Radio Holland USA, B.V., one of the nation's largest distributors of advanced communications and navigational equipment, recently had a "hands-on" private exhibition of their Total Shipboard Communications Center at the Houston headquarters complex. Attendees at the three day session included a wide range of technical and operational personnel from the shipping and marine electroncis industries. According to Sal Berte, general sales manager of Radio Holland, the program was planned to provide potential customers with an opportunity to see the most modern equipment live in a real-life environment.
Among the equipment on display was Radio Holland's new FCC type approved TR 4750 survival craft/ lifeboat radio. This ultracompact system transmits on the 500, 2182 and 8364 kHz international distress frequencies, and meets all current applicable SOLAS, ITU and FCC requirements for two-way communications.
For use on 500 and 8364 kHz, the TR 4750 incorporates an automatic switching and automatic keying device which transmits the radiotelegraph distress signal on both frequencies, as well as the DF dash on 8364 kHz. A built-in twotone generator provides automatic transmission of the radiotelephone alarm signal on 2182 kHz. The unit will operate either from an external 24 VDC battery or from the built-in hand-cranked generator.
Circle 20 on Reader Service Card As the exclusive distributor for Sailor radio equipment in the U.S., Radio Holland had virtually the entire product range available. Included was the new FCC type approved Program 1000/B 400W SSB radio system with fully automatic telex capability; the new FCC type approved 500 kHz main/reserve SOLAS radio station; the complete VHF radiotelephone line including the new ultracompact full duplex RT 2047 with scanning, dual watch and selective calling all in a package occupying less than one-half cubic foot, the well known multi-remote RT 146; plus Sailor's new CRY 2001 compact scrambler that permits up to 16.8 million possible code combinations for the ultimate in communications security.
This line of Sailor equipment is manufactured by S.P. Radio A/S of Aalborg, Denmark, in a modern factory capable of producing in excess of 20,000 sets annually. The company's product line has become known worldwide both for reliable operation and the distinctive green finish that provides a nylon finished, scratch-free surface that is highly resistant to salt water.
Circle 21 on Reader Service Card The Program 1000/B short wave communications system is able to meet all maritime communications needs in the frequency range from 1.6 to 27.5 MHz due to the unusual design flexibility. A variety of receivers, transmitters, exciters and power supplies can easily be mounted in the Sailor 19" rack to satisfy the communications requirements of every size vessel. In addition, the antenna coupler can be mounted directly at the foot of the antenna for maximum efficiency.
The system can also operate under full remote control to meet the requirements of an automated radiotelex station. In the ARQ mode, the system works through a single antenna and has switching speed sufficient for telex operation over a single simplex frequency.
One configuration of the Sailor Program 1000/B is the Nordic Maritex Terminal. Maritex is an automated radiotelex system for the exchange of ship-to-ship or ship-toland information. The central Maritex equipment is located at Gothenberg Radio and gives subscribers the ability to automatically transmit and receive telex messages 24 hours a day. The system is open to shipowners of all nations and complies with land mobile and diplomatic applications as well as marine.
Circle 22 on Reader Service Card At the other end of the communications spectrum, Radio Holland also featured Comsat Telesystems' new MCS 9100 compact, lightweight satellite communications terminal, integrated with the new Philips PACT 250 teleprinter that offers a large CRT display. Another product shown was the Telesystems "in-asuitcase" portable satellite communications terminal.
Circle 23 on Reader Service Card In the VHF radiotelephone range, Radio Holland offered two Sailor products. The first was the familiar RT 146, which is a full duplex synthesized set for all international maritime VHF channels. An unlimited number of full function control units may be used with the system.
The new RT 2047, as mentioned earlier, is a remarkably compact full duplex unit operating on all available VHF frequencies and including such standard features as dual watch, selective calling, scanning, and the ability to program as many as 60 private channels where permitted.
The new Sailor CRY 2001 compact scrambler was also available for demonstration. This unit provides up to 16.8 million possible code combinations via its use of both time and frequency division scrambling techniques. With the CRY 2001, full privacy is assured even with selective or group calling. It may be used with VHF, SSB, or ordinary telephones.
Circle 24 on Reader Service Card In navigation equipment, Radio Holland provided one of the first public demonstrations of the new NCD-39 electronic charting system from Odin Electronics, Inc. This unit is capable of storing navigation charts in digital computer memory, then displaying them at a scale of your choice on a bright 12" monochrome CRT display. It will interface with most popular loran or satnav receivers to provide position tracking information in real time.
The user may overlay a wide range of information and even personalize charts with wrecks, drilling rigs, shoals, etc. A password security system protects private chart data and an automatic chart stringing function supports long voyages.
Circle 25 on Reader Service Card The three day seminar was considered to be an outstanding success by all attendees.
Utica College and Syracuse University, Mr. Spindler worked on daily newspapers in upstate New York before joining Bell Aerospace Textron (now Textron Marine Systems) as director of public relations in Buffalo and New Orleans. He served as public relations and advertising manager for Ocean Drilling &
Offshore Wind boom, there are lessons to be learned here, from across the great pond. When Mantsbrite became the sole U.K. distributor of the David Clark Marine Wireless Headset Communications Systems in 2012, one of the first users was Tidal Transit, a fast growing North Norfolk company providing a new generation
service package on the water. That’s no accident. If quality service, high tech hardware and quality personnel are the common bonds shared by marine communications provider KVH and its customer Harvey Gulf International Marine, then the relationship is probably a match made in heaven. Harvey Gulf, already
and/or radio). Digital technology simplifies system setup and operation Of additional importance to both boat manufacturers and users for marine communications is the ability to integrate a system on board a vessel and ensure that it is easy to use for crew members. These considerations were not lost
demands for advanced design and new technology to accommodate the requirements of high performance and increasingly complex mission protocols. MetalCraft Marine is one such manufacturer that is meeting these challenges head on, evidenced by the company’s recent expansion of its successful 7-12 meter Interceptor
with a clean graphical user interface and the utilization of Microsoft Windows conventions, Sea- Wave Navigator is an exceptional product for marine communications," said Mark Witsaman, vice president of technology and development, SeaWave LLC. Transmission charges are billed in data increments, at
a well-known figure in marine communication circles and was recently a sales manager with Raytheon Marine. The leading German manufacturer of marine communications and safety equipment, the Hamburg- based DEBEG is a subsidiary of Siemens AG and AEG Telefunken. In addition to its new U.S. operation
parent firm specializes in the development and manufacture of hightechnology marine equipment for fisheries research, offshore exploration, marine communications, and marine systems monitoring equipment. Ocean Pearl is the first tuna fishing vessel to be built for InterOcean. The Ocean Pearl is
SeaWave LLC's marine communications suite includes SeaWave Navigator 2.0 and SeaWave Integrator, the latter is a hardware device that comes bundled with SeaWave Communicator 3.0. SeaWave Navigator 2.0 is Windows based software bundled with a DSP modem and works with most existing SSB radios specifically
SeaWave LLC's family of products include voice and data marine communications, weather, tracking and billing. SeaWave Integrator 3.0 and SeaWave Navigator 2.0, the core of the marine communications suite, include both hardware and Microsoft Windows-based software. Both products use Throughput Technolo
Rubin's responsibilities will include the direction and supervision of all Industrial Electronic Services (IES), including sales and service of marine communications and navigation equipment, installation and maintenance of surveillance systems and satellite communications systems, and video tape duplicating
- A look over the horizon.” The report, available at, is built around three broad Sections – 1. “Basics of marine Communications;” 2. “The connected ship;” and 3. “Special services.” Then, each Section presents a closer look at various topics. The “Basics” section, for
easily be con?gured for multi-mission versatility and a virtually unlimited number of wired and wireless users. When it comes to mission-critical marine communications for U.S. Coast Guard platforms–including response boats, interceptors, port security boats and other special purpose craft–the USCG relies
manevering tank. nationally built and developed by the ICN itself. They manage to virtualize various vessels and ship activities such as marine communications (GMDSS), dynamic vessel positioning (DP), load- ing and unloading (FPSOs/Tankers); maneuvers (Ships/PSVs/AHSVs/Tug Boats) and ballast and
AD CLOSE: JUN 23 AD CLOSE: JUL 25 JULY AUGUST The Marine Communications Edition The Shipyard Edition Market: Fishing Vessel Quarterly Market: Shipbuilding: Te World Report Market: Tugboat, Towboat & Barge Technical: Heavy Lifing Solutions: Maritime Cranes
shipyard productivityImproving shipyard productivity INSURANCE Credit: Miller Electric Mfg. Co. 24 Mississippi Mishap 30 Digital Marine Communications: A bridge allision triggers a 2-Year license defense. Helping to Protect Our Borders. By Randy O’Neill Edited by Joseph Keefe 34
AD CLOSE: JUN 23 AD CLOSE: JUL 25 JULY AUGUST The Marine Communications Edition The Shipyard Edition Market: Fishing Vessel Quarterly Market: Shipbuilding: Te World Report Market: Tugboat, Towboat & Barge Technical: Heavy Lifing Solutions: Maritime Cranes
AD CLOSE: JUN 23 AD CLOSE: JUL 25 JULY AUGUST The Marine Communications Edition The Shipyard Edition Market: Fishing Vessel Quarterly Market: Shipbuilding: Te World Report Market: Tugboat, Towboat & Barge Technical: Heavy Lifing Solutions: Maritime Cranes
AD CLOSE: JUN 23 AD CLOSE: JUL 25 JULY AUGUST The Marine Communications Edition The Shipyard Edition Market: Fishing Vessel Quarterly Market: Shipbuilding: Te World Report Market: Tugboat, Towboat & Barge Technical: Heavy Lifing Solutions: Maritime Cranes
AD CLOSE: JUN 23 AD CLOSE: JUL 25 JULY AUGUST The Marine Communications Edition The Shipyard Edition Market: Fishing Vessel Quarterly Market: Shipbuilding: Te World Report Market: Tugboat, Towboat & Barge Technical: Heavy Lifing Solutions: Maritime Cranes
Fax: 561-732-8063 Digital Technology Enhances Mike Kozlowski • [email protected] Tel: 561-733-2477 Fax: 561-732-9670 Marine Communications Dawn Trauthwein • [email protected] By Joseph Keefe Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6230 Fax: 631-868-3575 Jean Vertucci
AD CLOSE: JUN 23 AD CLOSE: JUL 25 JULY AUGUST The Marine Communications Edition The Shipyard Edition Market: Fishing Vessel Quarterly Market: Shipbuilding: Te World Report Market: Tugboat, Towboat & Barge Technical: Heavy Lifing Solutions: Maritime Cranes
AD CLOSE: JUN 23 AD CLOSE: JUL 25 JULY AUGUST The Marine Communications Edition The Shipyard Edition Market: Fishing Vessel Quarterly Market: Shipbuilding: Te World Report Market: Tugboat, Towboat & Barge Technical: Heavy Lifing Solutions: Maritime Cranes
updates of asset location and the de- veloping tactical situation.” Still another system offered by UK-based Ultra Elec- tronics – Graytronics Marine Communications & Inter- com System – is designed to provide clear audio under extreme conditions for civil forces and in military appli- cations. Intercoms
deck crew can also be critical. tion’ apps. However, there are distinct differences between having vast amounts of data and knowing where you are Marine Communications Evolve & Adapt in real time, to actually navigating and passage planning. The traditional system for external marine communica- A challenge
MARINE COMMUNICATIONS “That’s the difference between our service and others – we’re sending a lot of live content continuously. So, in times when you are not in peak demand for your bandwidth, you have a lot of capacity available on your satellite network ... The MLC – making the crew happy part – it
MARINE COMMUNICATIONS Broadband Bandwidth Battles As Satellite providers battle for market share, the onboard struggle to ef? ciently maximize bandwidth allocation is also being solved. he requirement to monitoring ceive data and information. Even as the represents years of research and devel- seafarers
in radio-telex than all other manufacturers combined. PHILIPS If you're concerned with ship- board communications, or you are a marine communications equip- ment dealer, contact Philips for complete STB-750 specifications. We'll help you launch your program. In the USA, contact North
Product: Water Treatment & Technology Shipyard Report: Construction & Repair Market: Push Boats & Barges Technical: Marine Communications Product: Oil Pollution: Prevention & Response Offshore Annual Market: Fire, Patrol & Escort Craft Technical:
Luis Benito (Market- ing), Hector Sewell (Sales) and Gwynne Lewis (Consulting) who will be joined by LR’s other Nick Brown, the Global Marine Communications Manager. Alfultis New Head of SUNY Maritime Dr. Michael A. Alfultis, a retired U.S. Coast Guard captain, and the direc- tor and chief
bridges), self-propelled barges are the norm on the Dan- ube. Patterson believes there is a market there for advanced technology like the YoYo. MARINE COMMUNICATIONS Kerry Connell is a freelance writer based in Pittsburgh. In addition to barge rigging, she has written about healthcare products and procedures
. RF COMMUNICATIONS The Harris RF-230M, a major step forward in marine radio. It took Harris to advance state-of-the art technology in marine communications with the development of this 125 watt, 96 channel synthesized, SSB transceiver. • Its Electronically Alterable Read Only Memory (EAROM)
, you can retrofit your existing Mackay Marine shipboard installations to add a full TOR capa- bility. Either way, the combination of Mackay Marine communications technology and Philips unequaled experience in radio telex, delivers an unbeatable package of reliability, economy and performance
, including scanning so- nar, Loran C, and satellite navi- gation equipment. In addition to the Wesmar line, AAT also supplies and services marine communications and navi- gation equipment manufactured by Texas Instruments, Raytheon, JRC, Redifon, EPSCO, C.A.I., Mo- torola, General Electric, Hewlett
Stop smoking. ITT Mackay now offers four ways to improve fuel efficiency. ITT Mackay, known on the bridge for reliable marine communications systems, now enters the engine room. Featuring equipment manu- factured by proven performers like the Wager Company and VAF Instruments, ITT Mackay now