SNAME Scholarships For Graduate And Undergraduate Levels
Scholarships in both the graduate and undergraduate levels are again being provided by The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers to encourage men and women to pursue studies in the naval architectural and marine engineering or closely related fields. Only United States or Canadian citizens are eligible.
For the Graduate Study Program, application forms have been forwarded to ship operating and shipbuilding companies, affiliated trades and to universities located in all sections of the country. Applications for graduate scholarships for the fall of 1979 should be filed with the secretary and executive director of the Society at One World Trade Center, Suite 1369, New York, N.Y. 10048, before the closing date of February 1, 1979.
The maximum value of the graduate scholarships usually covers the cost of tuition at the school selected. The Scholarships Committee will determine in each case the exact value of the graduate scholarship award. Each successful candidate may select the institution for advanced studies, subject to the approval of the Scholarship Committee.
Factors considered in making the selection include scholastic ability, the candidate's capacity to pursue advanced study, ambition, personality and other qualities indicative of prospective leadership status in the marine industry. For at least one scholarship, emphasis will be placed on recent employment of at least five years in the marine field as a factor for selection.
In addition to the Graduate Program, several undergraduate scholarships of $1,000 each are made available by the Society at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Michigan, and State University of New York Maritime College. Grants-in-Aid are also made available at the University of California at Berkeley.
Also, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture provides a tuitionfree education to all undergraduate students. Recognizing this fact, the Society supports the Webb program with annual contributions, bringing Webb indirectly into the scholarship program.
Those interested should contact the above institutions directly and not the Society, since nominations for Society Undergraduate Funds have been assigned to them. All recipients of undergraduate scholarships will be subject to the approval of the Scholarships Committee.
Read SNAME Scholarships For Graduate And Undergraduate Levels in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of December 15, 1978 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from December 15, 1978 issue
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- Genstar And British Shipbuilders To Bid For CAF Patrol Frigates page: 7
- 1978 SNAME Annual Meeting Cites Role In Maritime Industry Progress page: 9
- American Bureau Of Shipping Moves Its Headquarters To 65 Broadway In New York City page: 11
- Ship Structure Committee Publishes Two Reports On Strength Of Materials page: 12
- Kenneth M. Jones Elected President Offshore Logistics, Inc. page: 12
- J. Ray McDermott & Co. Elects Eight Officers page: 13
- L N G - L P G Conference Set For Houston, Texas November 13-16, 1979 page: 13
- Sun Ship Awarded $137.5 Million To Build Two Ships For Waterman page: 14
- Halter Marine Delivers Supply Boat To Brazil page: 16
- Port Weller Awarded $10-Million Conversion page: 16
- IMODCO Establishes Far East Marketing Office page: 16
- General Dynamics7 Innovative Method Of Launching Submarines page: 17
- Seaward, Inc. Promotes Michael K. Kutzleb page: 18
- Union Mechling Corp. Names Ronald Olander page: 18
- Selby, Battersby & Co.'s N e w Flooring C o m b i n e s U n i q u e S a f e t y Features page: 19
- Amerada Hess To Build Five Catug Units At Cost Of $283,800,000 page: 20
- J.J. Henry Co., Inc. Names Gerald Jones Manager Portsmouth, Va. Office page: 20
- Savannah Machine And Shipyard Awarded $2.6-Million Contract page: 22
- Reno Spiteri Opens O f f i c e In M a l t a page: 23
- A r g o N a m e s Nietsch To Pollution Control Post page: 23
- ITT Mackay Marine Hosts Product Display And Discussion On Key Marine Communication And Navigation Issues page: 25
- Pacific Northwest Section, SNAME, Holds Annual Meeting In Union, Washington page: 26
- SeaTec International Appoints Samuel Rugh page: 27
- London To Host Two-Day Conference On Ship Propulsion page: 27
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- El Paso Savannah Christened At Avondale Shipyards In New Orleans Joins A Fleet Of Nine LNG Tankers page: 30
- Sixth International LNG Conference Invites Proposals For Papers page: 32
- Crowley Environmental Services Appoints Operations Supervisor page: 32
- SNAME California Sections Hold Annual Joint Meeting page: 32
- Fourth Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium Set For January 20 page: 34
- Avondale Shipyards' New Pipe Fabricating Facility page: 34
- American Steamship Company Elects Three Executives To Vice Presidential Posts page: 37
- Zapata Commissions Latest Of Workboats Supporting Atlantic Coast Exploration page: 37
- New 500-Ton Crandall Railway Drydock For Fairhaven, Massachusetts page: 38
- SNAME Scholarships For Graduate And Undergraduate Levels page: 39
- lotron Corporation Merges With Varo, Inc. page: 40
- New England Sections Of ASNE And MTS Discuss Submersibles page: 41
- Peterson To Build Ferry For Washington Island Ferry Line page: 41
- ASNE Southern New England Section Discusses Southeastern Connecticut's Stake In The Development Of Offshore Resources page: 42
- Joseph L. Waldvogel Joins Soros Associates page: 42
- De Laval Issues Comprehensive Brochure On Centrifugal Separators page: 42
- Foreign Nations Urged To Crack Down On Soviet Rate-Slashing page: 42