Long Maritime Reporter 1981 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1981Globally the structure and organization of the international shipping industry is undergoing fundamental and in many instances rapid change. This change has been manifest during the late 1970s by geographical change in both the flag and ownership of tonnage and by the increasing encroachment o
- Ice Tech 81 page: 36
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1981Ottawa, Canada — June 16-19 This major event will bring forth the results of research and development in designing ships for ice navigation by many nations of the world. For years to come "Ice Tech '81" will be considered and referenced as a major event in resource and marine development
- PORTEX '81 page: 6
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1981Hamburg, Germany May 26 - 30 With e x h i b i t o r s registered from 18 countries, what is said to be the largest and most comprehensive international port exhibition and conference, Portex '81, is slated to open at the Hamburg Exhibition and Congress Center on May 26, 1981. Running thr
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1981The Long Beach-Greater Los Angeles Section of The American Society of Naval Engineers held a recent regular monthly meeting at the Officers Club of the Armed Forces Reserve Center, Los Alamitos, Calif. The meeting was the occasion of the installation of the new Section officers for the forth
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1981In addition to the traditional safety role, shipboard navigation and communications gear plays an important part in fuel conservation— a vital factor for all merchant ships noiv sailing the oceans. In view of this, the many companies that supply such equipment to the seagoing fleets as well
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1981Gulf Fleet Marine Corporation, headquartered in New Orleans, has taken delivery of the Gulf Fleet No. 45 (shown above), a 185-foot by 40-foot by 14-foot supply/fire-fighting vessel from Quality Shipyards, Inc., another Gulf Fleet company, located in Houma, La. The vessel is powered by twin
- 1981 RTCM ASSEMBLY page: 6
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1981Memphis-April 27-29 The Radio Technical Commission for Marine Services (RTCM) will hold its 1981 Assembly Meeting April 27-29 at the Rivermont Holiday Inn in Memphis, Tenn. The American River Pilots Association is scheduled to participate. The RTCM is an organization in which Government a
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1981This year's American Society of Naval Engineers ASNE Day meetings will be held on Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1 at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. The theme of the technical program is "Naval Design and Engineering —- New Dimensions." In addition to the two full days of techni
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1981Members of the Chesapeake Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers met recently to hear the presentation of a paper titled "Evaluation of Concepts for Improved Controllability of Tank Vessels," by Eugene Miller, Vladimir Ankudinov, and Thomas Ternes. Both Mr. Miller a
- OTC 81 page: 49
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1981May 4-7, 1981-Houston The Offshore Technology Conference is the definitive international forum on ocean resources exploration and production. OTC attained this distinction early in its 12-year history and continues to build on its own success by annually creating the most conducive atmosp
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1981The contract oil and gas well drilling industry is enjoying an unprecedented boom, both on land and offshore, around the world. New construction of drilling units is announced almost daily. The ability of drilling contractors to order offshore drilling units is often limited by the availabil
- NOR-SHIPPING '81 page: 20
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1981Eighth Presentation Of This High-Quality Exhibition Is Booked To Capacity Indications are that this year's Nor-Shipping Exhibition, to be held as usual at the Sjolyst Centre in Oslo, will attract great interest. All available exhibition space had been booked six months in advance, and the
- Sail-Equipped Motorship Feasible page: 24
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1981This article deals with the efforts of Nippon Kokan K.K. which, in collaboration with the Japan Marine Machinery Development Association, tried to develop, by fully utilizing modern techniques, sail-equipped motorships that can operate under present-day conditions. The research and developm
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Maritime Reporter
on February 15, 1981A discussion-provoking paper titled "Shipbuilding P r a c t i c es Around the World" was presented by Jay J. Hassani of Century Engineering, Inc., Baltimore, at a recent meeting of the Chesapeake Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. In his paper, Mr. Hassani revi
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Maritime Reporter
on February 1981Burmeister & Wain Shipyard in Copenhagen recently christened the motorship Danelock, the first bulk carrier of the yard's new, fuel-saving Panamax type of approximately 64,000 dwt. Shortly after, the ship was delivered to Turnville Shipping Ltd. of Monrovia, Liberia—a member of the Wheellock
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Maritime Reporter
on February 1981One of the most advanced vessels to go into service for Tidewater Marine Service, Inc.'s Australian joint venture company, Tidewater Port Jackson Marine Pty., Ltd. of Sydney, was nearing completion at Carrington Slipways, N e w c a s t l e , New South Wales, when the photo above was taken.
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Maritime Reporter
on February 1981The boom in offshore drill rig ordering during the past year—a total of 156 were contracted for during 1980 worldwide — broke all previous records. At year-end, there were 195 rigs of all types on order. This, along with the hundreds of vessels needed to serve these new rigs, has sparked th
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1981Bring together a highly experienced trawl skipper and one of the world's leading builders of fishing vessels and machinery and you have the makings for an impressive new boat. Such was the case when MARCO Seattle's new North Pacific fishing vessel Dona Genoveva was christened recently for W
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1981The r e c e n t l y delivered Lady Debbie (shown above) is the first of two twin-screw, 113-foot supply boats to be built by Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Company of Mobile for Keen Marine Services of Metairie, La. Constructed to a design of Maritime Engineering Services of Biloxi, Miss., th
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1981Christening ceremonies were held recently at Avondale Shipyards near New Orleans for the first of three integrated catug/ barge vessels currently under construction there for use by Occidental Petroleum Corporation. The Oxy Trader is designed to carry phosphoric acid and other liquid chemic