Maritime Logistics Professional 2019 Articles
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Nov/Dec 2019As the pressures mount to improve efficiencies, safety and a port’s environmental footprint, the means to make all of that happen are already within reach. And, contrary to what organized labor might think, it’s not about reducing headcounts.Port operations and logistics have significant
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Jul/Aug 2019In the cargo shipping world, there’s the bulk sector, the container segment, and then, there is “everything else.”When it comes to ‘everything else,’ breakbulk is the cargo that resides in between, comprising much of that remainder, including forest products (lumber, baled pulp) and steel. Breakbulk
- PORT PROFILE: Big Baltimore page: 22
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Jul/Aug 2019The Port of Baltimore is poised to muscle its way into the nation’s elite top 10 ports. How that happened really isn’t hard to understand. That’s because what comes next will be the dividend of many years of focused planning.The Port of Baltimore consists of state owned marine term
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Jul/Aug 2019LTE/5G industrial wireless prepares terminals for a digital future.Having implemented successive waves of digital technology over the last few decades, most terminal operations in ports worldwide have a variety of wired and wireless network technologies ranging from UHF and VHF, over wireless sensor
- New ‘Eyes’ on the Prize page: 34
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Jul/Aug 2019Tappan Zee Constructors ‘See’ Below Hudson River with Trimble Marine Construction Systems and Teledyne Marine Imaging.Since 1955, the Tappan Zee Bridge has been a critical thoroughfare for New Yorkers commuting between Rockland and Westchester Counties, located approximately 20 miles north of Manhat
- Trust and Independence: page: 14
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Jul/Aug 2019Key metrics for a consolidating market of Multi-Purpose Vessels.The multipurpose sector has experienced a tough first half of 2019, following a trend of difficult market conditions spanning over a decade. Fallout from ongoing global political trade discussions is taking its toll on both project and
- CYBER SECURITY: Are You Cyber Safe? page: 12
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Jul/Aug 2019While there is no silver bullet and no one solution to cyber safety, layered defenses are best practices and rely on multiple measures to detect and protect against cyber dangers.“Parasitic malware feasts on critical infrastructure”“Digital vigilantes weaponize vulnerability disclosure”“Rushed digit
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on May/Jun 2019The In-transit cold treatment program, that is! The dimensions of The Program are remarkable. The Reefer Shipping Market and Forecast 2017/18 produced by Drewry calculated that 79 percent of perishable cargo moved in refrigerated containers in 2016 and only 21 percent on reefer ships. By 2021, reefe
- Ramping (Up) to Lift Port Production page: 18
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on May/Jun 2019As North America’s larger ports continue to increase capacity, dredging and air drafts are receiving the attention they deserve. As bigger post-Panamax boxships begin to arrive, none of that means anything unless truck turn times and TEU moves per hour can be improved. The innovative and evolving su
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on May/Jun 2019John F. Reinhart is the CEO and executive director of the Virginia Port Authority (VPA). He is responsible for the broad programmatic areas of business development and growth, strategic marketing, finance, and operations of Virginia’s marine terminal facilities: Virginia International Gateway, Newpo
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on May/Jun 2019The Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty AGCS) Safety & Shipping Review 2019 provides a unique and in-depth look at the emerging risks facing international shipping stakeholders.Large shipping losses are now at their lowest level this century having declined by over 50% year-on-year, according to Al
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on May/Jun 2019Turning a necessary cost center into a revenue stream is the new normal for savvy and successful cruise operators.As the flourishing expedition cruise market takes passengers on innovative itineraries to remote and untouched destinations, these well heeled guests want something else at the same time
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on May/Jun 2019As YILPORT Rolls Out the Navis’ Compass Visual Workflow Management Application, the collaborative tool promises improved planning and greater visibility across five terminals. And, that’s just the beginning.In May, Navis announced that YILPORT Holding Inc. would roll out Navis’ Compass visual workfl
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on May/Jun 20192019 brings new missions, strategies and new optimism for this three-port Northeast gateway.The Connecticut Port Authority began operations in 2016. The quasi-public agency’s mission is to grow Connecticut’s economy and create jobs by strategically investing in the state’s three deepwater ports and
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on May/Jun 2019In Port and at Sea: NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Yokosuka Supports Navy Ships and Crews. Understanding how that happens can benefit commercial stakeholders, as well.As the post-Cold War Navy once again faces near-peer competitors at sea, it must reposition itself and step up sustainment of ships at
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on May/Jun 2019Marine Highways Gain Traction in the Intermodal Supply Chain.In the United States, landside infrastructure is at a crisis point. Congestion at the big hub ports, exacerbated by imperfect intermodal interfaces with surface transport serving cargo hinterlands is at the heart of the matter. As politici
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Apr/May 2019That ‘Cloud’ on the horizon is closer than it looks.The container shipping industry faces many challenges, particularly when it comes to increasing uncertainty in the global political and economic environment. The issues between the US and China over trade relations and Brexit in Europe are testing
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Apr/May 2019Benchmarking the Nation’s top container ports in 2018 and looking ahead to what comes next.The nation’s major ports finished 2018 and began 2019 setting monthly and yearly container volume records, but agitated trade activity in the White House raised questions about what corrections would be perman
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Apr/May 2019Get ready for unprecedented disruption as 2020 nears, says Alok Sharma, Senior Vice President at Inatech.When January 1, 2020, arrives and the global 0.5% sulfur cap comes into force, it will trigger the biggest and most sudden change the shipping industry has ever seen. Overnight, about 90% of glob
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Mar/Apr 2019Avoid empty container moves and save environmental costs in shipping.It is an all too common scenario in container logistics: A carrier has 100 empty boxes in Hamburg that must be transported to China for export cargo. None of the carrier’s northern European customers’ needs these containers to ship
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