Scottish Offshore Opens Texas Office

The Scottish Offshore Partnership (SCOPA) has announced the formal opening of its office in Houston, Texas. This significant action by a British group of consulting engineers requires explanation.

SCOPA has been set up with its headquarters in Glasgow, Scotland, to provide a wide range of engineering services to the offshore industry. This is achieved by drawing on the combined experience of over 1,500 professional staff from five experienced firms of consulting engineers whose collective capability covers civil and structural, mechanical, electrical and marine engineering, and naval architecture. These are: Babtie, Shaw and Morton, Crouch and Hogg, Merz and McLellan, James Williamson and Partners, and Y-ard Ltd.

The partnership offers a comprehensive service of feasibility studies design engineering, project management and procurement, and supervision of con- struction and commissioning. In addition, SCOPA services, as required.

Based on its collective experience of the North Sea, SCOPA provides solutions where unusual locations or difficult environmental conditions require novel designs.

Such requirements may include new platform variants, improved storage and transfer, and transport systems, topside equipment and land-based infrastructure.

With this market in mind, SCOPA has taken the positive step of opening an office in Houston with permanent technical and commercial staff drawn from the senior staff of member firms.

Since most major opportunities arise in organizations based in Houston, this will permit SCOPA to make a quick response to inquiries, to relationships with American-based organizations.

For further information, contact John Forrest, Vice President Engineering, Scottish Offshore Partnership, 1100 Milam, Suite 4610, Houston, Texas 77002.

Other stories from July 1977 issue


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