Deck Machinery And Cargo-Handling Equipment
To remain competitive in the world of shipping, vessel operators must keep their port time for loading and unloading operations to a minimum. Fast, reliable, and efficient cargo-handling gear, deck machinery, and cargo access equipment— all invaluable tools—can provide a competitive edge by reducing costly port time.
That is why the editors of MR/ EN annually review the latest products and developments of the major manufacturers and suppliers of deck machinery and cargo-handling equipment. The following review is based on information received as of press time.
Free literature describing all the equipment featured in this review is available from the manufacturers. If you wish to receive additional information and brochures on any of the products described, circle the appropriate Reader Service number(s) listed below the companies' names on the post-paid Reader Service Card bound in the back of this issue.
ALMON A. JOHNSON Circle 26 on Reader Service Card For over 50 years, the names Almon A. Johnson, Inc. and Johnson- Type have stood for quality, durability, excellence and safety of operation.
AAJ Inc., Elizabeth, N.J., offers a wide line of deck auxiliary equipment, including automatic towing machines, towing winches, constant tension mooring winches, refueling hose reels, anchor windlasses and a completely redesigned line of capstans.
Johnson-Type deck equipment is available with electric, hydraulic or diesel drives to suit the unique of vessel owners and operators. Complete engineering and service personnel are available to insure that its machinery is designed, manufactured and maintained to meet the ongoing needs of its customers.
APPLETON MARINE Circle 12 on Reader Service Card Appleton Marine, Appleton, Wis., is a full line manufacturer of marine deck machinery including cranes (box, articulated and telescopic booms), winches (mooring, topping, constant tension), anchor windlasses (vertical and horizontal shaft), capstans, and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) launch and retrieval systems. All equipment can be certified to ABS, API, USCG or Lloyd's Register regulations.
Quality assurance at Appleton Marine is approved for compliance with MIL-I-45208; NATO AQAP-4; and API Spec Ql.
Besides supplying a number of various cranes and winches for crago and hose-handling applications in the commercial and offshore sectors, Appleton Marine has been involved in a number of Navy and Government projects. The firm has provided handling winches, capstans, and anchor windlasses for the T-AGOS program; cranes for the YTT program; anchor windlasses, mooring and warping capstans, slewing arm davits (SLAD), and sliding padeye (SPE) for the AOE-6 program; rigid inflatible boat (RIB) handling cranes for the WPB and LCU vessels; and UNREP winches for the MCDS program.
CRANDALL DRY DOCK Circle 24 on Reader Service Card Crandall Dry Dock Engineers, Inc., Dedham, Mass., an established firm long associated with drydock hardware and chain, recently announced an agreement with Etablissements Marit of St. Amand-les- Eaux, France, to become its exclusive North American sales representative for Marit marine chain.
Ets. Marit, family-owned and operated since 1904, manufactures high quality marine chains ranging in size up to 100 mm in diameter.
Marit's philosophy has always been one of top quality at a reasonable price. To insure this, the latest manufacturing technology as well as constant monitoring of production procedures is employed. Marit chains meet the requirements of Veritas, Det norske Veritas, Lloyd's Register and ABS. Additionally, Marit has been awarded RAQ2 probate of quality by the French Navy.
Marit offers the following products: stud link anchor chain, antimagnetic chain, carbon and special steel chain, chain with antiwear heat treatment, open-link chain (calibrated or uncalibrated), special swivels, shackles, connecting links, high efficiency anchors, quick release hooks and other marine chainrelated items.
CROSBY GROUP Circle 31 on Reader Service Card The Crosby Group, a division of Amhoist, comprises the companies of Laughlin, Lebus, McKissick, National and Western. The companies manufacture every conceivable kind of fitting and accessory for deck machinery, cargo handling and other applications, including forged fittings, hooks, blocks, sheaves, pulleys, load binders, chain, etc.
McKissick, a division of the Crosby Group in Tulsa, Okla., now has new roll forged sheaves available in the most complete range of sizes from 12 through 72 inches. The sheaves are an ideal choice for original equipment in self-unloading systems and as replacements.
McKissick sheaves are forged from controlled quality 1035 carbon steel which provides excellent welding and flame hardening characteristics.
All incoming steel is tested by chemical and spectrographic methods to insure consistently high quality.
Steel sheaves have excellent flexibility when choosing bearings and also provide better cold weather properties than nylon sheaves.
Crosby links and rings are manufactured in a complete line of sizes and types for almost any application, with working load limits from 1,600 to 232,500 pounds.
Lebus products include lever and ratchet type load binders, grab hooks and tail chains, snatch blocks, and hook latch kits. McKissick specializes in custom designed blocks to any specification, oil field blocks, crane and hook blocks, overhaul balls, swivel hooks, and snatch blocks, as well as many other products.
Western manufactures sheaves and sleeves, wood and steel blocks, and cargo blocks and fittings, just part of its extensive product line.
National's product line includes steel swaging sleeves, duplex sleeves, swage buttons and furrules, as well as swaging presses in capacities from 500 to 3,000 tons.
FRITZ CULVER Circle 32 on Reader Service Card Fritz Culver, Inc. of Covington, La., manufactures a wide variety of deck machinery serving virtually every aspect of the marine market.
Established in 1979, the company enjoyed immediate success in the Gulf Coast area for designing and producing rugged, dependable equipment.
Typical products include anchor windlasses, capstans, tugger winches, stern rollers, cable/chain stops, cable reels, and anchor-handling and towing winches. All equipment, except the low-pressure, anchor- handling/towing winches are completely designed in-house. Culver is the U.S. licensee of A/S Hydraulik Brattvaag, which has a complete line of low-pressure deck machinery for cargo ships, fishing vessels, and offshore structures.
Culver has introduced an upgraded deck machinery line to meet the requirements of larger vessels being built to service and handle the deepwater drilling rigs. Included in this line are stern rollers, anchor windlasses, hydraulic tuggers, capstans, tow pins, cable/chain stops, and cable reels. For the most part, the basic design was not changed but the size of the components increased to facilitate handling of larger size wire and chain and the loads imposed by them.
GEARMATIC Circle 33 on Reader Service Card Gearmatic, a division of PACCAR and a major supplier of quality winches to the marine industry, last year introduced a new winch in its GH Series of hydraulic planetary winches.
The GH15, rated at 15,000 pounds capacity, has been designed so that all moving parts run in oil and features highly efficient gear sets with anti-friction bearings throughout to provide smooth trouble- free operation. The new winch utilizes an internal automatic multidisc, spring-applied hydraulically released safety brake. An over-running brake clutch permits free rotation through the brake while hoisting but immediately holds the load securely when the hoisting operation is complete. The load is held firm even if the engine dies or a hydraulic line breaks.
Compact size, low weight-tohorsepower ratio and a versatile mounting arrangement allows the GH15 winch to be installed in virtually any position.
The GH15 will soon be available with up to five different drum sizes and three different motor displacements.
The GH15's adaptability is further increased by the availability of high speed reverse which lowers at line speeds 3.4 times faster than hoisting. A free spool option is also available to provide a means of manual cable removal.
An external brake release port, standard on the GH15, makes the winch adaptable to special applications requiring intermittent or emergency cable/load release.
HAGGLUNDS Circle 25 on Reader Service Card ASEA Hagglunds Inc., Montvale, N.J., is a subsidiary of the Swedenbased company Hagglunds Marine & Offshore AB. Hagglunds has been a major supplier of electrohydraulic cranes to the marine and offshore market for the past 30 years. Its product range spans from two-ton service and hose cranes up to 120- ton twin cargo cranes.
Research and development efforts during the past decade have resulted in the development of its own electronic crane control system as well as microprocessor-controlled cargo-handling systems. These systems, Steadyline and Swing Defeator, are capable of increasing cargohandling productivity up to 40 percent percent.
Hagglunds also recently introduced port cranes.
All the major hydraulic components in Hagglunds cranes are manufactured by the firm, thus assuring strict quality control.
In 1987, Hagglunds acquired the Dutch offshore crane manufacturing company Kenz, strengthening Hagglunds's position in the offshore market. At the same time, Hagglunds acquired a controlling interest in the Norway-based crane manufacturing company Marine Transport Technology A/S.
Hagglunds's worldwide service organization offers after sales support, with spare parts and service available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
HIAB CRANES Circle 34 on Reader Service Card With its exceptional freedom of movement provided by the "knuckleboom" principle, the 110 Sea Crane from HIAB Cranes & Loaders, Inc., of New Castle, Del., has proven very successful on a number of documented cargo- and materialhandling applications. These cranes are currently in worldwide use on many types of tugs, supply vessels, icebreakers, dredges, barges, research vessels, buoy- and light-tending boats, firefighting vessels, diving support craft, and oil pollution recovery boats.
The knuckleboom crane is said to offer a wide range of desirable features for shipboard use including precise load handling, extra capacity and reduced reach, total overload protection, minimal storage and mounting space, and an abundant work area coverage.
Because of the flexible elbow or "knuckle," the HIAB 110 crane has a low operating height. This feature prevents the crane from interfering or entangling with the vessel's rigging or other overhead obstructions.
The simple but effective design, the sophisticated use of corrosion-resistant materials in its construction, and the high-pressure hydraulic system makes the 110 crane lighter in weight than conventional cargohandling units; this weight difference also permits a bigger cargo payload.
Designed specifically for use in the saltwater environment, the HIAB 110 is constructed with galvanized components, waterproof fittings, nickel/chrome-plated boom cylinders, and is protected further with special marine coatings for maximum corrosion resistance.
Compact in design and extremely maneuverable, the 110 can be operated by one man.
A.C. HOYLE Circle 35 on Reader Service Card The A.C. Hoyle Company of Iron Mountain, Mich., has been a major supplier of deck machinery to the marine industry for about a quarter of a century. The company offers a complete line of deck equipment including anchor windlasses, constant- tension mooring winches, topping and vang winches, towing winches, fairleads, chocks, and bitts to both the naval and commercial marine markets.
Though equipment can be built to numerous standard designs, the company specializes in custom building to customer specifications.
Hoyle personnel are available to assist customers from preliminary design stages through final design, installation, and testing. Major considerations are given to providing the best equipment available to meet customer requirements at affordable and competitive prices.
Winches, windlasses, capstans, and cranes are available with allelectric, electrohydraulic, hydraulic, static DC, or diesel drives. All deck equipment, including fittings is available in conventional steel construction as well as in stainless steel and aluminum. The company offers new technology in weight-saving designs, materials, and performance.
Non-magnetic deck machinery has been introduced to the Hoyle product line under the Navy's Mine Countermeasure (MCM) ship program.
HYDE Circle 17 on Reader Service Card Hyde Products, Inc., is a leading supplier of ship's deck machinery and steering gears, serving the marine industry since 1865.
Equipment offered by Hyde includes complete steering systems, vertical and horizontal anchor windlasses, constant tension mooring winches, cargo winches, special purpose winches, capstans, mooring chocks, special pump systems, oil/ water separators and oil spill recovery equipment.
While Hyde has a standard product line, custom-designed machinery is its specialty. Hyde equipment is installed on hundreds of naval, commercial and fishing vessels, as well as workboats and barges operating in the U.S. and throughout the world.
In addition to equipment manui facturing, Hyde offers replacement parts and service capabilities and maintains complete microfilm files of original equipment drawings to provide replacement parts that exactly match original specifications.
Replacement parts, service and upgrades for Pine Tree Engineering Co. manufactured equipment are available as well. Hyde also offers deck machinery overhaul and refurbishing services. Experienced Hyde service personnel perform installations, repair and overhaul work worldwide.
In recent years, the Korean Navy has installed Hyde steering systems, anchor windlasses and capstans on a total of 29 frigates, corvettes and other naval vessels. Several additional ROK orders are pending. The steering systems supplied for 22 ROK corvettes include an electronic control system which eliminates the conventional differential control system. Hyde recently received an order for the steering gear on a new oiler to be built in Taiwan.
Hyde manufactured the anchor windlasses and several types of Refueling at Sea winches for the USS Wasp (LHD-1) and is currently building the same equipment for LHD-2 and -3. Hyde is also actively involved in many commercial and Navy projects, including upgrading steering systems to meet the new SOLAS redundancy requirements.
More than 100 Hyde Independent Steering Gear Power Units and controls have been supplied to tanker and passenger vessel operators worldwide.
IMO DELAVAL Circle 19 on Reader Service Card Imo Delaval Inc. offers a wide range of liquid cargo-handling equipment through its companies and divisions.
The IMO Pump Division of Imo Delaval Inc. has introduced a vertical deepwell barge pump designed to unload and strip liquid cargo tanks carrrying heavy pertoleum products at the rate of 1,500 gpm.
In addition to #6 fuel oil and asphalt, the positive displacement pump can handle products as light as #2 heating oil. Designed for use on new installations, refits and conversions, the new pump provides performance for all variations of cargo characteristics and dockside piping arrangements.
The Gems Sensor Division of Imo Delaval Inc. offers two liquid level subsystems which provide reliable liquid level indication where closed loading of shipboard cargo is a requirement.
The two subsystems—a Dipstick Liquid Level Indicator and a Self- Checking Level Switch—provide important "see, hear and feel" features for tankermen, barge operators and other ship personnel responsible for safe, accurate and reliable bulk transfer of cargo.
The Gems Dipstick Liquid Level Indicator is a compact, entirely selfcontained liquid level indicating unit, designed primarily for use in storage drums, vats and tanks. It is excellent for "on-the-spot" level readout applications when electrical power is not available.
The Gems Self-Checking Level Switch provides a unique method of confirming, from outside the tank, the operational integrity of all vital components of the self-checking level switch.
The level switch was designed specifically for use in closed-loading crude and fuel oil tankers, chemical and other product carriers.
A new Hydraulic Liquid Cargo- Handling (HLCH) system for use on board chemical and product tankers has been introduced by IMO AB, an Imo Delaval company.
A complete system for cargo handling, the HLCH system is designed for dry installation on product tankers as well as crude oil tankers.
Flows of 1,200 m3/h per pump at a maximum of 120 mlc can be reached.
The system allows remote control as well as local control. Additional functions can also be connected to the hydraulic system, e.g.—bowthrusters, winches, fans, deck cranes and various types of pumps for slop tank, ballast, tank cleaning, fuel oil and emergency unloading.
INTERCON Circle 27 on Reader Service Card Intercontinental Engineering- Manufacturing Corp. (INTERCON) of Kansas City, Mo., is a diverse engineering and manufacturing organization with established product lines in marine winches, hoists, custom drives and controls, marine cranes, and dredging machinery.
Currently in production are Twin Cargo Cranes to be included in the U.S. Navy's Auxiliary Craneship (TACS) Program. Each crane, singly operated, is rated at 30 long tons at 121-foot outreach; 60 long tons at 121-foot outreach in dual operation.
All functions of the twin-boom pedestal cranes are electrohydraulically powered.
The first option of the Maritime Administration contract covers a lot of six Twin Cranes to be delivered to Tampa Shipyard for installation in T-ACS-7 and -8. Award for the second contract option was issued in July and calls for the manufacture of four cranes scheduled for installation aboard T-ACS-9 & 10 in late 1989. INTERCON completed its twin crane contract for T-ACS-4, -5 and -6.
Notable commercial winch contracts for 1988 include four model SD-200 anchor winches and fairleaders for Santa Fe's new jack-up rig under construction at FELSSingapore.
These units will handle 2,300 feet of 2-inch wire rope. Three model SD-225H mooring units were completed and shipped to NKK of Japan for installation aboard ore ships. Two model DW-150 drag winches were recently delivered to McCormack Aggregates. INTERCON's model SD-175 towing winch with a hydraulic power source is scheduled for completion this fall for installation aboard Mobil Oil Corporation's tug Mobil 2.
INTERCON winches are sold and serviced worldwide for towing, mooring and anchor-handling applications.
Ocean tugboat winches range in capacity from 50,000 to 500,000 pounds; single or multiple drum configurations are sized for wire ranging from 1 to 3 inches in diameter. Tug/supply boat winch packages include controlled-drop chain handlers, single lever anchor drum control, towing pins, and stern rollers. INTERCON's exclusive water-cooled brakes with solid state control are proved in handling anchors in over 2,500-foot ocean depths. Workboat deck machinery also includes a full line of windlasses and capstans ranging from 10 to 50 hp.
KOCKS CRANE Circle 29 on Reader Service Card Kocks Crane & Marine Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., has received an order for three high-profile container cranes for the Port of Miami. The new cranes, which upon delivery, will make a total of six Kocks cranes in operation at the port, are some of the largest ever built, having an outreach of 152 feet on the waterside and a backreach of 85 feet on the landside for prestowing of containers and placement of hatch covers.
Design and engineering was done by Vulkan Kocks of West Germany.
The new cranes include the latest state-of-the-art features. The electrical control system is digital with fault-diagnostic computer readout.
Additional features included are heavylift operation of up to 85 tons and provision for a second trolley in the future.
The first crane recently arrived in Miami fully erected, with the second and third cranes scheduled to be delivered in December.
In addition, Kocks Crane & Marine recently received an order for two low-profile cranes from the Port of Oakland, Calif.
The award was made to Kocks on the basis of providing the best technical concept for a unique specification— a low-profile crane with a maximum overall height of 129 feet and a full 100-foot lifting height between the bottom of the spreader and the dock. Design and engineering of the cranes was performed by Vulkan Kocks of West Germany.
The new Seventh Street Terminal cranes will be equipped with the latest digital electric system accompanied by a fault diagnostic computer.
The cranes have been designed and provision has been made for future incorporation of a second trolley system.
The cranes will be shipped fully erected to the terminal aboard a special vessel and are scheduled to be delivered in May 1989.
KVAERNER Circle 20 on Reader Service Card Gothenburg-based Kvaerner Ships Equipment AB is the design and sales center for the worldwide RO/RO cargo access equipment activities for the Kvaerner Ships Equipment international organization.
Among the many activities of the organization, Kvaerner Ships Equipment International's West German subsidiary, Kvaerner Brug (Deutschland) GmbH, Bremen, designed the cargo access equipment package for the recently delivered heavylift RO/RO vessel Ariana.
The J.J. Sietas-built 6,550-dwt self-sustaining RO/RO was designed specifically for the transport of components for the joint Northern Europe-South America Ariane IV rocket project.
The 377-foot vessel is fitted with a wide variety of Kvaerner equipment, including a 33-foot hydraulically operated stern ramp which has a rated maximum load of 400 tons.
There are 14 Kvaerner Brug full width pontoon hatch covers fitted to the weatherdeck, which are rated for loads of 2 tons/m2 and are equipped for carriage of 20-foot and 40- foot laden containers.
A new 5,000-grt passenger/train/ vehicle ferry under construction at Denmark's Aalborg Vaerft will feature an extensive array of cargo access equipment designed by Kvaerner Ships Equipment AB.
The new ferry, which will serve an East German-Swedish route, will feature a 33-foot wide, 17-foot high visor-type stern door on Deck No. 3 for rail traffic access. The stern door will also form part of the vessel's stern hull section.
Among other equipment that will be installed on the vessel will include: two electrically operated rolltype stern doors and a starboard sited trailer door at midships for vehicle access; two hydraulically operated passenger doors for passenger access; an engine room hatch cover; and a variety of specialized doors.
Kvaerner Ships Equipment AB also has designed a special stern mooring system for the ferry. The system will be used to hold the ship to the shore-side rail ramp by hydraulic force.
LIEBHERR-WERK Circle 10 on Reader Service Card Liebherr-Werk Nenzing specializes in the design and production of offshore lifting equipment and traditional deck cranes. The company recently introduced B/SM and BW/ SM type deck cranes, which feature extremely slim construction with capacities ranging from five to 120 metric tons.
Liebherr-Werk recently added the RHM-type mobile harbor crane to its full range of mobile harbor cranes. This new compact mobile harbor crane is especially designed for operation in inland harbors. The increased maneuverability and flexibility of the RHM-type mobile harbor crane provides added advantages for river port operators.
Liebherr-Werk's LHM-type mobile harbor crane, which is used for container-, general cargo-, bulk material and unit load handling operations, is popular in many seaports.
For offshore applications, Liebherr- Werk Nenzing offers the fieldproven BOS type offshore crane, which has been used mainly in the harsh environment of the North Sea. Additionally, the company has a series of ram luffing offshore cranes, which feature low overall height and horizontal boom storage.
MANITEX Circle 28 on Reader Service Card Manitex Inc., a subsidiary of the Manitowoc Company, Inc., designs, manufactures and markets pedestal- mounted box boom and lattice boom cranes at a modern, two-plant facility located near McAllen, Texas.
Ideally suited for dockside, marine, land-based, or pedestalmounted applications, Manitex Sea- Cranes are constructed of marinequality components, with complete material traceability available upon request. In addition, each crane features a versatile modular design to permit fast servicing and easy interchangeability of components from model to model.
The present family of Manitex SeaCranes includes five box boom models—the 15-ton-capacity MB- 300; the 25-ton-capacity MB-600; the 40-ton-capacity MB-1200; the 60-ton-capacity MB-2400; and the 125-ton-capacity MB-7200.
Additionally, three telescopicboom cranes are produced, the nineton Model 900 Series pedestal, the 11-ton Model 1100 Series pedestal and the 19-ton Model 1900 Series pedestal. Well suited for a wide variety of applications ranging from dockwork to dam and powerhouse maintenance.
Manitex complements its boxboom and telescopic-boom cranes by offering six lattice boom models, all available with full weather enclosures to permit operation in harsh environments. Current lattice boom models include: the 25-ton-capacity ML-600; 45-ton-capacity ML-1200; the 55-ton-capacity ML-2400; the 75-ton-capacity ML-4800; the 150- ton-capacity ML-9600; and 200-toncapacity ML-14400.
Manitex SeaCranes exceed the operating codes of the major classification societies. Other advantages and features include all-modular designs, full 360-degree swing capability, auxiliary winch systems, single and double-taper box booms, onboard and remote control systems, onboard and remote power units, anti-two block systems and variable height gantry arrangements. In addition, Manitex's worldwide distributor network provides complete parts and service availability.
MANNESMANN DEMAG Circle 16 on Reader Service Card Mannesmann Demag Baumaschinen of Dusseldorg, West Germany, was recently awarded a contract to supply six Demag MHC 190 telescopic mobile cranes to Poland for use in the harbor near Szczecin. The cranes will be used to assist in meeting the increased cargo-handling demands at the port.
Mannesmann Demag recently supplied the port with eight MHC 65 and seven MHC 190 telescopic mobile cranes for cargo-handling applications. The model MHC 65 has a capacity of 22-25 tons with a telescopic boom of about 80 feet.
The Demag MHC 190 has a lifting capacity of 65-70 tons. The three-section main mast is extendable to more than 121 feet. In addition to a main boom extension, Mannesmann Demag offers a luffing jib, which allows the main mast to be extended an additional 69 feet to a maximum sheave height of 190 feet.
MARKEY MACHINERY Circle 21 on Reader Service Card The Markey Machinery Company, Inc., Seattle, Wash., has been designing and building custom deck machinery for the marine industry for more than 80 years.
Markey offers a wide range of towing, research and mooring winches, capstans, anchor windlasses, sheaves, chain stoppers and devil's claws.
The company's towing winches, which are offered in electric, hydraulic or diesel-torque coverter drive designs, accommodate wire rope ranging from 3/4 to 2-1/2 inches in diameter and are available in single, double-drum side-by-side, or waterfall configurations.
Markey capstans have pulling capacities of up to 50,000 pounds and run at speeds of up to 120 fpm. Ondeck, through-deck, under-deck or two-deck systems with air, hydraulic, electric or diesel drives are all available.
Available in both chain wildcat and wire rope drum designs, Markey anchor windlasses are built to accommodate chains from 1/2 to 3-1/2 inches in diameter, and wire uo to 2-1/2 inches. Horizontal, vertical shaft and other configurations are available with hydraulic, electric or diesel drives.
Markey offers single or double drum scientific winches with drums heavy enough to resist spreading under packed cable expansion and which are easily removable for cable exchange.
As for mooring winches, Markey offers a complete line of dockmounted ship and barge handlers, ship-mounted tie-up winches and tug-mounted soft-line winches with high speed capacities and heavy brakes.
MCELROY MACHINE Circle 22 on Reader Service Card Harold S. Catchot, president of McElroy Machine & Mfg. Co., Inc., recently announced that McElroy Machine & Mfg. has been awarded a contract to supply a triple drum, diesel powered waterfall winch to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, New Orleans District.
The winch, model TW37-100D, is powered by a Detroit Diesel 4-71 engine through a Spicer manual transmission. All controls are mechanical and are centrally located for ease of operation. The winch develops 24,000 pounds line pull at 115 feet per minute (full drum) and has a spool capacity of 1,000 feet of 7/8-inch diameter cable on each spool.
Other current work includes the bow anchor windlasses and stern anchor winches for 22 U.S. Army LCU (Landing Craft, Utility) being constructed at Lockheed Shipbuilding's Savannah, Ga., shipyard.
Also in process are the tow winches and anchor windlasses for two tugboats being built by Moss Point Marine for the Jordanian Government.
The model 544 tow winches develop 44,000 pounds line pull and have a brake rated at 110,000 pounds. The winches are powered by a self-contained 100-hp electrohydraulic power unit. The bow anchor windlasses are model MDW- 100 which handle 1-inch stud link anchor chain on each of its cast steel wildcats.
Recently completed contracts include an anchor windlass for Pacific Marine of Honolulu, Hawaii. The windlass will be installed on a SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) type excursion vessel being built at Thompson Metal Fabricators of Vancouver, Wash.
McElroy has supplied capstans to Halter Marine, Lockport, La., for installation abord a Chevron tug.
The forward capstan is a model MC- 20-H which develops 18,000 pounds line pull and the aft unit is a model MC-24-H which develops 23,000 pounds line pull. Each was supplied with an electrohydraulic power dnit.
Mari-Trans, Tampa, Fla., has taken delivery of two McElroy model MC-24-H capstans for installation aboard two Ocean Cities barges.
MORGAN CRANE Circle 97 on Reader Service Card The Morgan Crane Company, Inc. of Santa Ana, Calif., is the exclusive distributor for HIAB Sea Cranes, according to an announcement by HIAB Cranes and Loaders, Inc. of New Castle, Del.
This provides a centralized U.S.- based distribution center for HIAB Sea Cranes, parts, and service. Morgan Crane Company, Inc., a HIAB distributor for seven years, provides the expertise necessary to design, engineer, and service standard or complex handling systems.
Morgan supplies HIAB cranes to all sectors of the commercial maritime industry and also continues to supply the Navy with mine retrieval, drone retrieval, and target handling cranes.
Morgan Crane Company offers 24-hour-a-day, year-round service for its marine customers. Morgan Crane Company also provides specialty engineered packages, for lease or purchase, such as skid-mounted packages with power pack included for easy installation and removal from any deck or platform.
NABRICO Circle 30 on Reader Service Card An all-new hand winch especially designed for use on barges, small harbor boats and for other winch applications requiring a significant holding capacity, has been introduced by the Nashville Bridge Company (NABRICO), Nashville, Tenn.
Of all-steel construction, the mini-profile design winch has a 40- ton-holding capacity. Additionally, both right- and left-hand models are available for the increased safety of the operator, according to T. Ray J a c k s o n , the company's vice president- materials.
One attractive feature of the new winch is its mini-profile design, which makes it an excellent choice for applications where space is limited.
The new winch employs many features of the original NABRICO hand winch, including a quick release action, a hand wheel for fast take up and a foot brake for run-out control. Many parts for the new winch are interchangeable with parts for other NABRICO winches for easy repair or replacement, and all parts are available from NABRICO and many of its distributors.
NABRICO is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Ship Building Company, Tampa, Fla. The firm has beeen in the marine field for more than 70 years, and offers a complete line of deck hardware for towboats, barges and terminals serving the marine industry.
NATIONAL CRANE Circle 14 on Reader Service Card National Crane Corporation, Waverly, Neb., has designed and built a number of pedestal-mounted telescoping hydraulic cranes for use aboard ships, offshore, docks and other marine sites.
The National marine line includes: the Series 200, with 10,700- pound maximum capacity and 28- foot maximum boom length; the Series 400, with 16,000-pound maximum capacity and 55-foot maximum boom length; the Series 600B with 28,000-pound maximum capacity and 66-foot maximum boom length; and the Series 800B, with 35,000-pound maximum capacity and 75-foot maximum boom length.
The latter three feature planetary, 375-degree rotation, while the Series 200 offers rack-and-pinion, 390-degree rotation.
High-performance planetary winches are standard on the Series 400, 600B and 800B, while the Series 200 has a worm-gear winch. Rotationresistant wire rope is standard on all.
NEI CLARKE CHAPMAN Circle 15 on Reader Service Card Northern Engineering Industries (NEI) recently won a major British defense order worth more than £50 million to supply its unique Syncrolift for the shiplift being constructed in behalf of the Property Service Agency at the Clyde Submarine Base, Faslane, Scotland.
The contract was awarded to NEI pic and manufacture will start immediately.
A majority of the work will go to NEI's mechanical handling division NEI Clarke Chapman Ltd., at Gateshead, U.K., which will also subcontract to other NEI companies.
The Syncrolift system, conceived and developed by NEI Syncrolift, a unit of NEI Clarke Chapman Ltd., enables vessels to be lifted straight into and out of the water. At Faslane, it will be used to dock Royal Navy submarines including the latest Vanguard Class Trident missile submarines. These subs are being built at Barrow where they will be launched on a similar Syncrolift which was completed in December 1986.
The new contract will be one of the largest and most important Syncrolifts installed so far. It will have a lifting capacity of 24,000 tons and will be the 175th Syncrolift built.
This unique system is at present installed in 63 countries and serves 32 Navies.
J.D. NEUHAUS Circle 98 on Reader Service Card J.D. Neuhaus, a leading manufacturer of pneumatic hoists, has developed a star handle control for their pneumatic hoists. The handle control offers precise, direct control, even in severe working conditions because the operating element of the control can be positioned to an angle of about 180 degrees to the center line of the motor.
The construction of the unit is simple as well as effective, since the hoist is controlled by turning the star handle which, through a rod by means of a flexible hose, directly works onto the control piston in the hoist.
In addition, the control variation is durable and insensitive to environmental conditions. The star handle control can be fitted to hoists with carrying capacities of up to 15 tons.
J.D. Neuhaus offers pneumatic monorail hoists with lifting capacities of up to 100 tons with 6 bar working pressures. JDN pneumatic hoists use compressed air, as opposed to electricity, as their working medium and are suitable for operation in areas where there is danger of explosion.
Furthermore, all JDN pneumatic hoists can be built into trolleys for the lifting and traversing of loads.
JDN trolleys are available with lifting capacities of up to 100 tons.
ORENSTEIN & KOPPEL Circle 23 on Reader Service Card O&K Orenstein & Koppel AG Tagebau und Schiffstechnik, Lubeck, West Germany, has been building deck cranes for over 20 years. The company offers single or double deck cranes and double joint and gantry cranes in electrohydraulic or all electric models with lifting capacities from 5 to 100 tons.
O&K achieved a major technological breakthrough with the introduction of the double-jointed cranes for on-board container handling.
The essence of the O&K concept is that the two joints allow container movement through the arc of a circle, whereas standard luffing cranes move cargo around the circumference of a circle. O&K claims that its double-jointed cranes can achieve almost double the load cycles possible with standard cranes.
The O&K Anlagen und Systeme division of O&K Orenstein & Koppel AG has received an order for crane equipment for two reefer ships being built at Bremer Vulkan AG's shipyard in Bremen.
The order comprises four Gemini double deck cranes with a hoisting capacity of 2 x 18 tons each, at 83.3 feet outreach. In double crane operation, loads of up to 35.4 tons per double crane can be lifted. This crane concept allows rapid handling of pallets, as well as 20- and 40-foot containers.
In a unique installation, two O&K container deck cranes were fitted aboard American shipowner Matson Navigation's recently delivered container barge Islander. Each of the cranes aboard the 387-foot barge has a lifting capacity of 40 metric tons at a working radius of 30 meters, and is equipped with a load turning device, telescoping spreader and computerized program control.
The cranes will allow the handling of containers independent of quayside facilities.
The Ferrostaal Corporation is the exclusive agent for O&K in the U.S.
PETTIBONE Circle 99 on Reader Service Card Pettibone Corporation of Chicago manufactures a full line of pedestalmounted Marine Kranes for use on docks and offshore platforms, as well as on shipboard. Capacities range from 5 to 100 tons. Hydraulically extendible knuckleboom and fixed booms, both box and lattice, are available. With special features such as inorganic paint to withstand salt-laden, corrosive environments, they are built to provide years of trouble-free service.
Pettibone has been building and improving cranes for the marine industry since 1964, so built-in features are the result of more than 20 years of design work. Today, as part of a continuing research and development program, the company has a list simulator for safety testing of cranes manufactured for shipboard applications.
SCHOELLHORN-ALBRECHT Circle 18 on Reader Service Card St. Louis-based Schoellhorn-Albrecht Machine Co., one of the nation's oldest marine deck equipment manufacturers, was organized in 1887 and has been serving the marine industry with a complete line of high quality products for over a century.
The firm offers a wide range of quality capstans, winches and deck fittings to customers worldwide.
The Schoellhorn-Albrecht line in eludes power capstans which are available in several sizes and types.
Each unit is custom designed for a specific application. The company offers capstans powered by electric, hydraulic or air motors. Line speeds of up to 100 fpm and ultimate line pulls of 60,000 pounds are available.
Static base loading to as much as 100,000 pounds is also offered. The company offers both deck-mounted and through-the-deck-mounted power capstans, as well as capstan car pullers and a full range of handpower capstans.
More than 75 patterns of deck fittings in various sizes and weights are available from Schoellhorn-Albrecht.
The firm keeps a large stock of fittings for immediate delivery, but can also custom design its products to a customer's specifications.
Furthermore, Schoellhorn-Albrecht is a factory parts depot and warehouse stocking distributor for all Beebe Brothers products—from power and hand winches to car pullers, trolleys and hoists. A complete inventory of complete units and replacement parts are available in stock for immediate shipment.
SMITH BERGER Circle 11 on Reader Service Card Smith Berger Marine, Inc. of Seattle, Wash., has been granted a U.S. patent for its exclusive new bending shoe fairlead design. Patents are pending in many foreign countries.
The new fairleads are intended for long-term mooring applications such as floating production platforms or vessels.
The first of these new fairleads was installed on the Penrod 72, which is operating in the Green Canyon sector of the Gulf of Mexico.
The new design provides a very large bending radius for any size of mooring line which reduces or eliminates the effect of wire rope fatigue.
The effective ratio of groove diameter to rope diameter is greater than 70 to 1, which would not be practical with conventional sheave type fairleads for very large diameter wire rope.
Another feature of the design is the special replaceable groove material which reduces wire rope wear due to fretting or minor movements.
Smith Berger bending shoe fairleads for long-term mooring are also very economical compared to conventional sheave designs.
Smith Berger Marine offers the new fairlead with custom designed mountings for ship, column, or turret mooring applications.
Read Deck Machinery And Cargo-Handling Equipment in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of October 1988 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from October 1988 issue
- Campbell Receives Order For Three 'Super Pacific' Tuna Purse Seiners page: 5
- Workboat Division Of MonArk Boat Changes Name To SeaArk Marine— Key Personnel Changes Announced page: 6
- Columbian Rope Co. Offers Free Literature Detailing New Fiber Rope For Marine Use page: 6
- Caterpillar-Powered Passenger Ferry Delivered By Moss Point Marine To State Of North Carolina page: 7
- General Ship Repair To Build Tender/Breaker Under $921,320 Contract page: 8
- Carnival Acquires Majority Of Admiral, RCCL For $550 Million page: 8
- P&O Purchases Sitmar Cruises For $210 Million page: 9
- Intertrade Awarded Navy Contract To Supply Messenger/Position Buoys page: 10
- HHI Wins $230-Million Offshore Project For ONGC In India page: 10
- Trinity Marine Group To Build Navy Oceanographic Research Ship page: 11
- Deck Machinery And Cargo-Handling Equipment page: 12
- FISH EXPO '88 page: 22
- Two More C-10 Containerships Delivered To APL By German Yards page: 26
- Okabe Offers Mil-Spec Fasteners Stocking And Mill Shipment Program page: 29
- G. Marine Diesel Leases Brooklyn Navy Yard Facilities page: 30
- Slaughter Joins Butterworth Tank Cleaning Machines page: 31
- World's Largest Monohull Crane Ship To Be Outfitted At McDermott Yard page: 34
- Bardex Views Contract Activity As Sign Of Offshore Improvement page: 35
- Cummins-Powered Crewboat Being Built At Matsumo Yard For Esso Resource Canada page: 36
- Matson Navigation Requests Bids From Three U.S. Shipyards To Build RO/RO Containership page: 37
- Advanced Deck Cranes From O&K Shorten Berthing Times, Cut Costs page: 38
- GASTECH 88 page: 40
- Fire-Damaged Crabber 'Reborn' After Conversion At MARCO-Seattle Yard page: 41
- 'Consolidation And Expansion' Will Be Theme Of Seatrade's Cruise Shipping '89 page: 42
- AESA Wins Orders From Cuba, Sweden; Will Build Seven Ships page: 43
- Free Literature Offered On High-Tech Multi-Pak Marine Trash Compactors page: 43
- Upgraded MAN B&W L28/32 Engine Offers Improved Fuel Economy, Reliability And Durability page: 44
- Unitor Offers Free 14-Page Brochure On Ship Services & Products page: 45
- New RAY-152 SSB Radiotelephone From Raytheon Provides Outstanding Long-Range Communication page: 46
- L'Orange Offers Free Literature On Engine Injector Systems page: 46
- Liquefied Gas Shipping— New Drewry Report Predicts Continued Improvement page: 47
- Rados-Designed Research And Monitoring Vessel Being Built By Knight & Carver In San Diego page: 48
- Rauma-Repola Deck Machinery And Aquamaster Propulsion Join Forces In New Company page: 48
- Golar Marine Incinerators Detailed In Free Literature page: 49
- Barco's '88-89 Catalog Of Impellers Includes 2 New Elastomer Cam/Pumpliners page: 49
- Trinity Marine Group Acquires Assets Of Guarino & Cox, Naval Architects page: 54
- Wartsila Diesel Announces Personnel Appointments page: 57
- HHI Wins Contract To Build LPG Carrier For Kosan Fleet Of Denmark page: 58