Medium Maritime Reporter 1984 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984C. Larry French has been appointed chairman of the board and chief executive officer of National Steel and Shipbuilding Company of San Diego, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morrison-Knudsen Company. In other promotions, Richard H. Vortmann has been named president and chief operating officer,
- Westinghouse Secures U.S. Patent On Self-Protecting Sensing Cell Electrodes — Literature Available page: 89
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984The Combustion Control Division of Westinghouse Electric Corporation recently received a U.S. patent for its self-protecting electrodes in its Hagan, in situ flue gas sensing cell, and has incorporated this feature into the Hagen Model 240 excess oxygen/excess combustibles flue gas analyzer.
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984Houston, Texas — April 25—27 The Third Annual National Maritime Show and Conference will be held at the Albert Thomas Convention and Exhibition Center in Houston on April 25-27, 1984. Held previously in Baltimore in 1982 and 1983, the show's new location will provide exhibiting companies
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984Four key appointments have been made in Crowley Maritime Corporation's Caribbean Division, according to a recent announcement by Robert G. Homan, Jacksonville, Fla., Crowley senior vice president and general manager of the division. David N. Messer has been appointed to the new position of
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984A new training series featuring firefighting techniques taught by Texas A&M University's Marine Firefighting Training School is now available from Gulf Publishing Company Video. The series, Marine Firefighting, has earned the endorsement of the American Institute of Merchant Shipping (AIMS)
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984The fourth meeting of the 1983- 84 season of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Los Angeles Metropolitan Section was held aboard the SS Princess Louise I. Some 100 members and guests attended this joint meeting with the American Society of Naval Engineers and the Marine Te
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984The fourth in a series of international symposia on ship propellers that have been attracting wide attention in the marine engineering community for the past decade will be presented on May 15-16 at the Cavalier Hotel in Virginia Beach, Va. Titled Propellers '84, the meeting is being organi
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984The Maritime Administration will host the 1984 Fleet Management Technology Conference at the Sheraton Plaza Hotel in Chicago, 111., April 25-27, 1984. It will be the fifth annual conference of the FMT Program, which has been established to improve productivity, profitability, and the compet
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984Airco Welding Products has announced the introduction of the newest member of its family of Pulse Arc™ welding systems for pulsed spray transfer welding. The Pulse Arc 500 system, like the Pulse Arc 350 model, is designed around the pulsed spray process. The process allows for spatter-free
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984Caterpillar Engine Division has revised marine propulsion rating definitions to simplify selection and help insure proper application. The following four-level rating system matches Caterpillar marine propulsion systems to a particular application based on vessel operation: • Continuous—For
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984Washburn & Doughty Associates, Inc. of Woolrich, Maine, has announced the signing of three construction contracts and the company's entry into two new markets—a sail-powered passenger vessel and an offshore lobster boat. Currently under construction is the 73-foot Bay Lady II, a gaff top s
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984The board of directors of R.J. Reynolds, Inc. has approved the spin-off of its ocean shipping subsidiary, Sea-Land Industries Investments Inc. When arrangements for the spinoff of Sea-Land to RJR's shareholders are completed, the board will set record and payment dates for a special dividen
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1984Transamerica Delaval Inc. has dissolved its joint technical assistance agreement with IMO AB of Stockholm, Sweden. Henceforth the name of the division will, be the Pyramid"' Pump Division of Transamerica Delaval Inc., and the registered trademark IMO will no longer be used to describe the di
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1984Capt. Justin Bonanno, chairman of the Board of Local Inspectors of the Panama Canal Commission, has established a scholarship fund at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy to benefit Panamanian students enrolled there. The scholarship was established in memory of his late wife, Jeanne. It consists
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1984A significant addition to marine safety technology was announced recently by officials of SeaTek Corporation and MCR Technology, Inc. The new device, called the Water Entry System, enables lifeboats to be dropped in a free-fall mode from the deck of a burning or sinking offshore rig or ship.
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1984The recent meeting of The Society of Marine Port Engineers New York, N.Y., Inc. heard a paper titled "Steam Propulsion Plant Optimization for Slower Steaming" presented by Chester W. Scott Jr., senior thermal systems engineer at General Electric's Marine Turbine & Gear Department in Lynn, M
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1984Six new marine autopilots were introduced recently by Racal Marine Controls Limited. Designed to meet the requirements of shipowners worldwide, the new range includes two series—the Racal-Decca 80 Series of super-adaptive autopilots and the Racal-Decca 60 Series of conventional systems. Each
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1984A recent keel-laying ceremony at National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO) in San Diego initiated construction of a 126-foot midbody section for the first of three roll-on/roll-off (RO/ RO) ships that are being converted into Maritime Pre-Positioning Ships for charter to the U.S. Navy
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1984A recent joint meeting of the New York Metropolitan Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, the Eastern U.SA. Branch of the Institute of Marine Engineers, and The Society of Marine Port Engineers New York heard a paper titled, "How To Utilize Inexpensive Fuel Effici
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1984T C S Industrial Company of St. Paul, Minn., a subsidiary of Twin City Shipyard, Inc., has been named a stocking distributor for Nashville Bridge Company (NABRICO) in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. In announcing the appointment, NABRICO vice president T. Ray Jackson said T C S will stock a