Amsterdam November 6-9 The 10th International LNG/ LPG Conference & Exhibition, Gastech 84, will be held at the RAI Congress & Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 6- 9 this year. It will be the 10th meeting in this series of international LNG/LPG conferences that started in 1972 in London, and which has been held in various major cities in Europe and the U. S.
Until 1976 the Gastech meetings were held annually but since that year have been held in two years out of three to avoid a conflict with the "LNG" series sponsored by the IGU/IGT/IIR and held every three years. The Gastech name was originally coined for the third meeting of the series, held in Amsterdam in 1974. The 10th meeting, therefore, marks 10 years of the Gastech name and a 10th anniversary return to the RAI Congress Centre.
Fittingly, the anniversary conference program is the most comprehensive in scope of the series, with nearly 60 papers scheduled for presentation at seven sessions: World Gas Supplies, LPG Production & Trade, Safety & Training, Trans- portation Technology & Operations, Commercial Documentation & Contracts, Liquefied Gas Terminals & Storage and Gases as Transportation Fuels.
Dr. George H.B. Verberg, director- general for energy in the Netherlands Department of Economic Affairs, will make the opening remarks and chair the first session of the conference. He presides over the Netherlands' gas industry—Western Europe's largest gas producer— that, based on the Groningen gas field, virtually launched the Western European natural gas market in the 1960s. Dr. Verberg will address his opening remarks to the global position of the Netherlands as a major gas supplier and consumer, the impact of natural gas on the Dutch economy, and the broad lines of future export policy.
A sizeable part of the international liquefied gas community will be in Amsterdam for the Gastech 84 meeting. Total registration is expected to top 2,000, comprising some 1,500 Conference delegates and 500 exhibitors—a 300-percent increase over the 1974 figure and the highest total ever registered for any meeting in the series.
More than 50 countries will be represented in the Exhibition, with many of the major gas producers— Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Kuwait, Mexico, Canada, Norway, the U.K., the U.S., the Netherlands, Brazil, Qatar, and others—also represented on the Conference program.
The combined South and West Halls of the RAI Exhibition Centre, totaling more than 9,000 square meters, will be the location for the Gastech 84 Exhibition, which is an integral part of the event. Nearly 150 displays from all over the world will be staged in the exhibition halls, making this by far the largest and most comprehensive exhibition of LNG/LPG technology, equipment, and services ever held. Among the notable exhibits will be a number of large, national group displays, including France, Great Britain, and West Germany.
A technical visits program has been arranged to enable groups of delegates to see various aspects of gas industry activities in the Low Countries. Visits include an inspection of the Wieringermeer compressor and blending station of N.V.
Nederlandse Gasunie; a tour of the inert gas generator production and testing facilities of Smit Ovens Gas Generators (formerly Holec) at Nijmegen; and, crossing the Dutch frontier into Belgium, an inspection of the impressive new LPG importation and storage facilities of the Antwerp Gas Terminal Company.
With the intensive Conference program, the comprehensive Exhibition, and the technical visits keeping delegates busy during working hours, they are encouraged to relax and meet other gas industry executives in a convivial atmosphere at two Gastech parties: a Welcome Party on the first day at the conclusion of Conference and Exhibition activities, and an official Cocktail Buffet Reception for delegates and their ladies on the following evening.
This latter event, traditionally the social highlight of the Gastech meeting, will be sponsored this year by Poten and Partners, New York and London, and hosted by senior director Michael Tusiani and his colleagues.
The Gastech 84 meeting begins with delegate registration in the RAI Congress Centre on Monday, November 5, from 3 to 6 p.m. The Exhibition opens at 9 a.m. on November 6, and the Conference starts at 2:15 p.m. on the same day, closing on Friday, November 9, at about 3:00 pm. Delegates are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the Conference program; as at all previous meetings in the series, preprints of the Conference papers are mailed to registered delegates well in advance of the meeting.
Conference Program Tuesday, November 6 Session 1: World Gas Supplies.
Chairman: Dr. George H.B. Verberg, director-general for energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands.
2:15 pm—Opening remarks by Dr.
2:30 pm—"Natural Gas Supplies in the World Energy Market," by A.
Grotens, president, NV Nederlandse Gasunie, Groningen, Netherlands.
3:00 pm—"World Gas Reserves and Availability," by J.T. Jensen, J.T.
Jensen Associates Inc., Boston.
3:30 pm—Coffee break.
4:00 pm—"The West European Gas Gamble: An Oligopoly versus a Monopsony," by O. Noreng, Institute of Energy Policy, Norwegian School of Management, Bekkestua, Norway.
4:30 pm—"LNG Pricing: Past, Present, and Future," by G.D. Carameros Jr., International Gas Development Corporation B.V., Houston.
5:00 pm—"Offshore Gas Utilization in Norway, Argentina, and Malaysia," by W. Prewo, Deutsche Anlagen Leasing Service Gmbh, Munich, Germany; and F.W. HeirhofF, Wirtschaftsvereingung Industrielle Meerestechnik e V., Dusseldorf, Germany.
6-8 pm—Gastech Welcome Party in the RAI Halls for all delegates and exhibitors.
Wednesday, November 7 Session 2: LPG Production and Trade.
Note: This is an all-day session, starting at 9:00 am. There will be a break for the Delegates' Luncheon from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Co-chairmen: Dr. Youcef Yousfi, deputy general manager, Sonatrach, Algiers, Algeria; and Michael Tusiani, Chairman, Poten and Partners, Inc., New York.
Speakers: "Pricing Issues: LPG versus Refined Products," by A.H. A1 Roumi, executive assistant managing directorsales, Eastern Hemisphere, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Safat, Kuwait.
"Trends in Gas Shipping Arrangements," by D.J. Bibby, chairman, Bibby Bros. & Company, Liverpool, U.K.
"European Gas Terminals and Inland Distribution Systems," by J.H.
de Sola, managing director-supply and trading, Shell Nederland Verkoopmaatschappij, Rotterdam.
"Prospects for LPG as an Industrial Fuel in Japan," by T. Nakazawa, deputy general manager, Overseas Operations Department, Idemitsu Kosan Company, Ltd., Tokyo.
"Marketing Channels for North Sea LPG," by J.E. Sandvik, senior vice president-refining and marketing, Statoil, Stavanger, Norway.
"The Value of LPG as Ethylene Feedstock," by T.H. Walthie, dir e c t o r - f e e d s t o c k supply, Dow Chemical Europe SA, Horgen, Switzerland.
Panelists: O. Shaban, manager-International Trade Division, General Petroleum and Mineral Organisation (Petromin), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
E. Al-Mutawa, acting head-marketing and transportation, Qatar General Petroleum Corporation, Doha, Qatar.
F. Anderiz Cebrian, director, LPG Supply Department, Butano, S.A., Madrid.
J.L. Dupay, vice president-LPG trading, Contichem Division of Continental Grain Company, New York.
M.K. Faid, manager-gas exports, Sonatrach, Algiers, Algeria.
S. Hamada, LPG coordinator, Gas Department, Mitsubishi Corporation, Tokyo.
M.C. Hoare, manager-LPG, BP Gas Limited, London.
B.W. Kim, president, Jungwoo Energy Company, Ltd., Seoul, Korea.
M. Martinez Kahn, manager- LPG and petroleum products exports, Petroleos Mexicanos, Mexico City.
D. McCoy, LPG manager, Exxon International Company, Florham, Park, N.J.
H. Monteiro da Silva Porto, deputy general manager-petroleum products, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Rio De Janeiro.
K.J. Vaughan, general manager- LPG trading and land pipelines, British National Oil Corporation, London.
Wednesday, November 7 Session 3: Safety and Training.
Workshop Session in Glass Hall.
Chairman: D.R. Tucker, consultant, Merseyside, U.K.
11:30 am—"A Safety Review of Ships for Liquefied Gases and Fu- ture Legislative Needs," by D.S.
Aldwinckle and D. McLean, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London.
12:00 noon—"A Review of the Developments in LNG Storage Safety as Reflected by Risk Assessment," by D.A. Jones, health and safety executive, London.
12:30 pm—Luncheon for delegates.
2:00 pm—"The Filling Limitations of Cargo Tanks: A Review of the IMO Gas Carrier Code Requirements," by M. Bockenhauer, Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg.
2:30 pm—"On-board Operations and Safety Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Personnel," by G.B Angas, College of Nautical Studies, Warsash, Southampton, U.K.
3:00 pm—"Safety in the Design of Gas Terminals," by A. Valk, Comprimo BV, Amsterdam; and R. Sylvester- Evans, Cremer & Warner, Ltd., London.
3:30 pm—Coffee break.
4:00 pm—"Operation and Maintenance Safety Audit during the Design and Construction of a Major Natural Gas Liquids Facility," by J.G. Sellers and C.J. Luck, Ar thur D. Little, Ltd., London; and M.F. Pantony, health and safety executive, London.
5:00 pm—"Rapid Assessment of the Consequences of LPG Releases," by M. Considine and G.C. Grant, UKEA, Safety and Reliability Directorate, Culcheth, Warrington, U.K.
7:30 pm—Cocktail Buffet Reception for all registered delegates and spouses.
Thursday, November 8 Session 4: Transportation, Technology & Operations.
Chairmen: Roger C. Ffooks, consultant, London; and R.J. Lakey, Robert J. Lakey & Associates, Inc., Houston.
9:00 am—"An Up-date on the Activities of the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Ltd.," by M.P. Holdsworth, SIGTTO, Bermuda.
9:30 am—"The Interdependence of Plant, Port, & Shipping Customers' Facilities in an LNG Scheme," by D.B. Jenkins, Shell International Gas Ltd., London; and C.C. Woodward, Shell International Petroleum Company Ltd., London.
10:00 a.m.—"Gas Transportation from Northern Norway: a Presentation of Possible Options," by J.
Bakke, Moss Rosenberg Verft A.S., Stavanger; and R.F. Schrader and G.A. Amundsen, Kvaerner Engineering A. S., Lysdaker, Norway.
10:30 a.m.—"IHI SPB LNG Carrier Fatique Strength: Quality Control and Recent Design Development," by A. Ando et al, Ishikawajima- Harima Heavy Industries, Tokyo.
11:00 a.m.—"A 30,000-m3 Semipressurized Ethylene Carrier," by H. Backhaus and R. Olschlager, LGA Gastechnik GmbH, Ramagen- Rolandseck, Germany.
11:30 a.m.—"Optimization of LPG Carrier Design and its Influence on Long-term Operating Costs," by V.
Puklavec, Liquid Gas International Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Bonn; and D.P. Lindenau, Paul Lindenau Shipyard, Kiel, Germany.
12:00 noon—"The Prediction of Sloshing Pressure in Prismatic Tanks of LNG Carriers," by T. Tanaka and N. Umekawa, Nippon Kokan KK, Tsu Research Laboratory, Tsu Mie, Japan.
12:30 pm—Luncheon for delegates.
2:00 pm—"Trends in NGL Recovery from Natural and Associated Gases," by C. Collins, Davy McKee (London) Ltd., London; and R.J.J.
Chen and D.G. Elliot, DM International Inc., Houston.
2:30 pm—"Fuel Cost Optimization in LNG Transport," by M. Godin, Chantiers de l'Atlantique; and J.
Tessier, Chantiers du Nord et de la Mediterranee, France.
3:00 pm—"A New Generation Of LNG Carriers Based on a Proven Cargo Containment System," P.
Jean and M. Bourgeois, Gaz- Transport, Paris.
3:30 a.m.—Coffee break.
4:00 pm—"Refrigerated LPG Loading/ Unloading Svstem Using a CALM Buoy," by J.M. Chauvin and J.M. Simon, Enterprise d'Equipments Mecaniques et Hydrauliques, Saint-Cloud, France; and E. Bonjour, Compagnie Francais des Petroles—TOTAL, France.
4:40 pm—"LPG Carriers at Nord Mediterranee: Experience and New Trends," by J. Buret and Y. Hervo, Chantiers du Nord et de la Mediterranee, France.
5:00 pm—"On the Structural Details of Gas Tankers," by P-J. Latreille, Bureau Veritas, France.
Thursday, November 8 Session 5: Commercial Documentation & Contracts.
Workshop in the Blue Hall.
Chairman: J.M. Soesan, consultant, Coventry, U.K.
10:30 a.m.—"LPG Spot Price Assessment: Bulk Market NWE & Mediterranean," by K. Potter, consultant, West Horsley, Surrev, U.K.
11:00 a.m.—"LNG Contracts in a Period of Energy Surplus," by G.B.
Greenwald, Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin & Kahn, Washington, D.C.
11:30 a.m.—"A General Outline of Shipping and Trading Documents Needed for the International LPG Market," by H. Vallery-Masson, Naftomar Shipping & Trading Company, Paris.
12:00 noon—"The Gentle Art of Broking," by F. Baudu, Petromar S.A. (BRS), Paris.
12:30 pm—Luncheon for delegates.
Friday, November 9 Session 6: Liquefied Gas Terminals & Storage.
Chairmen: Morning session—A.
Pasturhov, AVP Corporation, Newburyport, Mass.; afternoon session— W. Brumshagen, LGA Gastechnik Gmbh, Remagen-Rolandsek, Germany.
9:00 a.m.—"Dynamic Load Attenuation for Double-Wall Tanks," by R.A. Vater, Pittsburgh-Des Moines, Neville Island, Pa.
9:30 a.m.—"A New Method of Applying Protective Insulation to the Inside of the Outer Wall of Double- Walled Installations for Cryogenic Storage," by R. Krause, G + H Montage GmbH, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany.
10:00 a.m.—"Experimental Dynamic Compaction of Perlite Insulation," by T. Kaups, CBI Industries Inc., Oak Brook, 111.
10:30 a.m.—"Ultrasonic Testing of the Wall-to-Bottom Weld in a Nickel Steel Storage Tank," by J.P.
Capdeville and A. Goy, Gaz de France, Paris.
11:00 a.m.—"An Experimental Study on the Behavior of the Outer Concrete Wall of a Double-Wall LNG Storage Facility under Extreme Thermal Loads," by S.R.
Speidel, Bilfinger + Berger Bau, Mannheim, Germany.
11:30 a.m.—"The Planning and Building of Antewerp Gas Terminal," by M.S. McKinney, UER International Ltd., London; and J.
Oerlemans, Transol Holding BV, Ridderkerk, Netherlands.
12:00 noon—"Design and Conduction of the Port Botany, Australia, LPG/Butane Import Terminal," by G.M. Howell and M. Schuller, PDM-Johns Perry Pty. Ltd., South Perth, Australia.
12:30 pm—Luncheon for delegates.
2:00 pm—"Design of an In-Ground Storage Tank for Refrigerated Propane," by Y. Sugawara and K.
Minegishi, Tokyo Gas Company, Tokyo.
2:30 pm—"Internal Pressure Equalizing System for Liquefied Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks," by T. J.
Marchaz, Preload Technology Inc., Garden City, N.Y.
3:00 pm—"A Concrete Storage Barge: Results of a Large-Scale Offshore Model Test," by E. Fluggen, LGA Gastchnik GmbH, Remagen- Rolandseck; and M. Sussbaumer and K. Reuter, Ed. Zublin AG, Stuttgart, Germany.
3:30 pm—"Calibrating Accurate Level Gauges in Partly Filled LNG/ LPG Tanks—the Transfer Calibrator," by R.L. Blanchard, The Arlby Company, Lexington, Mass.; and A.E. Sherburne, The Foxboro Company, Foxboro, Mass.
4:00 pm—"Verification of Polyurethane Foam Insulation Reliability," by M. Huther, P. Anslot, and M.
Zehri, Bureau Veritas, Paris.
4:30 pm—"Vapor Recovery from Liquid Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks," by C.A. Durr, M.W. Kellogg, Houston; and F.H.L. van Laerhoven, Kellogg Continental B.V. Amsterdam.
5:00 pm—"A New Concept for Large and Safe LPG Storage Terminals," by P. Morand and J.
Claude, Technigaz, Maurepas, France; and A. Herbretau, Compagnie Francais des Petroles—TOTAL, Paris.
Friday, November 9 Session 7: Gases as Transportation Fuels.
Workshop session in Glass Hall.
Chairman: T.J. Joyce, T. Joyce Associates, Fairfax, Va.
11:00 a.m.—"European Automotive LPG: Prospects for Growth," by W.C.F. Arnold, UER International Ltd., London.
11:30 a.m.—"Propane as a Transportation Fuel and Its Effect on Demand in the United States," by S. A. Vogel, Synergy Gas Corporation, Farmingdale, N. Y.
12:00 noon—"Ford's Experience with Gaseous Fuels," by J.M. Lapetz and R.J. Nichols, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich.
12:30 pm—Luncheon for delegates.
2:00 pm—"Canadian Prospects for Natural Gas Fueled Vehicles," by J.S. Heenan, Transportation Energy Division, Ministry of Mines, Energy & Resources, Ottawa, Canada.
2:30 pm—"Marketing Natural Gas as an Alternative Automotive Fuel in New Zealand," by A. Veart, Auckland Gas Company Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand.
Read GASTECH '84 in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of October 1984 Maritime Reporter
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- Hyundai Delivers First Ship Built In Korea For Australian Owner page: 6
- Seaward Supplies 53 Fenders For Conoco's Hutton TLP page: 7
- Cantrill Appointed Vice President of Sales For Lister Diesel Inc. page: 7
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- Shaver Re-Engines Tug Columbia With Stork-Werkspoor Diesels page: 8
- First Of Ten Sister Log Carriers Delivered By Mitsui's Tamano Yard page: 8
- Cape-Bay Shipbuilders Offer Free Literature On "American Tug-Yacht 38' page: 8
- Capital Marine Uses Computer Technology To Streamline Business page: 8
- Lykes Orders Two More Containerships In Japan At Cost Of $76 Million page: 9
- First Mitsui/Hatlapa Ram Type Steering Gear Completed page: 9
- KaMeWa Reports Lively Interest In Water Jet Propulsion Units page: 9
- Hirt Named West Gulf Operations Manager For Ryan-Walsh Stevedoring page: 9
- International Ship Structure Symposium '84 page: 10
- St. Augustine Trawlers Awarded Contract To Build Cat-Powered Vessel page: 11
- Most Powerful Heavy Lift Cargo Ship Delivered by Hitachi Zosen page: 11
- Brown & Root Announces Corporate Reorganization page: 13
- Hunter Sheridan Named President Of Global Marine Development Inc. page: 14
- Alfa-Laval Promotes Spitzer To Division VP page: 14
- United Technologies Names Skiba Operations Director For Diesel Systems Unit page: 14
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- MMS (UK) Ltd. Appoints John Gregory As Managing Director page: 15
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