Medium Maritime Reporter 1984 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on August 15, 1984E. Bronson Ingram, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Nashville-based Ingram Barge Company, announced recently that John M. Donnelly, formerly president of the company, has been named vice chairman of the board, and Peter J. Kopcsak formerly executive vice president and ch
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Maritime Reporter
on August 15, 1984Systems Engineering Associates Corporation of Cherry Hill, N.J. (SEACOR) was recently awarded four contracts by the Navy and a private shipbuilder. The contracts are for a variety of engineering design and logistics projects, and total $8.4 million. SEACOR was awarded a $3.6- million contra
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Maritime Reporter
on August 15, 1984The 57,000-dwt Exxon Baytown was christened in recent ceremonies at Avondale Shipyards, Inc. near New Orleans. The crude oil carrier was built for Exxon Shipping Company of Houston, and will transport cargoes between U.S. West and East Coast ports and will also trade in the Caribbean area.
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Maritime Reporter
on August 15, 1984— Seastrom Named Director North American Marine Jet, Inc., of Little Rock, Ark., has purchased the entire product line of Jacuzzi Marine Jet, including all manufacturing rights, from the Jacuzzi Bros. Division, also of Little Rock. North American Marine Jet will supply OEM parts for all Jacu
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Maritime Reporter
on August 15, 1984Southwest Marine's San Diego, Calif., yard recently accepted delivery of the "Pride of San Diego," a new dry dock ordered as part of the yard's modernization plan. Art Engel, president of Southwest Marine and Roger Hedgecock, mayor of San Diego, rode the new dock into the harbor to mark the
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Maritime Reporter
on August 15, 1984A 160-foot motor-assisted commercial windship using the principle of the airfoil has been designed by Jeffrey Dunan for a northern California corporation that plans to use the craft for marine research. The $7-million vessel is scheduled to be completed next year in Japan by Florida-based Ster
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Maritime Reporter
on August 15, 1984The liquefied gas carrier Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II was delivered recently by Jos. L. Meyer GmbH & Company in Papenburg, West Germany, to P.T. Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Pusri) of Indonesia. Pusri is a state-owned fertilizer manufacturer and distributor, with responsibility for distribution of all
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Maritime Reporter
on August 15, 1984— Literature Available T h e U.S. N a v y has j u s t c o m p l e t e d a t e st p r o g r a m u s i n g a C o f l e x i p flexible pipe riser f o r i t s A m p h i b i o u s T a n k e r F a c i l i t y ( A T T F ). T h e first p r i o r i t y o f t h e A T T F , d e v e l o p e d b y t h e Nav
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984Lack of lubrication, both at start-up and shut-down, is the major cause of turbocharger failure. Oil starvation to the turbocharger bearings at start-up is due to the lag time associated with the oil pump reaching rated pressure and output and the turbocharger's immediate need for lubrication.
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984The Fast Sealift Ship (FSS) USNS Antares (T-AKR-294) was dedicated in ceremonies held recently at Avondale Shipyards, Inc. near New Orleans, and delivered to the Military Sealift Command about two weeks later. This is the first of three SL-7 containerships that Avondale is converting for the M
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984The M/V Delmar L., recently constructed at St. Augustine Shipbuilding Corporation, is the latest of many vessels designed by the Jacksonville naval architectural firm of De- Jong & Lebet, Inc., for operation in the Caribbean. The Delmar L. operates between the island of Andros, Nassau and the
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984Dillingham Maritime Services, Seattle, Wash., recently delivered all the materials, except for pouredin- place concrete, for seven separate highway bridges at four different construction sites in Anchorage, Alaska. The 6,000 ton cargo was carried from Seattle via water on a tandem tow of two
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984Philip J. Burguieres has been elected chairman of the board of the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) for 1984-85. He is president and chief operating officer of Cameron Iron Works, Inc. of Houston. With 425 member companies, NOIA is the only national trade association representing
- Ferrous Announces FMS, System For Administering Catalyst Into Fuel Oil — Literature Available page: 49
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984Ferrous Corporation, Bellevue, Wash., a manufacturer of combustion catalyst for marine diesel and boilers has developed a complete system for administering catalyst into the fuel oil. The Ferrous Marine System (FMS) provides the user with a proportioning pump, depulsing unit and 24-gallon da
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984"I'm a lot more optimistic about winning today than I was 10 months ago," J.D. Geary said, referring to the outcome of the CSX/ ACBL merger case. Mr. Geary, president, Midland Enterprises, addressed the Cincinnati Coal Exchange on the merger topic at the Queen City Club. CSX, a major railro
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984Drew Ameroid" Marine has introduced a new design series of replacement seals to fit most standard ship pumps. The AMERSEAL" 10 mechanical seals are available through nearly all major ports worldwide for fast, economical installation. They are designed for versatility and reliability in fit
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984Joseph Farrell, president of the American Waterways Operators, Inc., reacted strongly to the July 24, 1984 Interstate Commerce Commission's 4 to 0 vote to allow CSX, the nation's second largest railroad to acquire American Commercial Barge Lines, one of the nation's largest barge lines. "By
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984Blount Marine Corporation of Warren, R.I. has announced the recent delivery to New York City of the 145-foot, U.S. Coast Guardapproved, 425-passenger dinner cruise vessel, Riveranda. The vessel was designed and constructed for World Yacht Enterprises, Ltd., of New York, and is a close siste
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984ASMAR Shipbuilding & Docking Company, Chile's largest ship repairer and shipbuilder, is to build a new joint venture shipyard at a total cost of around $13 million near Punta Arenas on the Strait of Magellan in southern Chile. The project is a joint venture between ASMAR and the South Africa
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1984The U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command recently took delivery of three Fast Sealift Ships (FSS), part of an eight-ship package comprising the Navy's Fast Sealift Ship program designed to increase the mobility and responsiveness of the Armed Forces. These vessels are conversions of the high