Electro-Nav Names Woolf General Manager San Francisco Office

Robert E. Negron, president of Electro-Nav, has announced the appointment of Brian Woolf as general manager of its new branch office, Electro-Nav San Francisco.

Mr. Woolf brings with him a great deal of marine electronic experience to assist Electro-Nav West Coast customers. He graduated from Kingston Polytechnic College, England, with a degree in electrical and electronic engineering.

Mr. Woolf worked in the Radar Development Labs at Decca Radar, England, and then transferred to ITT Decca Marine in the United States and held various marketing positions, including that of marketing manager.

For the past four years, Mr. Woolf has been the area manager for the northern West Coast area.

Electro-Nav is one of the largest suppliers of marine navigation and communication equipment in the United States, and are the U.S. distributors for the S.G.

Brown Gyro Compass, the Norwegian Radio Room Equipment, E l e c t r o m a g n e t i c Speed Logs, Clear View Screens, and the Thomson CSF Sonar Doppler Equipment. They are also area distributors for such well-known companies as ITT Decca, Motorola Triton, Konel, CAI Single Sideband Equipment, Krupp Radar Echo Sounding, and Simrad Loran C, just to mention a few.

Electro-Nav San Francisco will temporarily have its headquarters at Electro-Nav San Francisco, c/o Brian Woolf, 2656 Sundance Court, Walnut Creek, Calif. 94598.

Other stories from June 15, 1977 issue


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