2013 Articles
- When is a Ship Not a Ship? page: 18
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Q4 2013Does your insurance coverage fit your operation? No business likes to hear the word “denied” from their insurance company. But when a business purchases an insurance policy, it enters into a contract that carefully outlines what insurance protection is being offered to the business, and what is not
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Q4 2013Why the wild ride for company valuations? The financial crisis and global recession that began in 2008 had a major impact on almost every major world industry. Its effects can be examined by analyzing historical data and trends for the highly cyclical maritime industry, including both public comp
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Q4 2013With “America’s Energy Renaissance” oil trade patterns are changing. The impact is far reaching, but not easily defined. Ship spotters around the Hudson River, which snakes north from New York towards Albany, have been abuzz since the middle of the year when the medium range (MR) tanker Afrodit
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Marine Technology
on November 2013In the latest edition of its World ROV Operations Market Forecast, Douglas-Westwood (DW) expect annual expenditure on work-class ROV operations to increase from $1.6B in 2013 to $2.4B in 2017, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.3%. The market is expected to total $9.7B over the period, a gro
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Marine Technology
on November 2013Announced in June 2011, Bourbon and CGG entered a five-year charter agreement for a series of six custom newbuild seismic support vessels. Now more than two years later, the third ship in the series, Bourbon Gannet, is due to enter service in the early part of 2014, following the launch of the first
- Dr. Jennifer Brower, Prometheus page: 18
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Marine Technology
on November 2013Prometheus Inc., incorporated in 1983, is a mathematics and engineering research firm that specializes in the application of high-level mathematics to modeling, simulation and signal processing. Last month MTR caught up with Dr. Jennifer Brower to discuss the company's position in the marketplace
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Marine Technology
on November 2013Fugro Seacore is building a pile top drill, the T120, for the offshore wind farm market to assist with monopole installations of up to eight meters diameter. The development represents a significant step forward in capacity, as Its current big drill has 90 metric tons of rotational torque; the new
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Marine Technology
on November 2013Makai Ocean Engineering received a $3.6 million contract from the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute and the Office of Naval Research for research and design on the marine renewable energy known as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, or OTEC. Makai will perform this work at their Ocean Energy Research Cen
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Marine Technology
on November 2013SeaOrbiter is touted as a “space station of the sea,” and your guess if you ever see it on one of the world’s oceans is a good as ours. Last month saw the launch of a “crowd funding campaign” on KissKissBankBank to finance the construction of the “Eye” of the vessel, to start in spring 2014. As des
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Q4 2013Ready or not, here it comes. Are you prepared? In March 2012, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) amended its regulations on ballast water management by establishing standards for the allowable concentration of marine organisms in ballast waters discharged in ports and coastal areas of the United States. T
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Q4 2013As maritime security evolves, so too is the need for increased and standardized professionalism in the ranks of Private Maritime Security Companies. In many respects, the maritime security industry is still in adolescence. The growing pains associated with speed of expansion have led to disparity
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Q4 2013Technology Can Drive Risk Management as Maritime Professionals Optimize Security The job responsibilities of Maritime Professionals inevitably include the requirement to understand risks, analyze options for risk mitigation, and make strategic and tactical decisions to ensure the viability of the
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Q4 2013FARO 3D laser scanning allows the Chief Engineer or Project Manager to work in detail with 3D model shots of machinery spaces with increased accuracy and reduced costs. The time to install a Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) System or maybe an Exhaust Gas Scrubber is rapidly approaching. Or, perhaps, y
- Damen Looks Offshore page: 43
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Q4 2013As Damen looks offshore, the market leader in standardized hulls, spec series build techniques and (arguably) quality too, also spreads its wings into new markets. If Damen Shipyard’s standardized hulls are the hallmark of its existence, then providing customers with a proven and reliable product
- Converting for the Oil Market page: 40
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Q4 2013Deepwater Offshore Presents New Opportunities for Accommodation Vessels. The U.S. Gulf of Mexico, offshore Brazil and West Africa have recently been tagged as the “Golden Triangle” of deepwater oil exploration. An interesting label, considering a triangular definition of success, prosperity and inf
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Maritime Logistics Professional
on Q4 2013Aker’s comeback story isn’t yet over, but the middle chapters certainly make for compelling copy. The nation’s market leader in blue water tankers and containerships looks aft to (painful) lessons learned and at the same time, ahead for additional opportunities. Aker Philadelphia Shipyard (Oslo: AK
- Immersion Suit Drying System Ordered page: 59
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Marine Technology
on November 2013Pronomar received an order from OutSmart in Velp/NL, for a Pronomar - Top Trock drying systems for delivery to their Operation Control Center in Emden/Germany. The drying systems, made from long-lasting stainless steel, for seven survival suits work using a powerful, yet energy-efficient blower whi
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Marine Technology
on November 2013The National Oceanography Center (Southampton) has recently purchased two Giant Snow Catchers from Havant-based oceanographic systems company OSIL (Ocean Scientific International Ltd.), for use in the NERC funded Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry research program next year. Marine Snow Catchers are crucial
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Marine Technology
on November 2013Oceanic Imaging Consultants, Inc. (OIC), of Honolulu, Hawaii, introduced the first Stand-Alone Mosaicking Module (SAMM) for forward-look sonar (FLS). SAMM is a plug-and-play add-on to forward look sonar systems that automatically creates mosaics in real time from FLS data. SAMM’s Data Acquisition Fe
- OSIL Launches Fracking Water Monitor page: 59
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Marine Technology
on November 2013OSIL will offer a full fracking monitoring system to enable clients to monitor local water quality before, during and after operations. Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking), where gas is extracted from shale rock, is becoming an increasingly popular means of extracting gas. The implementation of a reliab