ASNE Day 1981 Scheduled For April 30-May 1 In Washington

This year's American Society of Naval Engineers ASNE Day meetings will be held on Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1 at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. The theme of the technical program is "Naval Design and Engineering —- New Dimensions." In addition to the two full days of technical sessions, luncheons will be held on both days, and the 64th Annual Banquet will take place at 2000 on Friday night, with Vice Adm. C. Russell Bryan, USN (ret.), ASNE president, presiding. A reception at 1900 will precede the banquet.

TECHNICAL PROGRAM THURSDAY, APRIL 30 Session No. 1, Regency Ballroom, (Ship Design I). Moderator: Rear Adm. James H. Webber, USN.

0900 The Challenge of Design: Rear Adm. James W. Lisanby, USN.

0945 D e v e l o p m e n t of Requirements : Rear Adm. John T. Parker, USN.

1030 Streamlining the NAVSEA Ship Design Process: Robert J.


S e s s i o n No. 2A, Palladian Room, (Ship Design II). Moderator: Rear Adm. James W. Lisanby, USN.

1430 What It Is Like To Design a Naval Ship in NAVSEA Today: Cdr. Clark Graham, USN.

1515 What It Is Like To Design a Combat System in NAVSEA Today: Capt. T. Michael Shortal, USN.

1600 Ship Design and the Navy L a b o r a t o r y : William M. Ellsworth and Dennis J. Clark.

Session No. 2B, Diplomat Room, (Ship Design Methodology). Moderator: Robert P. Giblon.

1430 E n e r g y C o n s i d e r a t i o ns Study on Naval Ship Fuel Consumption V a r i a t i o n s : John J.

Slager, Carlos A. Tomassoni and William C. Sandberg.

1515 A Guide To Generic Seakeeping P e r f o r m a n c e Assessment: Nathan K. Bales and Daniel S. Ciezlowski.

1600 "Design Budgeting" — A Bold New Ship Acquisition Strategy — Now a Proven Concept.

Paul S. Jarvis, J. David Kazal, Donald B. Campbell Jr. and Maurice W. Haff.

FRIDAY, MAY 1 S e s s i o n No. 3A, Palladian Room, (Combat Systems). Moderator : Rear Adm. Kleber S. Masterson, USN.

0930 The Needs f o r Modern Technology and the Impacts on Combat System Design: Leonard C.


1015 The Unimast Concept — A Major Departure in Shipboard Radar Antenna Installation Philosophy : Roy J. Biondi and Bradford E. Kruger.

1100 The Latest in Ship Weapon Launchers—The Vertical Launching System: Seth B. Moorhead.

Session No. 3B, Diplomat Room, (New C o n c e p t s ) . M o d e r a t o r: Nathan Kobitz.

0930 Combat System Engineering and the Top Level Requirements: Cdr. Charles W. Truxall Jr., USN (ret.).

1015 Surface Ship Conform—-Dimension 2000: Cdr. Michael R.

Terry, USN.

1100 A Logical Integrated Approach to Naval Ship Design: Lt.

Cdr. Michael R. Reed, USN.

S e s s i o n No. 4A, Palladian Room, (Ship Design III). Moderator: Rear Adm. John D. Beecher, USN.

1430 Machinery Arrangement Design—A Perspective: Michael E. Resner, Stephen H. Klomparens and John P. Lynch.

1515 Detailed Design — FFG-7 Class: Capt. Robert E. Stark, USN (ret.) and Capt. David M.

Stembel Jr., USN.

1600 HANDE — A Computer- Aided Design Approach To Hydrofoil Ships: James H. King and Matthew D. Devine.

Session No. 4B, Diplomat Room, (Energy Conservation). Moderator: Rear Adm. Thomas M. Hopkins, USN.

1430 Energy C o n s e r v a t i o n for Propulsion of Naval Vessels: Dr.

Eugene F. Brady.

1515 The Age of Sail — Is It Over?: Kenneth C. Morisseau.

1600 U.S. Navy Shipboard Energy R&D—An Overview: Dr. C.F.


Advance registration may be made through headquarters: ASNE, Inc., 1012 14th Street, N.W., Suite 807, Washington, D.C.

20005; (202) 737-0757. On-site registration will begin at 1600 on Wednesday, April 29 in the Executive Room of the Shoreham Hotel, and continue at 0800 on Thursday and Friday.

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 8,  Apr 15, 1981

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