Maritime Safety Group Honors 12 Persons For Technical Presentations

Edward F. Mclntyre, general chairman of the Marine Section of the National Safety Council, announced recently that 12 specialists in accident prevention were cited by the organization f o r outstanding p r e s e n t a t i o ns that advanced efforts in safety f o r workers in the U.S. maritime industry.

The action was taken at an awards ceremony held at the Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, in what has become a highlight event of the annual conference of the ship industry group that is held in conjunction with the meeting of the National Safety Council.

The three-day meeting of the Marine Section is the 64th yearly gathering of the unit since it was established in 1917.

The awards were made f o r program papers delivered at the prior Marine Section conference on the basis of selection by a special committee. It was headed this year by Capt. Robert E. Hart, president of the Marine Index Bureau of New York. The award winners and their papers were: Capt. P.J. Cronk, U.S. Coast Guard, "Computer Assisted Anal- ysis Techniques for Outer Continental Shelf Safety Studies." Ron F. Bohn, United States Navigation, Inc., "The How and Why of Control Procedures for Packaged Hazardous Materials/ D a n g e r o u s Goods Offered as Ocean Export Cargoes." Charles Keller, National Fire Protection Association, for "The Marine Chemist and His Role in Marine Safety." Capt. Harold F. Norton Jr., U.S. Coast Guard, for "Fire at Sea — A Casualty Revisited." William Mattmiller, California Back School, "Prevention of Back Injuries in the Towing Industry." Alvin V. Marks, Bean Dredging Corp., "Why Bean Uses Super 8 f o r Safety Training." Thomas Smith, Tidewater Marine Service, Inc., "Tidewater Safety Communications." Dennis Gaubert, J. McDermott Corp., "Safety Planning in Production and What No Man Has Ever Done." J.P. Brown, Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc., "Packaging for Safety and Security in Water Transport." Douglas Hard, Marine Safety International, "Safety Aspect of Bridge Simulator." Tom Brooks, Marsh & McLennan, "The Intermesh Between Claims Handling and Safety." Thomas Tooker, National River Academy, "Towboat Officer's Role as Supervisor." Mr. Mclntyre noted that in addition to Captain Hart, the Best Paper Award selection committee included David S. Walker of Boston Towboat Co.; Capt. A.D.

Utara of the U.S. Coast Guard; and William T. McCuen of John W. McGrath Corp.

The Marine Section is one of 28 separate industry groups that are part of the National Safety Council.

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 50,  Dec 1981

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