Maritime Reporter 1974 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1974The hull assembly nears completion as the icebreaker-type bow is installed on a new design gas turbine-powered oil tanker under construction at FMC Corporation's Marine and Rail Equipment Division in Portland, Ore. Setting the section as a whole is typical of PMC's modular construction method,
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1974Marathon LeTourneau Company, Marine Division in Vicksburg, Miss., launched its 47th self-elevating "jackup" drilling platform March 1,1974. During 1973, Marathon's Vicksburg yard completed production and delivered three jackup drilling platforms, along with completing a major modification a
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1974A key West Coast maritime executive who is nationally and internationally known in the tug and barge industry has ibeen elected chairman of the board of the American Institute of Merchant Shipping (AIMS). He is Thomas B. Crowley, president and board chairman of Crowley Maritime Corporation,
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1974White there are grave uncertainties in the picture of world oil supply and demand as a result of Middle East and other developments, it is expected that U.S. tankerborne imports of oil will more than triple during the 1970s. The projection was made in Tulsa, Okla., before the "Symposium on
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1974The Miami, Fla., chapter of The Propeller Club of the United States has announced that plans are nearing completion for its upcoming Southeastern Regional Convention, May 1-3, at the Sonesta Beach Hotel, Key Biscayne. The three-day business and pleasure meeting is the group's annual gatheri
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1974The Carboline Company of St. Louis, Mo., announces the employment of John R. Saroyan as consultant for the company to assist in the research and development of new generation antifouling and antipolluting protective coatings for the marine industry. Prior to joining Carboline in a consultin
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1974It has recently !been announced that the state-owned Algerian Steamship Navigation Co., C.N.- A.N., has ordered three LNG tankers with Gaz-Transport invar membrane design. Two of them, each with a capacity of 129,400 cubic meters, are to foe ibuilt at C.'N.I.M. shipyards, La Seyne, France, f
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1974Dearborn-Storm Corporation, 9545 Katy Freeway, Houston, Texas 77024, .has announced completion o'f the sale of their portfolio of IBM System 360 computers to a group of private investors for $17 million in cash. A spokesman for the new investor group stated that the new company will continue
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1974The Ocean Scout, the first semisubmersible oil-well drilling rig to be constructed on the East Coast of the United States was towed from Bethlehem Steel's Fort McHenry shipyard on February 21 to a site below the Chesapeake Bay bridges, where final sections of the drilling derrick were erected.
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974Astilleros Espanoles, S.A. recently held a special stockholders' meeting in the Assembly Room of the Spanish Industry Institute (I.N.I.), Madrid, to authorize the board-of directors to increase the capital stock of the company by 50 percent during the next few years. The board is also authoriz
- Rule Changes By Lloyd's Register page: 49
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974The Technical Committee of Lloyd's Register of Shipping has approved new Rules for Inwater Surveys and a number of additions and amendments to the Rules for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships, subject to confirmation by the General Committee. Rules for Inwater Surveys— These
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974The Marjorie R., 18th in a series of high-seas tuna superseiners built by Campbell'Industries, was recently launched at the company's San Diego, Calif., yard. The new clipper, valued at approximately $3 million, is a sister ship to the recently delivered Sandra C. The owners, J.W. Uhlein &
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974The Lady Cynthia, latest addition to the fleet of offshore supply vessels operated by Australian Offshore Services, was recently launched at Carrington Slipways Pty. Ltd.'s 40-acre shipyard on Old Punt Road, Tomago 2322, N.S.W., Australia. The new 192-foot tug/supply vessel was sponsored by th
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974Michael B. Northen, president of Associated Container Transportation/ PACE Line, has been elected president of The Containerization Institute, the international trade organization of the multibillion-dollar intermodal industry. Mr. Northen, who is also on the board of directors of ACT (Austr
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974The Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries has signed a contract with Engelhard Industries, Murray Hill, N.J., for its Systems Department to provide Capac® cathodic protection systems for installation on 16 new U.S. Navy multimission destroyers. The first of the new destroyers, t
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974Milton G. Nottingham, spokesman for the 14,000-member Alumni Association of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, N.Y., has expressed his organization's opposition to the proposed dismemberment of the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee. A House Select Committee on Committ
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974Ocean Transport & Trading Limited, London, England, has announced the formation of a new shipbroking company, Ocean McGregor Limited. The company has been formed from the shipbroking departments of the Ocean subsidiaries, McGregor, Gow and Holland Limited, and Cory Mann 'George (Chartering) Li
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974The Sunshine State, a new twin-screw tug designed by S.L. Petchull, Inc. of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., was recently delivered to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company by the builder, N.E. Insley, Inc. of Crisfie'ld, Md. Built to American Bureau of Shipping standards, the new tug, with dimensions of 46
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974Colt Industries' Fairbanks Morse -Engine Division of Beloit, Wis., has received an order for four diesel engines that will supply all of the electrical power for a huge offshore drilling rig;—the Ocean Ranger. The engines will be built for Ocean Drilling and Exploration Co. of New Orleans, La.
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1974Peter Burbank, president of A.L. Burbank & Company, Ltd., New York, N.Y., has announced the election of Franklin W.L. Tsao as a director to its hoard and the formation of an affiliated company, Shipcentral, Limited, New York, of which Mr. Tsao is the president. The board of directors of Ship