1980 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980New Orleans, La., was selected as the site of the 1980 annual meeting of the Water Resources Congress to be held February 13- 16, at the New Orleans Hilton Hotel. This year's convention promises to be particularly significant and enjoyable for numerous reasons. It is being held during the week
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980W.D. Kent of Houston, Texas, and Don Boling of Tulsa, Okla., have recently been elected to the board of directors of the National Ocean I n d u s t r i e s Association, headquartered in W a s h i n g t o n, D.C. Mr. Kent is the president of Reading and Bates Drilling Co., and Mr. Boling is s
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980Desco Marine, St. Augustine, Fla., reached two milestones this past December with the launching of the Singleton Fleets 56. The 73-foot vessel is the 2,200th wood shrimp boat built by Desco, and the 100th Desco boat powered by a Cummins K-series marine diesel engine. Paul Kahlenbeck, vice p
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980More than 20,000 new jobs were created by 245 plantsites built or expanded along commercially navigable waterways of the U.S.' in the first half of 1979, according to an AWO survey. The 245 industrial facilities represent a 22 percent increase over the first half of 1978. Of the total, 167
- Farrell Realigns Executive Personnel page: 46
Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980George F. Lowman, chairman and chief executive officer of Farrell Lines Incorporated, has announced a realignment of executive personnel. These changes, effective immediately, are planned so that the company can render more efficient service to its customers in anticipation of an increased vo
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980Robert E. O'Brien, president and chief executive officer of Moore McCormack Lines, Incorporated, New York, N.Y., recently announced the retirement of Edward J. Desher, manager of the company's Philadelphia, Pa., office, effective December 31, 1979, and the appointment of Peter B. Marcelewski t
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980Pickands Mather & Co., Cleveland, Ohio, has announced it will spend more than $10 million to convert the steamship Charles M. Beeghly to a self-unloader. Pickands Mather, a s u b s i d i a r y of M o o r e M c C o r m a c k Resources, Inc., is operator of The Interlake Steamship Company. Co
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980M i s s i s s i p p i M a r i n e Towboat Corporation of Greenville, Miss., recently delivered two vessels — the M / V Scott Palmer and the M / V Stacey Palmer — to Palmer Barge Line, Inc. of Nederland, Texas. The sister vessels, both recently commissioned by the Palmer firm, were completel
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980The board of directors of the State Boat Corporation has announced the election of Ivan J. Bourgeois and Roger Mitchell as vice presidents of the corporation. A native of Berwick, La., Mr. Bourgeois began his 25-year career in the offshore transportation industry in 1954 as a deckhand. After
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980The U.S.T. Pacific, one of the two largest ships built in the Western Hemisphere, was delivered recently by Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Va., marking a new U.S. commercial construction record. Edward J. Campbell, Newport News president and chief executive officer, said the shipyar
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980The second and third in a series of seven T-ATF Fleet Ocean Tugs built by Marinette Marine Corporation, Marinette, Wis., for the U.S. Navy were recently christened. The USNS Narragansett (T-ATF 167) recently completed sea trials and has been delivered. The USNS Catawba (T-ATF 168) is comple
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980Carl Propp has been named m a n a g e r of the Swan Island (Portland) marine repair division of Zidell Explorations, Inc., Portland, Ore., according to Stanley Rosenfeld, vice president. In his new post, Mr. Propp will be responsible for drydocking and repair production at both Zidell's Sou
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980Braathens S.A.F.E., a Scandinavian d o m e s t i c a i r l i n e headquartered in Oslo, Norway, has reached agreement with Boeing Marine Systems of Seattle, Wash , toward the purchase of two Boeing Jetfoil hydrofoils for use in o f f s h o r e oil c r e w and supply transfer. Bjoern G. Braa
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980A former chairman appeared before the Los Angeles Metropolitan Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers and presented a paper on " A i r Cushion Drilling Systems." Harold D. Ramsden, manager b u s i n e s s d e v e l o p m e n t , Global Marine Development, Inc., was
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980Western Oceanic Inc. and Far East- Levingston Shipbuilding Ltd. announced they have signed a contract for the construction of a mobile self-elevating drilling unit for operation in up to 300-foot water depths. The unit will be built in Singapore for delivery in March 1981. The unit is currentl
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980Paul-Munroe Hydraulics, Inc., Orange, Calif., PMH Products Division, recently a n n o u n c e d the availability of an easy-to-use sixpage selection guide f o r 1 o-micron and 10-micron high flow pressure filters. Matching a filter and element to your hydraulic system has been simplified wi
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980OMNITHRUSTER, Gardena, Calif., announced a new series, PV 300, maneuvering system at the Seattle 1979 Fish Expo. This series was designed to meet the need of owners of smaller commercial boats (mainly fishermen) for a strong, dependable maneuvering system to hold boats with the bow in the win
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980The New England Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers met in Newton, Mass., on December 5, 1979. The speaker was Dr. Kenneth W. Fisher, who presented a paper on "Liability Avoidance in Ship Design and Construction." Dr. Fisher is the author of several papers on shipb
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980The American Bureau of Shipping recently approved the use of Belzona® Molecular Ceramic Metal for protecting exposed tailshaft sections, providing s h i p o w n e rs with an a l t e r n a t i v e to either stainless-steel clad welding or fiberglass wrapping. Ceramic Metal®, which was develop
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980A new 16-page brochure describing the full line of MARCO Hydraulic Pump Drive equipment is available from the manufacturer, the Industrial Products Division of Marine Construction & Design Co. ( M A R C O ) , Seattle, Wash. The b r o c h u r e features complete specification and selection