Medium Maritime Reporter 1984 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984The first steel boats built by Desco Marine were unveiled recently at a christening and launching ceremony at the shipyard in St. Augustine, Fla. According to Desco Marine president Tom Collins, the shrimp boats La Marseillaise and LAmericaine were built for Ljubisa Nalovic and were schedul
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984Marine Transport Lines, Inc. recently announced the following appointments: Thomas M. Brogan to vice president-marketing and planning, where he will be responsible for MTL's marketing and planning activities. Mr. Brogan holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell Universit
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc. New Orleans, has signed a letter of intent with shipbuilders in Japan and the United Kingdom for construction of six large, automated containerships. One letter of intent is with a joint venture of Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. and Mitsubishi Hea
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984The Elinca marine growth and corrosion control system, marketed in North America by Blume Worldwide Services, Scarsdale, N.Y., has been selected by Chevron Shipping Company, San Francisco, for protection of the main seawater service systems and condensers on five VLCCs operated by the firm.
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984In ceremonies conducted recently at the Poydras Street Wharf in New Orleans, Ryan-Walsh Stevedoring Company, Inc., and P & C "Bituminous Coal" Inc. christened the Coal Monitor One, an innovative floating coal transfer vessel designed to bring industrystandard sampling and blending to midstr
- Joint S N A M E / C I M E M e e t i n g Discusses Heavy Lifts And Drydock O p e r a t i o ns page: 11
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984The Pacific Northwest Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, and the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineers held their joint meeting recently at the Airport Inn Resort in Richmond, British Colombia. Some 90 attendees heard Adrian Evans, vice president of Lackie Off
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984Nippon Kokan (NKK), Tokyo, has developed a super semi-submersible drilling rig specially designed for oil and natural gas drilling operations in deep water and rough seas. The rig features a computer-controlled dynamic system to maintain position in deepwater operation in depths to 1,600 me
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984General Electric, Erie, Pa., has formed a new marketing organization, the International and Transportation Equipment Division (ITED). William J. Cimonetti has been named to head the division as vice president and general manager. The appointment was announced by Carl J. Schlemmer, vice pre
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984Bulkfleet, Inc., the Texas-based marine company that introduced heavy fuel-burning deep-notched vessels to the United States, has consolidated its interests, including a first-class passenger cruise line, under the name Signet Corporation, J. Barry Snyder, president and chief executive offic
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984A recent meeting of the Eastern U.S.A. Branch, The Institute of Marine Engineers, held at the American Bureau of Shipping in New York heard a paper titled "The Use of Epoxy in Ship Repair and Maintenance." The author was J. Murray Wilson, vice president of engineering, Philadelphia Resins C
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984The Morgan City, La., yard of Swiftships, Inc. recently delivered to the U.S. Navy three 65-foot, allaluminum patrol vessels. These boats were then presented by the Naval Sea Systems Command representative to the Governments of Antigua, Dominica, and St. Lucia for service in those West Indie
- U n i r o y a l D e l t a Fender Systems P r o t e c t Pier A n d Ships A t N O R S H I P CO page: 31
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Maritime Reporter
on April 15, 1984By retrofitting its largest pier with a dual-mounted fender system, NORSHIPCO, Norfolk, Va„ can easily work on ship sides more than 1,200 feet long without damaging or marking either the ship or the pier. The marine tendering system, called Delta, designed by Uniroyal, Inc., and installed by
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984Drew Ameroid8 Marine of Boonton, N.J., recently hosted a customer reception to introduce four new products to the marketplace. T.A. Cuomo, group vice president, worldwide marine operations, remarked, "We are grateful to all those who would devote their own time to share with us the introductio
- Meeting Of SNAME Great Lakes/ Great Rivers Section Discusses Fuel Additives And Hull Springing page: 98
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984The winter meeting of the Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers was held at the Holiday Inn-French Quarter in Perrysburg, Ohio. The first paper, presented by Mike Bisaillon of Aderco, Inc., Boisbriand, Quebec, was titled "Fuel Oil Additiv
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984Biospherics Incorporated, Rockville, Md., known for its rugged sewage treatment plant instrumentation, is going to sea with a versatile new oil discharge monitor, the Oilarm. Applying its knowhow for making things work in harsh environments, the firm has turned out a tough, well-tested and
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984Tracor Marine of Port Everglades, Fla., a subsidiary of Tracor, Inc., has received a contract that will bring the company $6 million over the next 12 months from Transoceanic Cable Ship Company, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T. The award was announced by William C. Moyer, group vice
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984Drew Ameroid" Marine of Boonton, N.J., has introduced a new fuel additive called Amergize" deposit modifier/combustion improver that is said to provide increased fuel efficiency and substantial cost savings. At the same time, Drew has announced cost savings to users of Amergize based on a r
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984COMSAT TeleSystems, Inc. recently announced the opening of maritime sales offices in New York City and Los Angeles. The offices will provide marketing support for the company's MCS-9000 communications satellite ship earth station and its new ship weather routing, tracking, and port forecasti
- Bay-Houston Appoints Four Executives page: 24
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984The appointment of Thomas A. Moran Jr. as executive vice president- Marine Division of Bay- Houston Towing Company was announced recently by Cecil R. Haden, president. Formerly vice president marine sales, Mr. Moran will assume responsibility for overall operation of the division, which is
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984The Department of Defense (DoD) is implementing a new initiative aimed at developing more cost-effective contract requirements for major system acquisitions. This initiative will address a number of problems inherent in present practices that can result in excessive contractual requirements