Maritime Reporter 1978 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The National Maritime Council, Washington, D.C., has urged major foreign shipping line executives and foreign maritime labor union leaders in eight countries to press their own governments to crack down on Soviet rateslashing practices in oceangoing trade. James R. Barker, chairman of the
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The De Laval Separator Company has issued a new brochure containing comprehensive information on centrifugal separators. Entitled "Centrifugal Separation: a Science and an Art," the brochure's release is part of a yearlong program commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the centrifugal s
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978Joseph L. Waldvogel has joined Soros Associates, New York, N.Y., consulting engineers, as a vice president. Mr. Waldvogel has over 30 years of experience in the engineering and management of complex marine and industrial projects, from conceptual design through construction. Most recently,
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The Southern New England Section of the American Society of Naval Engineers, Groton, Conn., held its fall meeting at the Coast Guard Academy. The technical session of the meeting was a distinguished panel convened to discuss the topic "Southeastern Connecticut's Stake in the Development of
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978Capt. Ami Richter, president of the Washington Island Ferry Line, Inc., and Joe Gagnon, vice president and general manager of Peterson Builders, Inc., shipbuilders of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., recently signed a contract for construction of a new 90-foot by 36-foot ferry for service across Death's Do
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978At a recent joint dinner meeting of the New England Section of the Marine Technology Society (MTS), and the Northern New England Section of the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE), Prof. Eugene Allmendinger spoke on "Submersibles, Past, Present and Future," at the New England Center at
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978Varo, Inc., Garland, Texas, has announced that it has signed an agreement in principle with lotron Corporation of Boston, Mass., providing for the merger of lotron with Varo. lotron, located in Bedford, Mass., a Boston suburb, is a privately held, high technology company which was founded in 1
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978Scholarships in both the graduate and undergraduate levels are again being provided by The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers to encourage men and women to pursue studies in the naval architectural and marine engineering or closely related fields. Only United States or Canadian
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The first Crandall-designed railway drydock to be built in Massachusetts in 50 years has just been completed by Norlantic Diesel, Inc. at their repair yard in Fairhaven. This upgrading of Norlantic's facilities i l l u s t r a t e s the belief that the New Bedford fishing fleet is alive and
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The Pioneer Service, latest of six sophisticated tug/supply vessels built for operation by Zapata Marine Service, Inc. on America's ocean frontiers, was commissioned on November 18 at Davisville, R.I. in special ceremonies. This 5,750- horsepower vessel is one of five sister ships now based
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978C.T. Shen, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, and Thomas W. Burke, president and chief operating officer of American Steamship Company, a subsidiary of GATX Corporation, have announced the election of three executives, Louis E. Ervin, D. Ward Fuller, and Dennis M. O'Connor t
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978Demonstrating an electronic model of Avondale Shipyards' innovative new pipe fabricating facility are, left to right, Lee Rice president of Ogden T r a n s p o r t a t i o n , Inc., Richard Brunner, executive vice president of Avondale, and Albert Bossier, president of Avondale. Looking on i
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The Fourth Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium will be held on January 20, 1979 in the Key Auditorium of St. John's College, Annapolis, Md. The Chesapeake Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) joins The Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association ( C B Y R A ) a
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The 21st annual joint meeting of the California Sections of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers was held in Santa Barbara this year. Los Angeles acted as the host to members from both San Francisco and San Diego. The meeting was organized by Robert A. Rourke of the J.J. Henry
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978Gerald A. Plank has been appointed supervisor of operations and diving for Crowley Environmental Services Corporation, Seattle, Wash., according to an announcement by Barry Paulsen, CES Northwest Division general manager. Mr. Plank has nearly 10 years' experience in underwater construction,
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The Programme Committee for the Sixth International Conference on Liquefied Natural Gas to be held in Kyoto, Japan, April 6- 11, 1980, invites proposals for papers. The main themes of the five-day conference, which also includes parallel Workshop Sessions and an Exhibition, will be: "LNG an
- El Paso Savannah Christened At Avondale Shipyards In New Orleans Joins A Fleet Of Nine LNG Tankers page: 30
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The El Paso Savannah, the last ship in the current series Avondale Shipyards is building for The El Paso Company's new fleet of LNG tankers, was christened on November 11, in New Orleans. Miss Rhonda Rousakis, daughter of the Honorable John P. Rousakis, Mayor of Savannah, Ga., and Mrs. Rous
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978The October meeting of the Long Beach-Greater Los Angeles Section of The American Society of Naval Engineers was held in the Princess Room of the S/S Princess Louise Restaurant in San Pedro, Calif. The members and guests enjoyed the fellowship of meeting and greeting old friends and new ac
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978At an i n t e r n a t i o n a l two-day conference on Operational Aspects of Propulsion Shafting Systems in London on May 21 and 22, 1979, sponsored by the Committee on International Co-operation on Marine Engineering Systems (ICMES) and the Institute of Marine Engineers (IMarE), speakers f
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Maritime Reporter
on December 15, 1978Samuel T. Rugh has been appointed Bell Saturation manager for SeaTec International, Ltd., Gloucester, Mass., William T. Jebb, president, announced. Mr. Rugh is a former member of the U.S. Navy Underwater Demolition Team and more recently, diving superintendent of Bell Systems for Oceaneerin