Medium Maritime Reporter 1986 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986The M/V Conch Republic was recently delivered by St. Augustine Trawlers, Inc. to her owner, Caribbean Travel Services. She is the latest of many passenger vessels designed by DeJong & Lebet, Inc., naval architects, of Jacksonville, Fla. The Conch Republic is certified for 500 passengers in oc
- Farrell Says New Waterways Bill Is 'Major Step Forward' Toward Rebuilding Nation's Infrastructure page: 79
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986Following Congressional passage of The Water Resources Development Act (H.R. 6), on October 17, Joe Farrell, president of The American Waterways Operators (AWO), said that "This first omnibus waterways bill in 16 years is a remarkable achievement. The development of this legislation is the res
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986Moss Point Marine, Inc., has been awarded a $40.7-million U.S. Navy contract to build four logistic support vehicles (LSV). According to John Dane III, president of the Escatawpa, Miss., yard, the contract is the largest the company has received since its founding in 1980. The all-steel land
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986Spurred by tax incentives and new government laws designed to promote its maritime industry, the shipping registry of the Isle of Man is growing. According to Capt. Geoffrey Davis, chief marine surveyor for the 1,000-year-old independent nation, much of the future growth is likely to come fr
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986The concept of creating a modern RO/RO terminal near the estuary of the River Thames became reality this fall when the first vessel to use the facility berthed at the Linkspan. The inaugural honor fell to Kent Line's 108-meterlong (about 354 feet) vessel Arroyofrio Uno of 5,080 dwt which loade
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986The multipurpose cargo vessel Nordland (hull no. 179) contracted by Nordland Schiffahrtsges. mbH of Dorpen, West Germany, was recently christened and launched at ceremonies held at Jansen Werft's Leer yard in West Germany. The sponsor of the vessel was Miss Tiina Valve, daughter of Veijo Valve
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986—Literature Available Magnavox has become one of the first manufacturers to take advantage of a recent decision by INMARSAT to allow satellite ship earth stations to be equipped with two separate telephone identification codes. Magnavox Advanced Products and Systems Company has announced that
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986—Literature Available Mobil Oil Corporation has introduced six hydraulic fluids for general industrial use. They all meet requirements of system and pump builders for resistance to heat, wear, water, and rust. The Mobil Hydraulic Oil Series consists of six ISO (International Standards Organ
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986In October 1983, Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution, known as MARPOL 73/78, entered into force for the maritime and shipping industry. This convention concerns pollution from oil. The regulation was created to reduce operational discharges from ships, whi
- Falk To Market Masson Marine Drives page: 53
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986—Literature Available An agreement to market Masson marine gear drive products has been signed by the Falk Corporation, Milwaukee, Wis., and Society Europeenne D'Engrenages (S.E.E.), Saint-Denis-Les-Sens, France, manufacturer of Masson products. The agreement, announced at the Fish Expo con
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986—Literature Available The Portuguese Navy has selected the General Electric LM2500 marine gas turbine engine to power its three new MEKO 200 guided missle frigates. Portugal is the 16th nation to order the LM2500 for its naval fleet. The order calls for six engines to be delivered to both B
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986For the first time in history, over one half of the Navy's procurement dollars were awarded on a competitive basis during fiscal year 86. This competition has resulted in significant savings in shipbuilding and in the aircraft, missile, combat systems, spare parts and maintenance programs. I
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986The ninth ship in the Ticonderoga Class of Aegis guided missile cruisers, and the eighth to be built by Ingalls Shipbuilding division of Litton in Pascagoula, Miss., has been christened Leyte Gulf (CG- 55). Principal speaker at the recent christening ceremony at the shipyard was Adm. Ronald
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO) recently held a naming ceremony and open house for the USNS Mercy (T-AH 19), first of two 90,000-dwt tankers NASSCO is converting into 1,000- bed Naval Hospital Ships. Both events were open to the public. As guest of honor, Helen K. Copley na
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986Recently, the Board of Directors of the Marine Machinery Association met with a select group of U.S. Navy officials to discuss incidents of poor quality in parts and services being supplied to the Navy as a result of awards to less than qualified suppliers. Participating in the discussions
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1986After two decades of proven reliability aboard flight decks of aircraft carriers, a general purpose, heavy duty, non-slip deck coating is now commercially available from American Abrasive Metals Company. The new abrasive coating known as Epoxo has wide application for boat landings and on de
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1986A christening ceremony was held at National Steel and Shipuilding Company (NASSCO) in San Diego recently for the Exxon Valdez, the first of "two 209,000-dwt tankers being constructed for Exxon Shipping Company of Houston. These Alaska Class tankers are the largest ships ever built on the Wes
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1986The first meeting of the 86-87 season for the New York Metropolitan Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers heard a paper titled "Conversion of San Clemente Class Tankers to Hospital Ships for the U.S. Navy," by Alan R. Reid and David S. Huff of the Military Sealift C
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1986—Literature A v a i l a b l e— SWDiesel's SW 280 engine meets the operating capability required for mobile offshore installations, and is said to have been the first engine to pass a performance test in the output range from 2,000 to 8,000 bhp under conditions where inclinations to the horiz
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1986David Higgins, executive director of the Marimed (maritime medicine) Foundation in Honolulu, has announced the signing of the initial contract for the construction of a 150-foot, three-masted topsail schooner. The vessel will be outfilled with medical equipment and will be used to provide pr