Maritime Reporter 2003 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003There is a growing 24/7 attitude in Venezuela, particularly aboard a certain floating platform at mile 182 on the Orinoco River in Puerto Ordaz Venezuela. The Bauxilum Company mines Bauxite from their mines in central Venezuela, and the Bauxite is loaded onto barges and shipped 350 miles downst
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003Techcrane Global Corporation is a Covington, La.-based marine crane manufacturer/distributor who recently installed Techcrane Model F250-100 onboard Torch Offshore L.L.C.'s Midnight Wrangler. This was a crane custom-designed for Torch with a maximum capacity of 125 tons at 30-ft. reach. Time
- Container Market Pauses page: 15
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003Early last year, "experts" were warning of a prolonged slump in the box trades, fueled by reckless over-ordering by irresponsible carriers and shipbuilders offering special deals on price. Howe Robinson's Container Index had sunk to a low point of 451 in January and leading liner company exec
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003At the Europort 2003 exhibition in Amsterdam last month, MX Marine debuted its new family of marine GPS/DGPS products, a family of products designed to provide a flexible and expandable platform for the next generation of integrated navigation and marine information systems. "These three new
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003Confounding the skeptics who said the 70.300-gt Queen Elizabeth 2 would be the last transatlantic liner ever built, the 150.000-gt Queen Mary 2 is set to make her service debut in January 2004, signifying a $780- million investment in a luxury passenger ship structurally engineered for the Nort
- great ships of 2003 page: 19
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003Name White Rose Builder Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Owner Husky Oil Operation Type FPSO For many years now, contracts for ships and floating units to operate in an offshore environment have been much-prized value-added goals at Samsung. These include not only shuttle but drill ships,
- Careful ... Your TBT May Be Showing page: 17
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003If you thought hull anti-fouling systems were boring (think Teredo worm), then you haven't been paying attention to the controversy surrounding use of organotin compounds on the underwater hulls of ships. Fouling has been a problem for ships since time immemorial. The Teredo worm (scientifi
- BV Backs Double-Hull Bulker Designs page: 10
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003Bureau Veritas has given preliminary approval to three designs for double-hull bulk carriers that are expected to meet future revisions to IACS and IMO regulations. The designs, two for Capesizes and one for a Panamax bulk carrier, will all withstand the flooding of each individual cargo hold
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003Lloyd Werft's Werner Liiken may not be too sure as to whether ship repair yards constitute "port facilities" under the ISPS Code but others do not share his doubts. Speaking at the Shiprepair Conference and Exhibition in London last month, he said he really didn't think that repair yards shou
- New Sub Model Christened at NNS page: 12
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003Northrop Grumman Corporation's Newport News sector held a christening ceremony on Nov. 19 for its submarine model concept called Newport News Experimental Model 1 (NNemo 1). NNemo 1 is a scaled, radio-controlled model of Newport News' advanced hullform concept submarine design. Testing of NN
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003Odfjell's consolidated net result after tax was $11 million for the first nine months 2003 compared to $31 million in the same period 2002. The 2003 figure is after net extraordinary expenses of $49 million, including a fine from the US Department of Justice of $42.5 million and other costs d
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2003Maritime Meanings Davy Jones In nautical mythology, Davy Jones is the spirit of the sea, usually cast in the form of a sea devil. Thus, the bottom of the sea is called Davy Jone's Locker, the final resting place of sunken ships, of articles lost or thrown overboard, and of men buried at sea. It
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2003The UK's first full active escort tug simulator is to be installed on Merseyside. The Polaris System, manufactured by Kongsberg Maritime Ship Systems AS, allows tug captains to learn how to escort large ships in a completely safe, simulated environment. The escort tug simulator-training facility
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2003Transas commercially launched the latest version of its Engine Room Simulator. ERS 4000. The new simulator is enhanced with a number of new significant capabilities aimed at satisfying the increasing demands of users of this kind of simulation product. The modified ERS 4000 simulator features
- Rickmers Singapore Christened page: 97
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2003Rickmers Singapore, one of nine new Superflex Heavy Multi-Purpose Container (MPC) vessels being built in China for Rickmers-Linie, Hamburg, was christened in its namesake city. Rickmers Singapore is employed on Rickmers1 Round-The- World Pearl String Service having been delivered to the compa
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2003The work carried out on the 11,564 grt multipurpose subsea installation vessel CSO Deep Pioneer included the installation of two new ROV Launch & Recovery Systems and eight new two-cabin modular accomodation modules to take in the new crew requirements. Three new 1,360 kW generators were also
- KMY Helps Breaks the Ice in Russia page: 97
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2003Following evaluation by ExxonMobil, operator of the Sakhalin-1 project in Russia, Kvaerner Masa-Yards Inc., Finland, and Far-Eastern Shipping Company PLC (FESCO), Russia, signed contracts for the design and construction of two icebreaking stand-by and supply vessels for the Sakhalin-1 project
- ONR To Evaluate SeaCoaster page: 92
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2003American Marine Holdings, builders of Donzi and Pro-Line Boats, signed an agreement with the U.S. Office of Naval Research to build and test a 103 ft., hi-speed, air-inducted vessel under their government sales division's new aluminum catamaran line, SeaCoaster. The construction of this vessel
- Knowledge Interchange page: 71
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2003The increasing interplay of commercial marine and naval disciplines has found new expression in the appointment of Registro Italiano Navale (RINA) to class the largest, and most complex ship ordered to date by the Italian Navy. RINA introduced special rules for naval vessels at the end of 20
- Asheim Takes Helm of Hoegh Fleet page: 62
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2003Yngvil Asheim has been named fleet manager in HFS responsible for the management of Leif Hoegh & Co and HUAL's car carrier fleet, starting January 1. 2004. She came to HFS from DNV in 2002, where she was manager of DNV's Machinery Ship in Operation division. Asheim has a degree (Master of Sc