarine Jacksonville. The 360-foot, 6,900-ton Jacksonville was the first ship to become waterborne from the graving doc
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978Robert J. Blackwell, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce, has announced the award of a $137,446,600 subsidized shipbuilding contract to Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa., for the construction of two roll-on/roll-off container vesse
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The 86th Annual Meeting of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, held at the New York Hilton Hotel in November, brought together the leaders in shipbuilding and ship operation, not only from the United States but worldwide. The wide ranging technical papers presented during th
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1978Calling upon Congress to enact a "good and fair" Seamen's Compensation Act in 1979 to help stem the tide of soaring liability awards to seamen, John H. Cassedy, president of the Shipowners Claims Bureau and secretary of the American Club (The American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection & Inde
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1978The Maritime Administration (MarAd) has awarded contracts totaling in excess of half a million dollars for the assessment of present facilities and future needs of ports in Alaska, Hawaii, and Oregon, Robert J. Blackwell, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs, announced. In i
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1978James B. Potter Jr., president of The American Waterways Operators, Inc., viewed the October 21 signing of the waterway user tax bill into law with "cautious anticipation," and called it "an important first step leading toward the replacement of Locks and Dam 26." The bill, H.R. 8533, signe
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1978Seventeen stevedoring and marine terminal companies were honored in New York City for safety efforts over the past two years that helped reduce the frequency of accidents among some 11,000 waterfront workers in the bistate Port of New York and New Jersey. They were cited at a special awards
- The M/S Boogabilla page: 20
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1978The recently completed M/S Boogabilla is classed by its builders and owners as the third generation of deepsea roll-on/roll-off vessels. The ship incorporates several new items for this type of vessel, such as a largebore, slow-speed diesel engine; three parallel trafficways, and a jumbo angle
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1978A group of 41 members of Congress have banded together to form a bipartisan Congressional Shipyard Coalition that will direct its efforts toward the promotion of federal policies which will expand American shipbuilding and repairing. At a news conference, Lindy Boggs (Dem.-La.) and Paul S.
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978The Irish Government has joined the growing list of foreign nations providing sponsorship of citizens in commercial deepsea diving training, it was announced by Jim Joiner, executive director of the Commercial Diving Center at 272 South Fries Avenue, Wilmington, Calif. 90744. Mr. Joiner said:
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978The highly automated containership S / S Argonaut was launched at Bath Iron Works Corporation, Bath, Maine, on schedule October 14, for Farreil Lines Incorporated, New York City. Mrs. Marcia Farreil Murray Cavanagh, Southampton, Long Island, N.Y., christened the containership before guests
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978The first regular meeting of the new season for the Los Angeles Metropolitan Section, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, was chaired and opened by William A. Hood. He promptly introduced the new officers for the year, Capt. J.E. Kaune, USN, vice chairman, and Charles E. H
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978On October 10, Levingston Shipbuilding Company, Orange, Texas—subsidiary of Ashland Oil, Inc.—received a milestone $200- million contract for construction of five 35,000-dwt self-sustaining dry-bulk cargo vessels. (See MARITIME REPORTER/Engineering News issue of November 1, 1978.) Only thre
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978At close range, against the background of recent events, one could reasonably conclude that the shipbuilding industry of the United States is being sacrificed on the altar of illogical expediency. In the climate of uncertainty and confusion created by official inertia over the recent past, o