Farrell Realigns Executive Personnel

George F. Lowman, chairman and chief executive officer of Farrell Lines Incorporated, has announced a realignment of executive personnel. These changes, effective immediately, are planned so that the company can render more efficient service to its customers in anticipation of an increased volume of business in the 1980s. This is especially true on the North Europe Trade Route, where improved regularity of service will be offered to accommodate the potential increase. The new executive responsibilities are as follows: Richard V. Parks is named senior vice president-North Europe service; Michael J.

Esposito, senior vice president-Mediterranean South Asia services; and Edward J.

Chick, senior vice president-Africa services.

In addition, Donald A. Adley is named senior vice president-Marketing, and Thomas R.

Tarbox, vice president-North Europe, headquartered in Farrell Lines' London office.

Kenneth H. Oelkers becomes vice president- Administration. William F. Toohey is senior vice president for the Australia/New Zealand services. Mr. Lowman believes that these newly assigned executive responsibilities will assure proper direction of Farrell Lines' services on its seven essential U.S.

Trade Routes and in the management of all departments of the company.

Other stories from January 15, 1980 issue


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