Maritime Reporter 2017 Articles
- Navigating the New Norm page: 16
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2017How technology, skills and expectations are shaping our maritime future It is not business as usual in the world where we do business. Things are changing. And the speed and scale of these changes will be unprecedented and disruptive: Changing business landscapes and energy profiles;
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2017Mercury Marine was in New York City earlier this year offering test drives for select engines and control systems. While in town, John C. Pfeifer, President - Mercury Marine, sat down with Maritime Reporter & Engineering News to discuss marine technology development that is driving his company fu
- LNG: Maritime's Fuel of the Future page: 48
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2017The move to LNG as fuel in the maritime sector picks up steam, as CMA CGM announced plans to outfit nine of its new 22,000 TEU containerships with LNG fueled engines. By Greg Trauthwein A trend that started in the United States is spreading to the world, as global containershipping giant CMA
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2017MOL FSRU Challenger is Maritime Reporter & Engineering News' Great Ships of 2017. The World’s Largest Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU Max). Japanese shipowner Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) in middle of October, took delivery of MOL FSRU Challenger the world largest floating storage
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2017Nearly 200 delegates from across the world gathered in Den Haag, The Netherlands in September 2017 to hear about the latest developments in maritime training based on state-of-the-art simulation technology. The three-day Kongsberg UC2017 International Maritime Simulation User Conference brought atte
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2017In a show of prototypes, a pod of unmanned sailboats from around the world competes to cross “The Atlantic” test tank in Horten, Norway. Cross the real ocean, and the Sail Bots race similarly challenges scholarly robotic-vessel designers to North America for a bit of station-keeping, collision-avoid
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2017For many industries, cyber security is about target hardening and perimeter defense. This makes sense, as cyber security is implemented in much the same way that physical security is implemented. We often think of it in terms of the medieval castle design, which translates to defense in depth in mod
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2017The October 1, 2015 loss of the U.S. cargo vessel El Faro along with its 33 member crew led to the convening of a Coast Guard Marine Board of Investigation charged with determining as closely as possible the cause(s) of the casualty; whether there is evidence that any failure of material was involve
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017Efficiency gains, CO2 reduction and invasive species drive development Marine coatings increasingly are center stage, not simply to maintain the integrity of vessels, but as a means to make ship ops more efficient and environmentally benign. Maritime Reporter had questons, and two executives – A
- The Best Options for Safe Mooring page: 18
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017Benefits of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene ropes in reducing shipboard injuries The use of High Modulus Synthetic Fiber (HMSF) mooring lines, including Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWP) lines continue to make one of the most dangerous evolutions aboard ships safer. A 201
- W&O Supply Holds a Steady Course page: 90
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017Michael Hume, President & CEO, holds top marine distributor W&O Supply on a steady course. W&O has been a distribution leader in the commercial marine space for more than four decades for a number of reasons, but it all starts with stability at the top, in the form of the leadership of Michael H
- US Navy: Back to Basics page: 16
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017The U.S. Navy has a well-deserved reputation for seamanship in trying conditions. Recently though, the Navy has suffered a series of marine casualties, including the fatal collisions involving two destroyers of the Pacific Fleet. On June 17, USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62), an Arleigh Burke-class destr
- Deck Machinery: Five Stress Areas page: 20
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017Spotting deck equipment stresses where new lubricants bring relief When you face various deck equipment challenges, making the right lubricant selection can help lower labor costs, extend the life of the equipment, improve safety and more. The key is to identify deck equipment stresses, the
- Eye on Design: C-DRONE page: 28
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017New autonomous system for undisturbed wave spectrum measurements During trials the correct measurement of metocean conditions is crucial for reproducibility, performance prediction and to avoid disputes between different stakeholders. MARIN believes its new C-DRONE can make it much easier to obt
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017AME is a Florida based engineering services company specializing in marine (Advanced Mechanical Enterprises) and industrial (Advanced Maintenance Engineering) predictive, preventative and corrective maintenance for rotating and reciprocating machinery. Founded by Rich Merhige in 1992, AME has pionee
- A New Breed of Tug page: 54
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017When markets expand niches are created, goes the logic. For builders of tugs, that market is “floating gas” and the expanding use of liquefied natural gas, or LNG, as a fuel. In support of LNG, there’ll be more oceangoing tug duty — the new floating storage and regasification units, or FSRUs, mean
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017To better understand the challenges faced by ship operators in Brazil, Maritime Reporter’s correspondent in Brazil spoke to Paulo Cesar P. Freitas, Fleet Manager for Norsul Shipping company, one of the major shipping operators in Brazil. Norsul by the Numbers Established in 1963 and operating
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017Block Island — U.S.-based Deepwater Wind’s five-turbine, 30-megawatt wind park — was the first. It showed what was possible, what might not have been optimal and how long it all takes. Since then, incentives for onshore-wind have been curbed, while a tax credit for offshore wind has been extended. W
- IMO Orders Fuels of the Future page: 30
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017The new sulfur, carbon dioxide limits ewill demand precise understanding by ship owners and operators. Globally, new regulations are coming into effect governing the Sulfur Oxide (SOx) limits and CO2 emissions. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has updated the maximum amount of SOx
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2017In October the world’s ferry operators gathered in Split Croatia for the Forty Second Annual Interferry Conference. The 470 or so delegates represented 210 operators and support companies from 27 countries. A trade show included firms from around the world including shipbuilders, naval architects, e