
  • 2019 brings new missions, strategies and new optimism for this three-port Northeast gateway.

    The Connecticut Port Authority began operations in 2016. The quasi-public agency’s mission is to grow Connecticut’s economy and create jobs by strategically investing in the state’s three deepwater ports and small harbors. In a nutshell, the Connecticut legislature teamed up with the governor to create the Connecticut Port Authority by statute in 2014.

    When it fully stood up, CPA’s first full time employee was none other than Evan Matthews, CPA’s Executive Director. He got right to work. Matthews explained, “We’re working on our third operating budget. And we’ve gone from about $400 thousand in state appropriations, and today, we have close to a $1.6 million dollar budget and five employees.”

    There’s no previous model for what Matthews and his colleagues are trying to stand up. “We have an interesting mandate – we are to promote the maritime sector focusing on the shipping activities in three deep water port complexes in Bridgeport, New Haven, and New London. They’re all slightly different,” he said.

    SHIPP: Funding the Mission
    Coordinating the development of Connecticut's ports and harbors, while working with other state, local and private entities to maximize the economic potential of maritime commerce, CPA created SHIPP as a central part of its strategy to support development throughout Connecticut’s waterfront communities.

    Through a separate mandate from the legislature to invest in small harbors throughout the state, last year CPA did its first round of Small Harbor Improvement Projects (SHIPP). A SHIPP Grant may be used on a wide range of improvements including: marina repair, dredging, boat ramp facilities improvement, breakwaters, harbor management plans and feasibility studies. The goal is simple: to strengthen the long term growth of Connecticut's maritime economy. Locally, the Connecticut Legislature likes the SHIPP projects because they’re a good way for them to connect with their constituents through these projects.

    “We had 18 different projects and invested about $4 million and that funding was provided by the State of Connecticut,” Matthews explains further, adding, “We partnered with municipalities on small projects like boat ramps, visitors docks, small dredging projects, and we’ve funded some harbor management plans. It’s a wide range of activities that we support. And we also license and administer the Connecticut State Pilots.”

    Fair Winds Propel New London’s Infrastructure
    In May, the Connecticut Port Authority, Gateway Terminal, Eversource and Ørsted announced a partnership to revitalize State Pier and establish New London as a major northeast center for the growing offshore wind industry. The estimated $93 million investment promises to transform State Pier into a state-of-the-art facility, while creating a platform for heavy lift cargo, such as offshore wind components. The wind component is especially important.

    The two-phased redevelopment plan involves a three-year planned upgrade of the facility’s infrastructure to meet the heavy lift requirements of Bay State Wind’s offshore wind components. The plan is for Bay State Wind to enter into a 10-year lease agreement granting the joint venture between Eversource and Ørsted exclusive use of State Pier for assembly and deployment of offshore wind components. Gateway Terminals, originally of New Haven, CT, signed a long-term concession agreement in January and will act as the new terminal operator.

    Evan Matthews is confident that the deal with come together successfully. In this case, he’s got logistics on his side. “New London is one of the only ports on the eastern coast that doesn’t have any overhead bridge restrictions. This will allow the inshore building of wind turbines in shore, promptly loading onto an installation vessel, and then bringing it out to the foundation. Both ports in Narragansett Bay and the New York ports have airdraft restrictions.”

    Notably, the newest public-private partnership in the Constitution State includes investment bankers Seabury Maritime. At its heart, the latest investment is designed to position Connecticut as a leader in the offshore wind industry and expand economic opportunity throughout the region. The Connecticut Port Authority will oversee the project, with construction beginning in January 2020 and anticipated for completion in March 2022.

    Dredging: Digging Deep for the Future
    For Connecticut’s ports – more so than most others along America’s 95,000 miles for coastline – dredging operations will be the key to future success. Today, the controlling depths in the state’s three big ports just aren’t deep enough. New London stands at 36 feet; New Haven about 38 feet, and Bridgeport – authorized to 35 feet – currently stands at just 28 feet.

    Currently, the only plan in place involves the deepening of the port of New Haven. A U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) study is now complete, and the hope is to deepen the New Haven channel to 40 feet.

    “It should go into design as soon as we authorize the funding to do that. The State’s portion is probably about 26 million – it’s about a 74 million dollar project in total. We would hope to get that (into a bill) as soon as we get the chief’s report and everything is authorized to go,” said Matthews.
    Although CPA works closely with USACE Engineers to manage federal navigation projects, their relationship with local ports is unlike most other typically US ports. Matthews explains, “Although we’re not in charge of any of the deepwater ports, each of the deep water port cities has its own port authority. So we work in various ways with those smaller port authorities to support their activities through sharing costs of marketing and membership dues and that sort of thing.”

    Matthews continues, “Each city has its own port authority. So we’ve got a different relationship with each one of them. But, because we were given our sole asset that we have, and our only source of revenue is the State Pier in New London. Our relationship with the New London city and the port authority is closer than it is in Bridgeport.”

    Matthews is pragmatic about what CPA can accomplish, and what it cannot. In terms of Bridgeport, he said, “We’re not trying to take them over; we’re trying to leverage and support their mission with the funding sources that we have. The biggest benefit that we have as a state agency is that we have the ability to request capital dollars in the governor’s budget. We also have the ability to go before the State Bond Commission and request bond funding that’s been authorized by the legislature.”

    In Bridgeport, CPA is trying to help them dredge to 35 feet; the authorized depth. “We’re working on that to get more ship traffic in. Most of Bridgeport’s traffic today involves domestic barge petroleum products or aggregate. That’s all US flag tug and barge stuff so they don’t really need a deep channel. There’s also a ferry operation there, as well,” adds Matthews.

    The Way Forward: A Maritime Strategy Document
    CPA doesn’t operate in a vacuum. In fact, CPA is mandated by state law to produce a Maritime Strategy Document. The latest iteration took nine months and a thorough strategic planning process to produce. The document pinpoints eight objectives that will drive and guide CPS’s future investment strategy. These include:

    • Manage the State Pier, Increase Utilization
    • Build More Volume in Connecticut State ports
    • Support Dredging of Connecticut’s Ports & Waterways
    • Support the Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP)
    • Create Intermodal Options
    • Leverage Emerging Opportunities
    • Enhance Ferry Systems and Enhance Cruise Coordination Activities
    • Ensure Future Support of CPA

    Building volume in the state’s commercial ports involves a three-port strategy. Like Seattle and Tacoma in the Pacific Northwest, Connecticut has realized that three niche ports can’t survive if they are competing against one another. “I think one of the things in the past is Connecticut struggled about getting a coherent message out there that it is one network – it’s one gateway that’s got three different ports. If we had Bridgeport competing with New Haven they’d never get that holistic, unified vision.”

    Key Cargoes Driving CPA Growth

    Domestic: The deepwater ports of Bridgeport, New Haven, and New London handle shipments of commodities domestically, or the movement of goods within the United States, and this trade is much larger by volume than the foreign traffic through the ports. Together with Stamford Harbor, the deepwater ports handled over 9.2 million tons of domestic commodities in 2016, or three times more than the foreign trade through the three deepwater ports. In 2016, much of the domestic traffic through Connecticut’s ports was gasoline, kerosene, and fuel oils, followed by sand and gravel as well as iron and steel scrap.

    Import/Export: In 2017, over 2.5 million tons of imports and 247,000 tons of exports moved through Connecticut’s three deepwater ports. The value of these commodities was over $1.1 billion. Imports and exports through Connecticut’s deepwater ports are largely of bulk and break-bulk commodities, with iron and steel, petroleum products, and salt and related products comprising the largest categories. Most of the international trade through Connecticut’s deepwater ports was through the Port of New Haven, with this port handling 87% of imports by volume and almost all exports by volume in 2017. Imports included petroleum products, such as home heating oil, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and jet fuels along with salt, steel, and other products. New London handled 11% of imports by volume in 2017, and Bridgeport handled the remainder.

    In terms of passenger vessels, Matthews knows the state has work to do. Much of the traffic going in and out of Newport and New York is simply sailing by without stopping. He insists, “If we have the proper facilities, we could entice them to stop for a night, as well as an alternate to Newport, or another New England port on their way up to Canada or wherever their ultimate destination is.”

    On the intermodal front, without a true container port or container facility, Connecticut shippers are forced to truck their containers to an intermodal yard, typically in Massachusetts or New York. The solution will ultimately involve shortsea container-on-barge operations. In advance of that, conventional wisdom says that a fully functioning intermodal would need to first be in place.

    In Connecticut, the fledgling CPA is moving forward, in ways never before contemplated. “It’s kind of a unique approach. It’s a work in progress, so to speak,” says Matthews, who also knows that CPA’s success will ultimately be defined by financial independence. “We’re working to create an asset base that produces revenues to support the functions of that organization without having a need to go to state legislature for a direct appropriation.” So far; so good.

  • fall meeting at the Coast Guard Academy. The technical session of the meeting was a distinguished panel convened to discuss the topic "Southeastern Connecticut's Stake in the Development of Offshore Resources." The speakers included: Joseph A.Cope, manager of Policy Development and Economics of the

  • J.W. Berg AB of Goteborg, Sweden, manufacturers of controllable- pitch propellers for ships up to 20,000 bhp, has announced the appointment of Snyder Associates, Inc. of Essex, Conn., as their exclusive sales representatives in the USA. Snyder Associates, Inc. is a marine consultancy and sales

  • an alternative transportation platform coupled with a vertical integration of retail space and support of the organic farm market located along the Connecticut/Long Island Gold Coast and Hudson River area. The U.S. Maritime Administration has designated these two Marine Highways as M295 and M87. Both are

  • Thomas Massey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Vice Chairman: Millard F. Smith, Slickbar, Inc., Southport, Connecticut Case History — OPEC in Southern Idaho James C. Willmann, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Seattle, Washington Case History — Underground

  • "Gears and Gear Units" is the title of a new 16-page brochure published by Farrel Connecticut Division, Emhart Machinery Group. The publication describes types of gearing produced by the company, including industrial, marine, high-velocity, and special gearing. Single-helical, doublehelical, spur

  • of Norwalk, CT moves Hybrid into new markets of moving cargoes of agriculture and artisan food products along Long Island Sound between New York and Connecticut ports. This hybrid will be the third generation project completed by the BAE, Derecktor and the Amtech team. Moreover, the project has been submitted

  • again serve as host to a conference and exhibition that arguably attracts the highest concentration of quality attendees of any North American show. Connecticut Maritime Association's Annual Trade Show and Conference — Shipping 2002 — is set for March 18-20, 2002. Shipping 2002 is set to break all of

  • Intermarine Electronics recently held a meeting at its headquarters at St. James, N.Y., for its dealers from New York, Connecticut and New Jersey. The occasion marked the introduction of the company's new marine radar, the "Intermarine 705," which was demonstrated in operation at nearby Stony Brook

  • workforce agencies, academic institutions, training providers, and Manufacturing Extension Partnerships and Procurement Technical Assistance Centers in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island are helping develop the qualified workforce that will design and build the submarines of today and the future. This

  • discussion led by Dr. Kirsi Tikka, President and COO, ABS European Division, on energy efficiency of maritime vessels held on March 19, 2013 at the Connecticut Maritime Association’s Shipping 2013 event in Stamford, Connecticut. “I think, even without the regulations, the shipyards and the economics of

  • J. Stephen Dorrler, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, New Jersey Vice Chairman: Dr. Gerd Kleineberg, U.S. Coast Guard, Groton, Connecticut A Simple Remote Sensing System for the Detection of Oil R.H. Goodman, J.W. Morrison, Esso Resources Canada Limited, Calgary, Canada Early Experience

  • MR Aug-24#4  analysis and strate- of Connecticut. 
led the RDC’s Science)
    August 2024 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 4

    . He Atlantic University and University t: (212) 477-6700 f: (212) 254-6271 A career cutterman, he has also has market analysis and strate- of Connecticut. led the RDC’s Science and Tech- gic planning experience in the nology Innovation Center (STIC). energy and maritime sectors. Nikkanen Dr.

  • MN Aug-24#6  Maritime Partner- of the Connecticut Maritime Association)
    August 2024 - Marine News page: 6

    Waterways Operators. She current- DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He is a past VP ly serves as president of the American Maritime Partner- of the Connecticut Maritime Association and a contrib- ship, the voice of the U.S. domestic maritime industry. uting writer for Marine News and 2

  • MN Jun-24#6  and Economics  of the Connecticut Maritime Association)
    June 2024 - Marine News page: 6

    Guard Academy graduate, he holds a Bach- DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He is a past VP elor of Science degree in Management and Economics of the Connecticut Maritime Association and a contrib- and a Master’s in Public Administration from George uting writer for Marine News and Washington

  • MN Apr-24#28  for Moran Towing, based in Connecticut. Though us-
ing conventional)
    April 2024 - Marine News page: 28

    vessels. In mid-2023, it announced an order for two 92-foot escort tugs, with design by Robert Allan, Ltd. to be built for Moran Towing, based in Connecticut. Though us- ing conventional fuel, the boats will feature Caterpillar 3516 EPA Tier 4 main engines. The yard is also building two small- er 86-foot

  • MN Apr-24#6  Council of America, 
of the Connecticut Maritime Association)
    April 2024 - Marine News page: 6

    Program under the 6 Matthew Paxton DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He is a past VP is president of the Shipbuilders Council of America, of the Connecticut Maritime Association and a contrib- which for a robust U.S. shipyard industrial base. He uting writer for Marine News and is also

  • MN Feb-24#8  
licitations for New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and )
    February 2024 - Marine News page: 8

    founda- agreements and then rebid the projects into current so- tions for future activity, ? rst power have been generated licitations for New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and from both Vineyard and South Wind, and Coastal Virgin- Massachusetts, which seek to commit as much as 9 GW of ia is building

  • MN Feb-24#6  maritime spectrum. 
of the Connecticut Maritime Association)
    February 2024 - Marine News page: 6

    , including analytics and communica- DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He is a past VP tions, to businesses across the maritime spectrum. of the Connecticut Maritime Association and a contrib- He is a freelance writer and regular contributor to uting writer for Marine News and this magazine

  • MT Jan-24#32 .
Dynamics Electric Boat in Connecticut built the 688s.  They)
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 32

    News Shipbuilding and Both Newport News Shipbuilding in Virginia and General General Dynamics Electric Boat shipyard. Dynamics Electric Boat in Connecticut built the 688s. They Three additional Virginia-class boats will be built for Aus- are the only two shipyards that build nuclear powered ships

  • MT Nov-23#18  by the three  Millstone in Connecticut, can all operate above)
    November 2023 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 18

    ,200 MW value does remaining nuclear plants, Seabrook in New Hampshire and not appear in the 1991 agreement, but is observed by the three Millstone in Connecticut, can all operate above 1,200 MW grid operators as the lower limit under which system operators and up to their limits as long as system generation

  • MN Nov-23#6  
He is a past VP of the Connecticut Maritime Associa- group)
    November 2023 - Marine News page: 6

    Program 9 Jeff Vogel under the DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. is a partner in Cozen O’Connor’s transportation & trade He is a past VP of the Connecticut Maritime Associa- group. He focuses his practice on strategic and operation- tion and a contributing writer for Marine News and al matters affecting

  • MN Oct-23#17  from New Jersey, 
New York, Connecticut, Maryland, 
    October 2023 - Marine News page: 17

    millions of dollars in state funding to encourage offshore wind projects to get off the ground. A co- alition of governors from New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts and Rhode Island recently urged President Biden to take signi? cant steps on tax credits, revenue sharing, and environmental

  • MN Oct-23#6  maritime industry 
of the Connecticut Maritime Association)
    October 2023 - Marine News page: 6

    practice on strategic and operation- DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He is a past VP al matters affecting the United States maritime industry of the Connecticut Maritime Association and a contrib- and on government contracts across all industries. 6 | MN October 202

  • MR Sep-23#38  a re- • $1 million to the Connecticut Maritime Foundation)
    September 2023 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 38

    . ing poor air quality. Examples of recent projects (2020) include: The ? rst initiative started last May when EPA published a re- • $1 million to the Connecticut Maritime Foundation quest for information and comments that would help the Agency Inc. to replace engines in a New York ferry. develop Guidance

  • MN Jun-23#6  regularly  of the Connecticut Maritime Association)
    June 2023 - Marine News page: 6

    writer specializing in marine, energy DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He is a past VP and environmental issues. He contributes regularly of the Connecticut Maritime Association and a contrib- to this magazine. uting writer for Marine News and 2 Grady S. Hurley 5 Edward Lundquist

  • MN Aug-23#6  & trade 
of the Connecticut Maritime Association)
    August 2023 - Marine News page: 6

    Program under the 7 Jeff Vogel DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He is a past VP is a partner in Cozen O’Connor’s transportation & trade of the Connecticut Maritime Association and a contrib- group. He focuses his practice on strategic and operation- uting writer for Marine News and

  • MN Apr-23#5  at CALSTART, the na-
of the Connecticut Maritime Association)
    April 2023 - Marine News page: 5

    Program under the 8 Jacob Whitson DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He is a past VP is the CORE Program Manager at CALSTART, the na- of the Connecticut Maritime Association and a contrib- tional U.S. clean transport nonpro? t. MN 5

  • MN Feb-23#5  VP 
CEO in 2012.   of the Connecticut Maritime Association)
    February 2023 - Marine News page: 5

    Program under the in his native Canada - where he became president and DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He is a past VP CEO in 2012. of the Connecticut Maritime Association and a contrib- uting writer for Marine News and 2 Tom Ewing is a freelance writer specializing in marine

  • MN Nov-22#6  out of Maine, he 
VP of the Connecticut Maritime Association)
    November 2022 - Marine News page: 6

    president and national marine specialist DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He is a past for Key Equipment Finance. Based out of Maine, he VP of the Connecticut Maritime Association and a con- has nearly 25 years of equipment ? nance experience. tributing writer for Marine News and 8 Jeff

  • MR Aug-22#31  was 
ing at the Groton, Connecticut, shipyard, a custom)
    August 2022 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 31

    cut- Rhode Island, facility, a 200,000 square-foot assembly build- ters to the Coast Guard. The 10th, Calhoun (WMSL 759) was ing at the Groton, Connecticut, shipyard, a custom transport christened in June and scheduled to be delivered early next year. barge for the Columbia modules, and a ? oating

  • MT Jul-22#40  in pumping water around 
Connecticut, based In?  nity Fuel)
    July 2022 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 40

    and then in the fall 1,000km mission and so forth.” removal, by passive means, so there’s Space – and beyond no noise in pumping water around Connecticut, based In? nity Fuel Cell and Hydrogen has been and no additional systems designed to working on ONR funded programs since 2012. This has in- cluded

  • MN Jun-22#35  to a ?  re department in Connecticut, a 35’ full   tomers)
    June 2022 - Marine News page: 35

    in-hand sooner.” going in to service in Colombia, a 33’ full cabin Knivila-Ritchie said the majority of SAFE Boats’ cus- to a ? re department in Connecticut, a 35’ full tomers are state and local law enforcement and ? re depart- cabin delivered to a port here in Washington ments. “Because we are

  • MR May-22#38  system  from Mystic, Connecticut, developed a  to last)
    May 2022 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 38

    , ultra- draft of 10 feet. JMS Naval Architects FastClad ER system, which is expected high solids epoxy amine coating system from Mystic, Connecticut, developed a to last 15 to 20 years or more. This time from Sherwin-Williams Protective & complete engineering and design pack- span provides

  • MN May-22#29 , presenting at the Connecticut Maritime As- EMBARC)
    May 2022 - Marine News page: 29

    would be required to intolerable,” said Lucinda Lessley, Acting Maritime Ad- meet Coast Guard licensing requirements.” ministrator, presenting at the Connecticut Maritime As- EMBARC development is open and evolving. MARAD’s sociation Shipping Expo and Conference, in February. website already has EMBARC updates

  • MR Apr-22#24  & AFTER!
Images Courtesy of Connecticut Port Authority. Rendering)
    April 2022 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 24

    same goal. An isolated pile supported crane platform may and don’t (ever, ever, ever) mess with Mr. In-between.” ... & AFTER! Images Courtesy of Connecticut Port Authority. Rendering Artist: Jennifer Gottlieb, AIA NCARB ENV SP at AECOM 24 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • April 2022 MR #4 (18-33)