New Shipyard Operating North Of Arctic Circle

Harstad Staalindustri, a new and extremely modern shipyard, is in operation. It is located in the city of Harstad in northern Norway, on about the same latitude as the north slope of Alaska. The new yard, which is building fishing boats, tugboats and other coastal vessels, is a joint venture between three repair and construction yards in the city. The yard will build hulls to be outfitted at the parent companies.

The project was initiated in 1972, when the owners retained S h i p p i n g R e s e a r c h Services (SRS), an international consulting firm for shipbuilding and shipping with offices in Oslo, Norway, and Alexandria, Va., to make a feasibility study for the project.

The study included preliminary plans for the yard and a forecast of profitability that showed that the project was feasible.

The owners established a joint subsidiary and retained SRS to prepare detailed project plans and cost estimates for the yard. The plans were completed and approved in 1974. C o n s t r u c t i on started in 1975, and in the fall of 1976 the yard was in operation.

In April of 1977, the first hull—a 156-foot multipurpose fishing vessel— was launched.

The yard is a completely enclosed facility consisting of a fabrication shop and a large welding and erection shop. The shops are heated and insulated. The heating system includes a heat recovery ventilating system.

Hulls are erected on indoor ways which are designed so that a hull can be pushed out in steps as it is being completed. This arrangement provides space for starting erection of the next hull before launching the first one.

Heavy emphasis was placed on employing labor-saving methods and equipment while staying within a reasonable investment budget.

Based on a thorough analysis of costs and savings, the owners decided to install a numerical controlled cutting machine and implement the AUTOKON system for computerized engineering and lofting. Shipping Research Services maintains and markets the AUTOKON system. This is one of the smallest yards that has implemented an N/C system for in-house operation.

The yard will produce five to six hulls a year, totaling 2,000 to 2,500 tons of steel. The total investments, including office building, came to less than $10 million.

Shipping Research Services Inc. is located at 205 South Whiting Street, Alexandria, Va. 22304.

Other stories from July 1977 issue


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