Medium Maritime Reporter 2002 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002The Ferry Transport Company Gestione Governativa Navigazione Laghi, owned by Italian Government, and the Taiwan Coast Guard have ordered Sea Rider propulsion. Gestione Governativa Navigazione Laghi is responsible for ferry transportation on northern Italian lakes Garda, Maggiore and Como. The
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002Rodriquez Cantieri Navali has built a reputation for building fast, sleek ships. Sam Crockford, marketing director, explains how the yard keeps its orderbooks full. Touted in the pages of the trade press, including MR/EN, for more than a decade has been the "need or speed" which gripped the bu
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002SeaWave provides mariners with reliable, low-cost Internet e-mail and standard priced NOAA color weather charts and NOAA text weather forecasts. The company has positioned itself as an alternative to satellite providing reliable links at a low cost. The company has been very active, in March
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002If visions of the family dog bringing its master a paper, pipe and slippers is a part of Americana folklore. Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. (MTN) delivery of daily news to residents aboard the world's most unique cruise ship is visions of the future. MTN has entered an agreement wi
- DD(X) Dispute: BIW Files Protest page: 25
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002As might be expected when losing the most significant navy newbuilding project for a generation, Bath Iron Works (BIW) filed a protest with the General Accounting Office (GAO) challenging the fairness of the Navy's DD(X) evaluation process. The Northrop Grumman-led Gold team in a mild surprise
- ACG Makes Solid Inroads page: 35
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002Since it was established in the mid- 19408, Azienda Chimica Genovese (ACG) has grown significantly, and today boasts a broad international market base with clients, both shipyards and shipowners from all over the world. Initially producing only antifouling units, ACG soon expanded its product
- USS Shoup Commissioned page: 23
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002USS Shoup (DDG 86), the newest in a series of advanced Aegis guided missile destroyers built for the U.S. Navy by Northrop Grumman Corporation's Ship Systems sector, was commissioned June 22, 2002, in Seattle, Wash. This ship is named in honor of U.S. Marine Corps Gen. David M. Shoup (1904- 1983
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002Last month U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta announced the award of $92.3 million in grants to 51 ports to enhance the security of ports and other facilities. (See full listing below). "Protecting seaports and port facilities against the threat of terrorism is imperative," sa
- Estonians Raise the Ferry Stakes page: 19
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002A stylish entrant to the rapidly-growing ferry traffic across the Gulf of Finland between Tallinn and Helsinki denotes the opening of a new chapter in the development of the Estonian fleet, and could also act as a spur to fresh investment by Nordic operators. The 40,000-gt Romantika is a landmar
- IZAR Gijon Delivers Dredger page: 19
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002French owner GIE Dragages Ports recently took delivery of a 5,000 cu. m. TSHD (Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger) — yard number C365 — built by Spain's IZAR Gijon shipyard. This self-propelled TSHD, named Daniel Laval, is designed to operate in water depths ranging from 1 to 3 m under the keel, and
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Maritime Reporter
on July 2002Recently launched Tribon M2 Shipbuilding system aims to further reduce time and costs in shipbuilding. Able to run on Windows NT or Windows 2000. Tribon M2 applications for machinery, piping, outfit and cabling have been extensively enhanced, and the new Tribon M2 Data Management reportedly
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2002Thordon Bearings has supplied its COMPAC water lubricated propeller shaft bearing systems for various commercial newbuild and conversion vessels. Known as the company's high performance water lubricated bearing system for blue water operation, COMPAC is designed for smooth start-up and long bea
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2002Thrane & Thrane has started shipping Capsat Fleet77 products to its partners and distributors worldwide. "We have now been shipping Capsat Fleet77 systems to our distributors for a couple of weeks in order to enable them to demonstrate the product to the end users from the beginning of the s
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2002This past May marked the unveiling of an ocean-going product deep in the heart of Bavaria, specifically at the lake at Ammersee near Munich, where MAN B&W presented its newest engine series — the TCA (Turbocharger Axial). Encompassing two years of research and development, the first productio
- OMI Announces 1Q Results page: 47
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2002OMI Corporation for its first quarter ended March 31, 2002 reported net income of $377,000 for the first quarter 2002 compared to net income of $28,378,000 for the first quarter 2001 "We are pleased to record a profit for the first quarter in view of the weakest rate environment for larger cr
- Tanker Market is Solid page: 45
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2002The year 2001 must be described as a very healthy year for tanker owners. Although it is a fact that freight rates for all tanker types have fallen substantially and continuously through the year, the average rates for the year have been quite strong. For product tankers of various sizes, 2001
- Cargo Handling's New Force page: 22
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2002A bold investment policy by TTS Technology of Bergen has hoisted the Norwegian group into the world's top three equipment suppliers in its specialized market segments. In many minds, the TTS name is synonymous with shipyard production systems and design, which remains an important part of its
- Fares Al Salam Parts The Red Sea page: 14
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2002Austal Ships has delivered the 184-ft. (56-m) vehicle/ passenger ferry. Fares Al Salam, to its Saudi owner The Maritime Co. for Navigation and Egyptian ferry operator, El Salam Maritime Co. of Egypt. The vessel arrived in Jeddah in April with a combined crew of Austal and El Salam Maritime Comp
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2002United Defense Industries has agreed to acquire closeiy held United States Marine Repair, Inc., a provider of non-nuclear ship repair, modernization, overhaul and conversion services to the United States Navy, for $316 million. Based in Norfolk, Va., United States Marine Repair serves defense and
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2002Wartsila has been awarded a contract from BP to deliver an integrated package of auxiliary diesel generators totalling 15.3 MW for the Thunder Horse offshore project in the Gulf of Mexico. The power plant will be installed on the production, drilling and quarters platform Thunder Horse PDQ bei