Long 2013 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Although the well-known Finnish company Wärtsilä has a very long history, it was founded in 1834, the diesel engine era begins when the company signs a license agreement with Friedrich Krupp Germania Werft AG in Germany. The first diesel engine sees the light of day in Turku in November 1942. From t
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Liebherr has developed a new model: the TCC 14000-400 D Litronic Meeting clients’ requests for cranes with lifting capacities far above the average lifting capacity of conventional mobile harbor cranes, Liebherr has developed a new model: the TCC 14000-400 D Litronic. This combined offshore and mob
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Foreign players continue to dominate several segments of the Indian maritime industry: from salvage to dredging, chartering to ship management and ship manning, to name but a few. And the list of foreign firms setting up shop in India is growing as the country is hurriedly putting in place the requi
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013No industry has escaped the economic changes of the last decade, and the marine industry is certainly no exception. But with every economic struggle emerges new solution providers, poised to help fill new needs. St. James Stevedoring Partners LLC is among these innovators in the marine industry.
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Marine News
on December 2013US EPA Approved EALs: Anhydrous Water Soluble Polyalkylene Glycols (PAGs) In December 2013, the EPA through its Vessel General Permit (VGP) will introduce the mandatory use of “Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants” or EALs. These products include the lubricating oils that are directly used in appl
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Marine News
on December 2013Marine product providers turn to high tech tools to enhance service, information and – yes – their bottom lines. There’s an APP for that. You’ve heard it before and in many contexts. Increasingly, the global waterfront is getting into the act, too. Typically available for iPhones and/or any kind of
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Marine News
on December 2013Infrastructure renewal and engineering combine to provide an obscure, often under-appreciated, but nevertheless critically important aspect of marine operations. In the Pacific Northwest, for example, the waterway abundant geography provides engineering and specialized moving company Omega Morgan wi
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Marine News
on December 2013Pasha Hawaii, SeaRiver Maritime Inc., and perhaps ConocoPhillips will soon share the practice of paperless navigation in U.S. domestic trades. Each of these three ship owner/operators is managing a transition to paperless navigation at distinctly significant stages. Their progress opens a window int
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Marine News
on December 2013Long awaited, much hyped, the new rules require compliance in January. Will industry and more importantly, the response community, be ready? In September, the U.S. Coast Guard published the long awaited Non-tank Vessel Response Plan (NTVRP) and Other Response Plan regulations. The U.S. Coast Guard
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Marine News
on December 2013Building patrol boats is big business, especially for foreign defense needs. U.S. yards compete on a global stage in the all-important maritime security workboat arena. Patrol boats have continued to enhance bottom lines at many U.S. vessel builders this year through sales that are usually governm
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Marine News
on December 2013Marine Engineering and naval architecture students provide a fresh perspective on design, safety and innovation, too. When most of us board a passenger ferry, thinking about the safety and stability of the vessel will rarely cross our minds. Typically, those thoughts are obscured by other “more im
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Marine News
on December 2013FRC International launched the innovative ‘DYNAV’ dynamic navigation system for high speed craft at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden in October. The DYNAV launch event enabled attendees from Scandinavia and Europe to come together with the objective of improving seafarer safet
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Marine News
on December 2013Sustaining the ongoing boatbuilding boom can involve the lawful use of foreign finance streams. James Kearns takes a closer look at the practice. The citizenship requirements for vessels engaged in the U.S. coastwise trade are generally well-known. Such a vessel needs to be built in the United Stat
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Marine News
on December 2013Scott Metzger has been with Clean Harbors Environmental Services for more than 22 years. He is the Senior Vice President, Emergency Services and holds an oversight role for the Clean Harbors National Strike Team that manages environmental incidents. When not deployed on an event, Scott is focused on
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Announced in June 2011, Bourbon and CGG entered a five-year charter agreement for a series of six custom newbuild seismic support vessels. Now more than two years later, the third ship in the series, Bourbon Gannet, is due to enter service in the early part of 2014, following the launch of the first
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013The platform supply vessel World Diamond was delivered by Damen Shipyards, Galati, on June 28, 2013, to World Wide Supply. The PSV was built to a completely new and distinctive design from Damen, and World Diamond is the first of six PSVs for the Norwegian owner. The vessel is capable of worldwide o
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Photographs of Maersk Line’s 18,000 TEU ships are flooding in from ports around the world as the carrier phases its giant new vessels phase into the AE10 string between Asia and North Europe. It’s a “Where’s Waldo” with maritime characteristics. Shanghai, Ningbo, Yantian, Hong Kong, Tanjung Pelepas
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Marine News
on December 2013It’s a fact: Emission Control Areas (ECA) clean up the air that we breathe. It’s also a good bet that someday, ECAs might be the primary cause of dirtier water. That’s because the physical act of switching from fuel oil to cleaner burning distillates on oceangoing craft is anything but a routine eve
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Marine News
on December 2013The month of December is typically when we look back to see what went right, what didn’t and how our prognostications for the previous 11 months look, all roiled together in our muddy wake. In the interests of transparency, I looked back on this very same column, penned exactly one year ago. Unb
- What Will WRDA Legislation Bring? page: 12
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Marine News
on December 2013On November 8, speaking at the Port of New Orleans, President Obama said “… corn and wheat is coming down from my home state of Illinois down the river, ending up here and then going all around the world. And it’s part of the reason we’ve been able to increase exports so rapidly is because we have s