Long Maritime Reporter 2002 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2002The process of bioremediation of waste oil through patented biodispersion technology, consists of a breakthrough in ballast water treatment, which has been discovered via research based on the evaluation of SpillRemed (Marine), which was developed on the basis of biodispersion technology for
- AIS:When & Where? Here & Now! page: 20
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2002The events of September 11. 2001 will continue to have lingering effects on the world indefinitely. The most visible remnant in the maritime world is the drastically heightened sense of safety and security, as officials in countries around the globe seek to secure their borders from the threa
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2002A number of commercial and regulatory factors have contributed to growth in the RoRo ship upgrading and conversion market over the past year, particularly in the North European arena: The abolition of tax-free sales on ferries in intra-EU traffic forced shipowners to find new sources of revenue
- Shipboard Life in Style page: 12
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2002new concept in luxury living and travel has been brought to realization with the completion of the much-vaunted ResidenSea ship. The World, which made its service debut at European ports during April. The unique vessel, home to a resort community continuously circumnavigating the globe, is t
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2002Around the world, people involved with shipping are booking flights to Greece and preparing to do business at the Posidonia 2002 International Shipping Exhibition, held on the Piraeus waterfront from June 4-7. 2002. With the Greek market worth a conservative $16 billion per annum, there is plen
- Jeamar's Winches Are Made To Order page: 45
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2002Jeamar Winches, known for heavy-duty hand and power winches, has made a major push into the custom arena with built-to-order products. Besides its major focus on the marine industry with rugged seaworthy capstan, power and hand winches, Jeamar has evolved into a true crossindustry provider. A
- Good Fuel = Good Profits page: 44
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2002More than ever, emphasis on fuel quality — what goes in and what comes out — is a top agenda item of lawmakers and vessel owners alike. With ever tightening pressure on vessel owners to lower consumption and emission numbers, similar pressure has been applied to the maritime supply market to
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2002There has been much ado over the recent Supreme Court ruling that a commercial uninspected drilling vessel must comply with applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards since the vessel was not regulated by under the USCG inspected vessel standards. Those in the kno
- The Dash for Gas page: 74
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002The gas market is exciting, but only for those with a steady nerve and long-term commitment. Over 20 new LNG import projects have been mooted for the U.S. alone. We are witnessing an unprecedented expansion of shipping capacity to meet this and worldwide expansion of demand. Nearly 30 percent o
- A World of Controversy page: 64
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002It was a concept like no other. A floating home where guests could virtually visit a variety of exotic ports in far off places from the comforts of their own luxurious accommodations. Imagine pulling into Cannes during its renowned film festival, stepping out into Monaco during its Grand Prix
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002There are 2,511 identified pending, probable and possible subsea production wells forecast (base case) worldwide over the next six years. Some 18 percent of these subsea completions will be installed in North America, 30 percent in Africa/Mediterranean, eight percent in Asia-Pacific, 26 percent
- Spanish Group Endorses Pentamaran page: 37
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002As part of its strategy to foster business in the high-speed marine transportation sector, Spain's IZAR Group is collaborating with the British technical consultancy Nigel Gee & Associates (NGA) in the development of fast RoPax and RoRo vessel designs. The recent unveiling of a proposal for a
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002Shipowners are known for having distinct differences of opinion, but the one thing that all agree on is the importance of having access to capital. In an industry in which assets are generally bigticket items and operating margins can be thin, access to proper financing serves the dual purpos
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002Crowley Marine Services' Energy and Marine Services business unit has successfully moved the 312-ft. (9.5-m) square concrete island drilling structure Orlan from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to Sovietskaya Gavan in the Russian Far East for Sakhalin 1 Project operator. Exxon Neftegas Limited (ENL), a
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002Speaking via a roundtable discussion at the annual Connecticut Maritime Association (CMA) Exhibition 2002 on March 19, Intertanko managing director Peter Swift summed up — in just a fewwords — the position that the organization has established since the terrorist attacks of September II. Swif
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002As part of the Coast Guard's ongoing port security mission, extra Coast Guard boats and personnel provided armed escort and enforcing the Naval Vessel Protection Zone (NVPZ) surrounding the USS Roosevelt Battle Group during its return to Hampton Roads, Va. on March 27. "We're very proud of w
- No Substitute for A Strong Navy page: 28
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002The President is proposing a much needed, and long overdue increase of $49 billion in his fiscal year 2003 budget for National Defense. What is astonishing is that this larger budget proposes slashing the Navy's shipbuilding procurement account below that recommended by the previous Administr
- NWDC: The Ultimate One-Stog Shop page: 24
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002The emcient adoption and integration of leading edge, off-the-shelf technologies; seamless cooperation among military branches and entitlejft and procurement of a vessel, in record time, on a "handshake ... with the paperwork later" is not the commonly held perception of the U.S. Navy. But the wo
- Key Port Security Measure Passed page: 16
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2002H.R. 3983, the "Maritime Transportation Antiterrorism Act of 2002," was passed by the House Transportation and Infrastructure (T & I) Committee on March 20. The legislation was introduced by the bipartisan leadership of the Transportation Committee, including: Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), Chair
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Maritime Reporter
on March 2002NSRP ASE sponsors a variety of R&D projects that address lean initiatives — some focusing on new construction and others on repair. One notable lean repair project that has demonstrated rapid payback and implementation involves the surface preparation process. Traditionally, about 25 percent