Hyundai's $18-Million Maritime Research Institute In Ulsan Completed
A gala opening ceremony was held recently to mark the official opening of the new Hyundai Maritime Research Institute (HMRI) in Ulsan, Korea. The event was attended by a large group of government and industry leaders from Korea and elsewhere, including many research scientists from model basins in Europe.
Located adjacent to Hyundai Heavy Industries' huge shipbuilding and diesel engine manufacturing complex, the Institute's facilities cover an area of almost 12,000 square meters and include a threestory main office building, a towing tank approximately 690 feet long, 46 feet wide, and 20 feet deep; a cavitation tunnel, a circulating water channel, and a ship model workshop.
Construction of the HMRI required some 32,000 man-days and cost a total of about $18 million, including $11 million for purchased equipment such as tank facilities, measuring devices, and machine tools. The Institute's current staff comprises 70 researchers, 15 of them with PhD degrees, and 30 employees for administration and operation of equipment.
Hyundai pioneered in the development of modern shipbuilding in Korea when it commenced activities in 1972. During the past 12 years the yard has achieved remarkable growth by successful delivery of some 300 vessels. In 1983 HHI delivered 34 vessels of various types totaling about 1,650,000 dwt, and during 1984 43 vessels of 1,900,000 dwt are to be delivered.
In his address at the opening ceremony, HHI president Mong Joon Chung said, "We have now become one of the largest shipyards in the world, offering shipowners excellent quality and technology. Since the establishment of the Hyundai Shipyard in Ulsan, the world shipping market has become more diversified and competition has intensified.
Shipbuilders throughout the world have made great efforts to develop more economic and more efficient ship designs.
"Against this background, R&D activities have become essential to keep abreast with development of technology and also to maintain competitiveness in the world market.
Thus at Hyundai Heavy Industries, the decision was made to establish our own research institute," Mr. Chung added.
"From now on, our R&D work will focus on the development of more economical designs for commercial vessels and offshore structures by utilizing the most sophisticated design technology. In this way, we hope that we can contribute to the prosperity of the world's shipbuilding and shipping industries," he concluded.
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Other stories from December 1984 issue
- Midland Affliated Co. Agrees In Principle To Acquire Federal Barge page: 5
- Webb Elects Officers To Governing Board— Bryan Named President page: 5
- Brown Brothers Appoint New Marketing Director page: 5
- Hyundai's $18-Million Maritime Research Institute In Ulsan Completed page: 6
- Huthnance Corporation Formed To Consolidate Rig Ownership page: 6
- Brochure On Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems Offered By Walter Kidde page: 6
- Bay Ship Converts NavAids Barge For U.S. Coast Guard page: 6
- Annual Conference Of CSSRA Scheduled For February 18-19, 1985 page: 6
- $425-Million Rig Expansion Program Announced By Sonat page: 7
- Krupp MaK Reports On Sales Of M 5 5 1 / M 5 52 Series Diesel Engines page: 7
- Lindenau Yard Delivers Seismic Research Vessel To Western Geophysical page: 7
- NMEA Plans to Expand Electronics Technician Certification Program page: 7
- Hose-McCann Introduces Dial Telephone System page: 7
- Peterson Builders Lays Keel For Second Of Three Mine Countermeasure Ships page: 8
- Eastern Marine Delivers Towboat —Ninth of A 10-Vessel Contract page: 8
- USCG License Preparation Quicker And Easier With Computer-Aided System page: 8
- Seebeckwerft Delivers World's Largest Railway/Car Ferry page: 8
- Magnavox Announces First Fully Automatic Vessel Monitoring System page: 8
- Magliocca Elected New General Chairman Of NSC Marine Section page: 9
- BFGoodrich Offers New Brochure On Cutless Line Of Rubber Bearings page: 9
- New Industrial Mixer Seals By EG & G Sealol page: 10
- $2.8-Million Contract To Tacoma Boat Has $97.5-Million Potential page: 10
- Training Success With U.S. Rig Simulator Featured At Conference page: 10
- Borum Wins Kings Point Outstanding Professional Achievement Award page: 10
- Desco Marine Chosen To Build 107-Foot Steel Fishing Boat page: 11
- Marine Consultants' Society Hears Paper On An Attorney's View page: 11
- Offshore Shipbuilding Delivers Passenger/Vehicle Ferry page: 11
- Exxon Research Offers To License Computerized Machine Analysis System page: 11
- Marine Applications Book Availble From Sandusky page: 13
- Avondale Shipyards Holds Keel-Laying Ceremonies For First Of Four Navy Fleet Oilers page: 13
- Robins Named Managing Director-Business Operations At Rolls-Royce page: 13
- Containership 'Merzario Britannia' Launched At Fincantieri Yard page: 14
- N.F. Pergola Appointed Manager-Marine Personnel At Energy Transportation page: 14
- Murray Named Executive Director Of St. John Port Development Commission page: 14
- Regency Introduces The CR5000 Electronic Chart Recorder page: 14
- Operate 365 Days a Year with Greater Efficiency, Safety and Profits page: 15
- K-C Offers Literature On Replacement Parts Line For GM Diesels page: 16
- WABCO Westinghouse Offers Free Booklet On Controls For Ships page: 16
- Crouse-Hinds Offers Literature On Lighting Fixtures & Others Products page: 17
- Ursini Appointed Vice President-General Manager Of Skagit Products page: 17
- The 92nd SNAME Annual Meeting A Special Post-Meeting And Exposition Report page: 18
- Cable Splicing System Lowers Shipbuilding Costs page: 23
- New Literature Available On VHF/FM Marine Radios From Uniden Corporation page: 26
- Hahnfeldt Appointed Power Division Sales Manager At H.O. Penn Machinery page: 26
- Todd-Los Angeles Delivers Guided Missile Frigate FFG-51 Gary To U.S. Navy page: 28
- Ryan-Walsh Appoints John McCarron Jr. Chief Executive Officer page: 28
- Koomey Announces Management Changes—Dumas Named President page: 30
- ASNE Establishes Dr. James A. Lisnyk Memorial Scholarship page: 30
- Navy Awards E-Systems $40-Million Contract page: 30
- Rexnord Announces Formation of Process Controls Division page: 30
- Du Pont's Maintenance Painting Service Lowers Costs On Offshore Platforms page: 32
- Morgan Appointed National Sales Manager For Welded Beam page: 33
- John Gaughan Named To New Maritime Post page: 33
- Taylor Joins COMSAT World Systems Division As Senior Vice President page: 34
- Todd Marine Systems Offers New Brochure On Combustion Technology page: 34
- Torpedo SPC Chosen For Advanced Cable Layer page: 34
- Corpus Christi Bulk-Loading Facility To Be Modernized page: 35
- New Full-Color Brochure Available From PACECO page: 36
- Daewoo Gets $425-Million Contract From Sonat For Six Semisubmersible Rigs page: 36
- Whalen Joins Huthnance As Vice President -Operations page: 36
- Liner Norway Fitted With New MaK-Driven Gensets page: 37
- MarineSafety Offers Radar Renewal Course page: 37
- Crosby Group Adds New Block To Product Line page: 37
- Armco's Baltimore Precision Forging Complex Now In Full Operation page: 38
- Regency Introduces Marine Television/FM Stereo Antenna And Amplifier page: 38
- Newman's Introduces NEWCO Marine Valves page: 38
- Rockwell Offers Brochure On Ship Information Management Systems page: 38
- Markey Delivers DESH-6 Electric Research Winch page: 38
- Surface Effect Ship Margaret Jill Christened In New Orleans page: 40
- Free Jered Brown Brochure Highlights Denny Brown Folding Fin Stabilizers page: 41
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- Free Literature Offered On Walter Kidde Marine Smoke Detection System page: 43
- Imperial Survival Suits Offered by Alexander page: 43
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- MonArk Boat Delivers Fireboat To City Of Memphis page: 44
- Tano Corporation Offers New Brochure On Marine Automation Systems page: 44
- SNAME Announces 1985 Scholarships In Graduate And Undergraduate Levels page: 44
- Moss Point Marine Launches Supply Boat For Argosy Offshore page: 45
- Sea Float Buoys Approved By Norwegian Maritime Directorate page: 45
- Tracor Hydronautics Delivers Part Task Ship-Handling Simulator To Panama Canal Commission page: 46
- New York Section SNAME Meeting Discusses Drydock Certification page: 46
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- One-Day Seminar Discusses Energy-Saving Potential Of A-C Variable Speed Drives For Shipboard Application page: 51
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- ASEA Hagglunds Establishes New Division For Marketing Cargo Cranes In The U.S. page: 55
- Southwest Marine Awarded Two Contracts Worth $2.8-Million page: 55
- Videoteleconferencing Systems To Be Built By COMSAT General page: 55