Krupp MaK Reports On Sales Of M 5 5 1 / M 5 52 Series Diesel Engines

—Literature Available To date some 600 units of the Krupp MaK successful M551/M552 series diesel engines have been manufactured at the factory in Kiel, and another 35 engines have been produced by the licensee UBE Industries in Japan, with a total output of 3 million bhp. These engines have a bore of 450 mm and strokes of 550 mm (M551) and 520 (M552), with engine speeds of 425 and 500 rpm, respectively.

The M551 is available in 6- and 8-cylinder configurations; the M552 is manufactured with 6, 8, 9, and 12 cylinders. Output is 780/835 bhp per cylinder. These engines are capable of burning fuels of up to 7,000 sec Redwood I at 100 F. Specific fuel consumption for today's economy version of the 8-cylinder engine is said to be 130 grams per brake horsepower hour (0.286 pounds per bhp).

Two of this year's Outstanding Oceangoing Ships described in this issue, the LPG carriers Ledagas and Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, are powered by these MaK engines.

For further information and free literature on the M551/M552 series, Circle 38 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 7,  Dec 1984

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